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DS Chapter 8

 Chapter 8: Basic Psychic Power Level 1

After lunch, Chen Mo went to the library.

With the identity of a librarian, Chen Mo naturally could easily make use of the books here to quickly understand this world.

Knowledge changes fate, and it is not without reason.

There weren't many people in the library.

After all, most of natural disasters believed that violence could solve everything, so there would never be the overcrowded scene that Chen Mo imagined. Only when they encountered certain difficulties, and these natural disaster survivors possessed considerable independent thinking and wisdom, would they think of books.

The books in the library came in all shapes and forms.

There were parchment scrolls, wooden boards, stone carvings, bamboo slips, and Chen Mo even found metal paper, jade slips, and storage chips! Of course, the vast majority were ordinary paper books, displayed on twenty or thirty large and small bookshelves.

Work cannot be accomplished overnight.

Chen Mo planned to first categorize these books, neatly place the most conspicuous books outside, so that the library would not look messy, and then gradually organize the entire library in the following work hours, making the library look more presentable.

After a lot of work, two hours had passed unknowingly.

The tired Chen Mo wiped his sweat and planned to take a rest. He then took out the books he needed, sat in the most conspicuous place in the library, and began to read carefully.

By nature, although Chen Mo could pass the time like a normal day, he did not want to do so. Perhaps it was a habit developed during his childhood, he had to handle every matter seriously in order to sleep peacefully without any psychological burden.

The books Chen Mo was reading at the moment were all about the development directions of psychic abilities.

That is, the corresponding professional abilities of perception, elements, and psychic power, as well as the ways to train basic skills.

The so-called specialization refers to the evolutionary direction of natural disasters, developing specialized professional abilities in a systematic manner, and gaining professional skills that do not occupy skill slots. This is the key for Level 2 natural disaster Enhancers to advance to Level 3 natural disaster Destroyers. It is a process that requires long-term exploration, coordination, and growth.

The evolution of perception is represented by sentinels and snipers.

The characteristics of this profession are that they often can foresee danger ahead of others, act faster, and have a good detective effect on hidden units. The disadvantage is that their survival adaptation ability is relatively poor, making it a relatively unpopular evolutionary direction.

The evolution of elements is represented by elemental mages and five-element sorcerers.

The characteristics of this profession are strong explosiveness, often able to burst out quite astonishing damage in a short period of time, and have strong control over the situation. The disadvantage is that there is an attribute restraint and the energy consumption is difficult to sustain.

The evolution of psychic power is represented by support telekinesis users and summoners.

The characteristics of this profession are delicate manipulation, flexible and changeable combat styles, and strong survival adaptation ability. The disadvantage is that the skill release distance is close, and many times require close combat.

Chen Mo contemplated for a long time on these three professional direction choices.

What ultimately made Chen Mo decide was the evaluation of strong survival adaptation ability in the introduction of psychic power specialists.

"The stone's stone skin talent, combined with his own psychic adaptation, fully displays each other's strengths, producing an effect greater than the sum of one plus one!"

Since he had made a decision, Chen Mo would not easily change it, but would continuously strive towards the direction he had chosen.

He got up and began to look for relevant information on psychic power users.

Unknowingly, the afternoon had passed.

"Encounter any problems?"

A middle-aged female instructor with black-framed glasses came to the library and, seeing Chen Mo rearranging the borrowed books neatly, asked with a satisfied look.


After respectfully greeting, Chen Mo responded, "There weren’t many problems, just that the book classification here is too messy. I need a long time to organize it, and there are also some problems with the reading tables here that need to be repaired."


To Chen Mo's surprise, the female instructor handed him a metal key.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave this place to you from now on. My office is in Room 510. If you need anything, you can come find me. I'm responsible for the operation of the library from two to six every afternoon."

After pushing her glasses, she added, "Oh, you can call me Instructor Loulan."

At the same time, a prompt came from the chip.

Prompt: Loulan has transferred 1 point of natural disaster contribution points to you. Do you accept? (Yes/No)


With a thought, the chip transmitted a new prompt.

Prompt: You have received 1 point of natural disaster contribution.

After Instructor Loulan left, Chen Mo looked at the key in his hand. It was an unintentional act, but he unexpectedly received another prompt from the chip.

Prompt: White quality.


After a brief shock, Chen Mo found it hard to believe, "Magic material?"

But soon he understood.

If this key was not a magical material, it would have been corroded and decayed by Instructor Loulan's natural disaster energy long ago. It seemed that it was for the sake of convenience in carrying it.

However, for Chen Mo, this was an unexpected surprise!

Because according to the information just collected, to train basic psychic power, one needed to practice through meditation.

The meditation method for basic psychic powers is different from basic elemental meditation. It does not focus on natural energy but rather requires focusing on real physical objects.

According to the descriptions in the books.

Although ordinary materials can serve as objects for meditation, using magical materials can greatly enhance the process. Especially during the initial stages of developing basic psychic powers, meditating with magical materials as objects can make a huge difference in achieving Basic Psychic Power Level 1.

According to records.

Some people have been meditating on psychic power for several years without any effect. It wasn't until one day, when he used a piece of magical equipment as his meditation object, that he successfully achieved Basic Psychic Power Level 1 on that same day.

Now that he had this magical key as a meditation target, it was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Chen Mo.

After dinner, Chen Mo went to the training area.

People who were panting heavily kept running past him, sweat dripping.

Chen Mo also ran two laps, completed the warm-up exercise, and then slowly walked to a deserted corner.

He took out the library key from the storage space.

Psychic meditation requires the meditator to completely focus their attention on one point, which is different from the remote sensing meditation method of basic perception, and the divergent meditation method of basic elements.

Gradually, it seemed to become quieter around him.

Just like entering a state of concentration for early morning reading sessions, years of studying had quickly put Chen Mo into this state of single-mindedness. All his attention was focused on this key, and its details seemed to infinitely magnify as Chen Mo observed it attentively. Its shape, its weight, its material, its temperature, its hooks, its flaws.

Unknowingly, Chen Mo entered a mysterious state.

In his perception, he was still observing the details of this key, meticulously.

But in the objective environment, at this moment, he had already closed his eyes, as if he were asleep.

Time passed minute by minute.

The weather became colder, and there were fewer people in the training area.


This key seemed to be affected by something and moved slightly.

Gradually, the key seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious force field. Its vibration frequency became larger and larger, and then it actually floated up like affected by anti-gravity, quietly floating in front of Chen Mo, standing in the air, motionless.

After a long time, Chen Mo shuddered and woke up from his meditative state.

"It's so cold, how did I fall asleep!"

His first reaction was actually that he had unknowingly fallen asleep.

Then he couldn't help but think that he had only learned how to erode the storage space with natural disaster energy last night, and then got up early to exercise. Maybe he was too tired.


The sound of the metal key falling made him pause for a moment.

Then, with his intention, the metal key actually swayed in the air and flew into his palm.

After a moment of daze, he opened his attribute panel. At this moment, the words "Basic Psychic Power Level 1" appeared in his basic skills.


Chen Mo couldn't believe it.

He actually succeeded so easily and obtained the basic psychic power skill.

This was probably related to his high spirit value of 23 points, right? Although it was only Basic Psychic Power Level 1, this was a qualitative change from nothing, which meant that Chen Mo would be able to exert his high spirit value specialty and gain a normal attack method based on psychic power attribute.

Thinking of this, he quickly concentrated his attention and tried to control the key again.

The key floated up easily and, according to his intention, floated in the air, even able to roll and rotate. However, it was undoubtedly like scratching an itch through shoes to attack in this slow-moving way.

Thinking of this, he began to concentrate his attention as if he was accumulating strength.

With a swoosh! The key suddenly flew towards a distance at an astonishing speed.

And Chen Mo, who made this attack, instinctively stepped back half a step, then his eyes went black, and a feeling of weakness came over him.

This was like a child who had just learned to throw, exerting all his strength to throw the first stone.

"Oh no, this is the key to the library!"

After waking up, Chen Mo hurried towards the direction where he had just launched the key.

The sky was completely dark, and it was difficult to find a small key. Fortunately, it was late at night now, and there were not many people, so he could search patiently.

Fifty meters away, Chen Mo finally found the key.

"Whew, scared me."

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief holding the key.

He didn't want to lose this job he had just gotten.

After returning to the corner of the training area, he quickly put the key into the storage space, dared not to experiment with it again, and instead focused his psychic power on a walnut-sized stone.

The stone gradually floated up.

Swoosh! Chen Mo launched it again, and the brief feeling of weakness came as expected.

This was not due to Chen Mo's unfamiliarity with the skill, but rather, like swinging an arm to throw, there was inevitably a pause in the process.

Compared to the first experiment, Chen Mo's projection process this time was obviously clearer in his mind.

"It seems to be much closer than the distance of launching the key."

When Chen Mo found the stone he had just launched, he knew that it was not an illusion. It was only about twenty meters away, and there were still several meters affected by inertia.

The actual distance the stone was thrown by psychic power was only about twenty meters.

After several consecutive experiments, Chen Mo also verified his guess.

The effective range of his psychic power attack was only a little over twenty meters. If the target attached with psychic power was a magical material, the distance would be longer, but it was only about thirty meters.

This seemed to be similar to the distance of throwing.

But fortunately, after many tests, Chen Mo found that the damage caused by the object launched by psychic power within its effective killing range was higher because his spiritual attribute was far higher than his strength attribute, which resulted in higher damage.

If you throw an object with your arm, the initial damage at close range is undoubtedly higher. However, as the distance increases, the damage will gradually decrease, which is completely different from the nature of psychic attacks.

After continuous experiments, Chen Mo felt that he was gradually becoming tired, his mental power was greatly reduced, and the initial excitement was gradually calming down.

The cold of the night made him shiver involuntarily, and he hurried back to the dormitory.

(End of chapter 8)
