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DS Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Inside and Outside Collaboration

Tian Tian’s mission was very difficult, but she had to complete it.

Yesterday, when leaving Dr. white’s base One-eyed Dragon had personally warned them that if they couldn't capture the last martial artist today what awaited them would be the fate of becoming living specimens for Dr. White's experiments.

There was no doubt that she had failed to complete the task entrusted by One-eyed Dragon.

In the final analysis, joining the ranks of the Hive organization was a wrong choice.

Now even if One-eyed Dragon really wanted to punish her as long as she could contact Xuan Zong, it would be considered a successful completion of the inside and outside collaboration mission. Waiting for Xuan Zong to recover his strength would be considered a great success.

Rumble, rumble.

With an anxious heart, Tian Tian had just arrived near Dr. White's base when she heard a rumbling sound coming from the base. It seemed to be the impact sound of a huge and powerful creature launching an attack with entire tables occasionally being thrown out of the base by tremendous force.

With a look of horror, Tian Tian hurried towards the base.

"Are these the Bio-Beasts!"

One-eyed Dragon had mentioned yesterday that Dr. Terror's laboratory had released a group of terrifying creatures. At this moment, these monsters were in front of the base, rampaging as if it was unguarded. Dozens of black-clothed thugs and several elite black-clothed thugs were torn to shreds by them with ease.

Following the alarm, after the Bio-Beasts blasted open the metal gate they rushed into the base.

Tian Tian, who was peeking outside the base, couldn't help but gasp in shock. This is an opportunity!

One-eyed Dragon was already seriously injured in the previous battle. Otherwise with his strength as a boss, he would have been able to single-handedly withstand the joint attack of two small leaders. Although these monsters were terrifying, if One-eyed Dragon had been at his peak strength, coupled with the assistance of the Black Tiger Dragon, a small leader and many black-clothed thugs, they would have been able to kill these monsters one by one.

After a while, the roars of the Bio-Beasts had gradually penetrated deep into the base.

Tian Tian no longer hesitated and quickly ran back into the base.

Dr. White's T2-level base was naturally incomparable to Dr. Terror's T3-level base in scale. Not only were the experimental materials more abundant, but there were also more advanced protective measures.

However, at this moment, the wide corridors of the base were filled with limbs and bloodstains, belonging to both black-clothed thugs and Bio-Beasts. There were horrifying scratch marks everywhere on the walls and the thick metal gates had been violently torn open.

Tian Tian advanced cautiously not daring to make any sound even her breathing was much quieter.

"Save me."

A black-clothed thug whose body was twisted like a pretzel weakly begged for help in a pool of blood. This startled Tian Tian, who was already nervous and cautious. After seeing the miserable state of the black-clothed thug she ended his life with her own hands, which could be considered a mercy.

"They seem to be heading straight for Dr. White's laboratory."

Tian Tian is not surprised that these bio-beasts can find the laboratory of Dr. White on their own. 

After all as Bio-Beasts, their sense of smell was extremely sensitive. Among them, there must be many guys comparable to sniffing trackers. Although this base was not small, it was not that big either. For their sensitive sense of smell, it was not an obstacle at all.

"In that case, the guard force in the specimen containment room must be very weak right now."

Thinking of this Tian Tian followed the map instructions and quickly walked towards the direction of the specimen containment room.

Just then a group of black-clothed thugs ran towards her apparently going to support the area damaged by the Bio-Beasts.

The leading elite black-clothed thug couldn't help but ask when he saw Tian Tian, "What are you doing here?"

The status of Gao Shu and the others in Dr. White’s base was very awkward. Although they were nominally at the same level as these elite black-clothed thugs, they were not trusted and therefore they had no real power, any elite black-clothed thug could boss them around.

As far as she knew, there seemed to be another small leader in the base, who was the superior of these elite black-clothed thugs. He was usually the final force responsible for guarding Dr. White in the base, until One-eyed Dragon and Black Tiger Dragon were temporarily sent, making him just an ordinary small leader in the base.

However, that day, due to the sudden attack by the investigators, this small leader was too seriously injured, apparently more serious than One-eyed Dragon and had been transferred to the depths of the base for treatment by Dr. White.

Tian Tian responded "Boss One-eyed Dragon ordered me to go to the specimen room to protect the martial artist captured yesterday. This is a precious asset of the doctor and must not have any accidents."

At the mention of Boss One-eyed Dragon the elite black-clothed thug couldn't help but look serious. As for protecting that martial artist he didn't think anything suspicious about it, after all this martial artist was recaptured by these outsiders yesterday.

The roars from the depths of the base became more intense. It seemed that the entire base was echoing with roars and sounds of fighting. The elite black-clothed thug no longer hesitated and with a small team of black-clothed thugs went past Tian Tian letting her go to the specimen room alone.

"Nobody is here?"

In front of the specimen room door there used to be at least a team of black-clothed thugs and an elite guard responsible for guarding. At this moment, there was no one indicating the shortage of manpower in the base as it was invaded by Bio-Beasts.

Tian Tian cautiously opened the door to the specimen room. She walked along the narrow corridor for a while before truly entering the specimen room.

Unlike Dr. Terror's enthusiasm for capturing large wild beasts, Dr. White's artificial human program was more interested in capturing famous martial artists and espers.

However because Dr. White was only a T2 level in the Hive organization, the martial artists and mutants captured were not top-notch. They could only be considered as martial artists and espers of medium strength in some small countries.

There were only four black-clothed thugs in the room. Currently, the entire base's manpower was dealing with the invading Bio-Beasts.

"One-eyed Dragon commanded you to immediately detain these four living specimens into the secret room!"

Before these black-clothed thugs could ask any questions Tian Tian preemptively issued an order.

These black-clothed thugs were below her in status within the base, without the presence of a black-clothed thug elite they could only follow the order, although they hesitated a bit it seemed that due to Tian Tian's charm they didn't question anything and immediately began to follow Tian Tian's command taking these four individuals to a secret room in the base.

At this moment, energy surged within Tian Tian. This was her D-rank skill, Pink Wind Lv4.

Within the range of the Pink Wind skill, after these four black-clothed thugs were momentarily stunned their eyes became glazed, their cheeks turned pink and they began to claw and wrestle with each other.

This was obviously them succumbing to Tian Tian's deep charm. Tian Tian's actions immediately puzzled the four martial artists and espers in the secret room, including Xuan Zong.

"Master Xuan Zong, I am cooperating with your plan, your friends found Dr. Terror's cellular repair agent and released the Bio-Beasts in the base, the chaos here is caused by them."

Tian Tian's words startled Xuan Zong.

Immediately after she took out the cellular repair agent given to her by Chen Mo she said, "Traveler asked me to tell you that the effects of this potion is not as good as you imagined. It can indeed temporarily restore about 80% of your strength to its peak, but it will also bring irreversible genetic damage to you, making it very difficult for you to make further progress in martial arts."

Xuan Zong now almost completely believed the woman in front of him. After hesitating slightly he sighed, "If we can't escape from here, what's the point of talking about further progress?"

As Tian Tian released him from his restraints Xuan Zong no longer hesitated. He tilted his head back and swallowed the potion in one gulp then silently sat cross-legged on the ground guiding the potion's power to repair the damage to his body functions.

Seeing this, the other three also spoke up to ask Tian Tian for the potion. Obviously, they also thought that compared to future problems, how to solve the current dilemma was their real concern.

"I'm sorry, we only found two bottles of the potion at Dr. Terror's base and we've killed Dr. Terror, so..."

After pondering for a moment on who to choose among the three Tian Tian's gaze finally fell on the young girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was a superpower kidnapped by the Hive organization from a country in the Western Continent and also the genius esper Jack wanted to rescue, Lucia.

Compared to the others, the young girl seemed somewhat unwilling. But in the end she still tilted her head back and swallowed the potion in one gulp.

"Wait here for a while. The potion will take effect in a few hours. The chaos in the base should continue for a while. After that we need to treat the wounded, bury the dead, and repair the damaged facilities and so on."

Speaking about this, Tian Tian suddenly remembered something. "Oh, right, I'll go destroy the monitoring room and the power room first."


On the other side,

Zhang Qiang, Lei Wu, Chen Mo, Ku Wu, Han Xue and Xiao Ya were resting and recuperating in the forest.

With Tian Tian's potions, the six of them were finally able to fully recover. 

Zhang Qiang tossed and turned unable to sleep, seemingly nervous and anxious about tomorrow's rescue plan. It's understandable. His companions who had come to rescue Xuan Zong together were now all gone, leaving only him.

Ku Wu lay on the ground, silent from start to finish. Lei Wu, Chen Mo and Han Xue on the other hand, were resting well.

Soon, it was about the agreed time, around two in the morning.

It would probably take about an hour to walk from here to the base. Everyone got up one after another. Xiao Ya took out the breakfast she had carefully prepared, since they couldn't cook she could only carefully chop the ingredients and mix them with some salad dressing.

But even so it still made everyone eat with relish and the fatigue and exhaustion on their bodies were instantly swept away.

"I can't help you in battle so I can only cheer you on like this." Xiao Ya made an encouraging gesture.

If this mission went smoothly, she would be able to leave this island and go home! Thinking of this, she couldn't help but show excitement.

After eating and drinking to their fill under Xiao Ya's gaze the group walked along the dark forest path towards Dr. White's secret base, soon they disappeared from her sight.

(End of chapter 43)
