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DS Chapter 34

 Chapter 34: Your Father

"Quick, help them!"

It was Xiao Ya, who upon seeing Lei Wu and his group in danger panicked and shouted disregarding Chen Mo's earlier warning. She hurriedly urged the nearby bio-beasts to assist.

And her urging obviously had an effect.

A half-man, half-pig bio-beast covered in steel spikes roared and then rushed towards Doctor Terror.

The thinking of these bio-beasts had already diverged from that of normal people. They became more impulsive and direct, no longer beating around the bush or using various conspiracies and tricks like humans.

"Tao Dong!"

The half-lion bio-beast was startled by this scene.

"Come back to me! He alone is enough. Try not to kill Doctor Terror. Don't you all want the antidote?"

Facing the reprimand of the half-lion man, the other bio-beasts calmed down. However, the situation it worried about did not occur.

This half-man, half-pig bio-beast, upon getting close to Doctor Terror, seemed to become like a mouse encountering a cat. Its body became limp and Doctor Terror left several deep wounds that were visible to the bone.

After struggling for a moment, Han Xue realized it would be difficult to continue resisting Doctor Terror's attacks. She glanced at Lei Wu, who had already repositioned himself in a combat stance behind her, shouted loudly then rolled away to escape.

It was only then that everyone noticed the anomaly.

This half-pig man, who had originally been fierce, suddenly trembled and shivered in place upon getting close to Doctor Terror, completely becoming like a lamb to be slaughtered. Not only did it not attack Doctor Terror, but it also didn't even seem to know how to escape and was left with several deep wounds visible to the bone on its chest by Doctor Terror.

Fortunately, these bio-beasts were quite strong and the wounds were not fatal to them.

"He, he!"

The half-man, half-pig bio-beast couldn't even speak anymore and despite its efforts to express something, all that was left was trembling.

Fortunately due to its sudden appearance and Han Xue's efforts, Lei Wu finally managed to create some distance, seemingly feeling ashamed of his recent fear and launching another attack on Doctor Terror.

After Doctor Terror chased Lei Wu away the half-pig man finally came to his senses, by now he was drenched in sweat and his gaze towards Doctor Terror was filled with deep fear.

The other bio-beasts also noticed something was wrong.

"What happened just now?"

The half-lion bio-beast came to its side and questioned loudly.

"Just now, as I was getting close to him, I felt like I was being shocked. I was instantly surrounded by an inexplicable fear as if falling into a bottomless dark abyss. I screamed and struggled desperately, but I couldn't make a sound or move at all. I could only watch helplessly as he inflicted harm upon me, completely unable to resist."

The explanation from the half-pig bio-beast made the half-lion man draw in a cold breath but it seemed somewhat skeptical.

"It sounds like he's telling the truth!"

However, the gorilla man suddenly spoke up.

He looked pensive, his expression serious as he said, "If you concentrate, you should be able to feel it too. There's indeed a strange aura emanating from him. It seems that just by getting close to him, it will lead to an irreversible abyss."

At this, many bio-beasts woke up as if from a dream. Indeed, there was an aura emanating from Doctor Terror that terrified them. Just getting close caused their bodies to tremble uncontrollably. Not to mention fighting back even escaping seemed like a luxury.

They had felt this way before but at that time they were locked in cages thinking they were afraid of the evil experiments the other side was about to conduct on them. Thinking it was psychological fear. But now they realized that this fear was not just psychological. It seemed to originate from their cellular genes' instincts!

Doctor Terror had anticipated a situation like this and his mouth was filled with a strange laughter.

He looked at the half-lion man and chuckled, "I am your creator, your father. How dare you lay hands on your own father? After I deal with these intruders, I'll catch you all again and study you slowly. I just came up with an interesting experiment yesterday and haven't had the chance to experiment on you yet."

No wonder he was so confident even facing so many bio-beasts without panic.

Seeing Lei Wu's attack coming again, he ignored these tough guys and hurriedly continued to chase Lei Wu.


Upon hearing this, the bio-beasts were briefly shocked but then they were immediately filled with anger. At this moment, they hated the evil Hive Organization even more!

On the other side.

As Chen Mo approached the assistant researcher, he immediately launched a psychic attack. The metal fragments fell on him, quickly drawing blood.

However, what surprised Chen Mo was that the opponent's psychic counterattack was actually through a special psychic weapon. It was a walnut-sized, pitch-black sphere.

Controlled by the assistant researcher’s psychic power, its speed was incredibly fast. The intense pain made Chen Mo couldn't help but grunt and his body involuntarily stiffened. When he got hit in the chest by the black sphere, he felt like his ribs were about to break.

Health -24. Chen Mo took a deep breath, but his eyes lit up. After all his defence at this moment was an astonishing 13 points.

With such a high defence of his own, the fact that the opponent could still cause so much damage through basic psychic attacks was surprising. Assuming the opponent's mental power was not exceptionally high or their basic psychic level did exceed that of elite creatures, the most likely explanation was the quality of this psychic weapon, likely reaching green quality.

Green-quality weapons have a base damage of 20-30 points. Only with such a weapon could the opponent cause such high damage with a basic psychic attack.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

Chen Mo was increasingly glad he had chosen the assistant researcher as his target.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo immediately adjusted his internal energy and activated the psychic bullet skill. A bullet of energy wrapped in psychic power was launched and accurately hit the assistant.

Unlike elemental attacks, psychic attacks must use a physical substance or energy as a carrier and must be attached to a real existing object. Therefore although the attack range of psychics is closer, after hitting the target it will be accompanied by a significant impact force which often causes the one attacked to experience a brief slowdown and a pause, which can be said to be a characteristic of psychic attacks.

Of course, this so-called slowdown and pause only occur when the strength difference between the two sides is not significant or when one's strength is far superior to the other and it is also influenced by factors such as the endurance and anger of the attacked.

With a cry of pain, the white-clad assistant was obviously injured by Chen Mo's blow. However before Chen Mo could attack again the metal sphere controlled by the assistant also came crashing down. After a moment of pain, the light brain chip prompted a decrease in health by 22 points.

The pain caused Chen Mo to momentarily stiffen. He then endured the pain and launched another basic psychic attack causing the white-clad assistant to scream again.

At this moment, the two of them were like long lost adversaries, constantly using psychic power to control objects and smash them at each other.

To Chen Mo's surprise, the damage caused by the opponent's basic psychic attack was also quite impressive. After taking a deep breath, Chen Mo evaded the opponent's basic psychic attack by relying on his basic agility. In contrast, Chen Mo's counterattack successfully hit the opponent's head, causing a critical hit.

Seeing blood continuously flowing down the opponent's forehead and unable to stand steadily, looking somewhat dizzy Chen Mo who was only about three meters away from the opponent leapt forward and pounced intending to engage in close combat.

After all, judging from the relatively slender physique of this researcher, he didn't seem to be someone with melee combat abilities.

Although Chen Mo's close combat ability was not outstanding, it was still advantageous compared to the starving ghosts of the disaster world at the same time. At least against black-robed lackeys of the Hive world Chen Mo still held a significant advantage especially with his strong physique. The black-robed lackeys' normal attacks could only cause single-digit damage.

Buzz. At this moment energy surged on the assistant researcher's body and he launched a combat skill.

It turned out that the reason he didn't attack Chen Mo was that he didn't master the skill of using skills between two normal attacks. The time spent activating the skill occupied the opportunity for a basic psychic attack, but this was normal.

After all, as Doctor Terror's experimental assistant his main task was to assist Doctor Terror in completing various experiments not to engage in combat. His psychic abilities were only forcibly implanted into him by Doctor Terror based on research results.

As the energy flowed on the surface of the assistant's body with a gentle force a white light flashed and the wound on his forehead gradually healed at a visible speed.

However after using the psychic recovery technique on himself the assistant hadn't fully recovered yet when a figure pounced on him. With a loud cry the assistant was knocked down to the ground by the figure.

Chen Mo was very lucky. His judgment was completely correct. Although the assistant's physical qualities were comparable to his own and even slightly stronger than the black-robed lackeys and it was obvious that he had been modified by Doctor Terror but he had no experience in close combat at all. 

After Chen Mo forcefully knocked him and pinned him down he immediately panicked.

Following that, Chen Mo transformed into Gui Tu, pressing down on the assistant and continuously swinging his arms. One punch after another viciously smashed towards the assistant's head. However unlike the situation with the Gui Tu, Chen Mo had a short sword in his hand!

Under Chen Mo's attack, the assistant couldn't form an effective counterattack at all and quickly met his end.

Prompt: You have killed Doctor Terror's experimental assistant.

Prompt: You have gained 8 points of disaster contribution points.

Sitting on the assistant's body, Chen Mo slowly pulled out the blood-stained bronze short sword. After picking up his psychic weapon the small black sphere he stared fixedly at the body.

Unfortunately the skill scroll that Chen Mo was hoping for did not appear.

After all, this was just a mutated ordinary creature. Although the points reward was almost comparable to that of an elite creature, the drop rate for skill scrolls was almost negligible.

(End of chapter 34)
