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DS Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Different Origins

The woman's gaze towards Chen Mo seemed slightly surprised and puzzled.

The reason for her surprise was Chen Mo's Disaster Attribute was somewhat strange.

Firstly, it was evident from his stone skin talent that this little guy named Traveler was a natural disaster who tended to evolve towards a physical pathway, his 14 points in physique indirectly confirmed this.

However his basic attributes for speed and strength were really poor, especially his speed attribute which was only 6 points.

His basic skills were also extremely mediocre to the point where they could be described as trash.

Not only did he master only three basic skills, but his levels were also pitifully low. If it weren't for never being taught by anyone, there was only one explanation, he was a subpar warrior, a waste that should have been eliminated long ago. However, what was strange was his mental strength, which had reached an astonishing 23 points.

Although mental power and intelligence were not directly related, a high mental power did not represent higher intelligence, however a stupid person would not have a high mental strength and with such a high mental strength value he could not be a fool.

Not only did the woman feel strange but also the starving ghosts waiting in front of the gate showed the same puzzlement.

"23 points of mental power?"

It should be noted that the basic attributes of adult natural disasters, without special talents and special cultivation averaged around 10 points and 15 points or more could be considered excellent.

How could such a person be abandoned?

Moreover, he also had the talent of Stone Skin.

About a third of natural disasters in the world of disasters have talents.

Of course, this does not mean that a third of every baby born in the world of disasters has a talent, out of a hundred babies born in this world only three survive and from those three one of them would have a talent.

Fortunately, female natural disasters, due to the fertility benefits, never have  to go out on missions, so there is no need to worry about injuries reducing their lifespan, so they can continue to give birth without any worries, coupled with the alternative population supplement method in the disaster world, it would prevent a continuous decline in population.

Natural disasters typically evolve according to their talents and can generally demonstrate increasingly strong strength with their talents.

"Maybe he's an orphan."

Someone in the crowd speculated.

Orphans and abandoned ones are different.

Although both have lost their relatives' care and have to enter the disaster academy before they are fully adults, the abandoned ones are those who have been abandoned by their relatives and deemed unworthy of cultivation as inferior warriors while orphans have their relatives die during the nurturing process, so there may be some outstanding talents among them.


After murmuring in her heart, the woman continued to stand in front of everyone looking into the distance and waiting for the arrival of the next starving ghost.

"Hello, can you give me some food?"

A weak voice beside her made her turn her head involuntarily.

It was the little guy who had just established a starving ghost file and implanted the light brain data chip. He was looking at her eagerly and very weak as if he could collapse at any moment.

Normally she would of course choose to ignore it but just now she had completed the data test on him and was curious about his situation which sparked a bit of interest in the woman. So after a slight hesitation, a hazy void area suddenly appeared in front of her, she reached out and grabbed at it and took out a bag of biscuits handing it to Chen Mo.

This was a high-class snack she had left over from the morning originally intended to sneak a bite in the afternoon but now it was cheap for this little guy.

The storage space cannot store food for a long time. Even the high class food made by the organic synthesizer in the disaster world can only be stored for two days at most.

Chen Mo was not surprised by this.

The mother of the Stone also had this ability which was one of the basic abilities of every natural disaster called Disaster Erosion Storage Space, commonly known as Storage Space.

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo's hand trembled as he opened the package and he even saw advertisements on it.

"Soak in milk, life is wonderful, Happy Family Puffed Biscuits."

As the food entered his mouth the chewing sound between his lips and teeth entered his brain and he was immediately overwhelmed by this unprecedented sense of happiness.

Feeling the sweet juice in his mouth rich in high-calorie nutrients, gradually flowing into his throat dopamine was like a flood bursting its banks, continuously secreting in large quantities.

At this moment, every cell in his body seemed to come alive, all cheering and jumping for joy.

He had never imagined that a small bag of biscuits could have such magic, making him so happy, so satisfied, he couldn't help but start eating the second, third, fourth.


A boy's voice came from beside Chen Mo.

While enjoying the delicious food Chen Mo turned his head to look, it was a boy with dark skin equally ragged clothes and his hair was a bit messy.

He looked at the biscuits in Chen Mo's hand with envy but quickly disguised his emotions, smiling innocently at Chen Mo.

"I'm Mu Tan(Charcoal)."

He introduced himself.

"I'm Traveler."

Chen Mo's calm response made Mu Tan look very happy.

Here, Chen Mo couldn't help but complain about the naming problem in the disaster world.

It seemed that because they did not have a deep cultural heritage and were exposed to many different worlds the names of the natural disasters were also varied. 

According to Stone's memories some natural disasters had names like him based on some items, while others had titles like Disaster Initiator, Traveler, and so on. 

Mu Tan went straight to the point: "Are you an orphan?"


"I guessed right! After all, you're someone with a special talent and with a high mental power of 23 points. A talented starving ghost like you, how could you be abandoned?" He sighed "But judging from your appearance, you haven't really become an adult yet, have you not fully developed all your potential right? What a pity, if you could grow for a while longer and come challenge the starving ghost trial after a about hundred days, you could have a better chance. But it's okay, if we can unite, we can complement each other!"

The starving ghost trial mentioned by the other party, Chen Mo had some understanding from Stone's memory.

This was the disaster academy task that Stone's mother had always threatened him with, hoping to stimulate his potential and make him work harder but it turned in to his nightmare.

The two of them started to interact with each other.

Under Mu Tan's reminder Chen Mo was surprised to find that after the light brain chip was implanted into his neck, the body data that had appeared on the light screen before could now be displayed in his eyes with just a thought.

His 23 points in mental power was so prominent compared to speed and strength that Chen Mo could be sure that the mind attribute value was definitely not the strength of Stone.

This was likely the strength brought by himself as a transmigrator when his soul transferred!

"Thanks to the nine years of obligatory education by the party, thanks to the country's college entrance examination system, thanks to the school's exam-oriented education, thanks to my own years of diligent study and hard work!"

After being in a long period of daze, Chen Mo finally squeezed out this sentence in his heart.

He recalled his hard work in elementary school, junior high school and high school studying diligently in the sea of exams every day. Especially in the last two years of high school in the full-time closed school, he slept at eleven thirty every night and got up at five-thirty in the morning living a hellish life. Now it seemed that there is a merit to all the efforts he put in.

On the other side.

Mu Tan began to introduce the people present.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this should be our starving ghost enlightening mentor for the next hundred days. There are always only one hundred classes in the disaster academy corresponding to one hundred mentors, each responsible for a class and the students will start the starving ghost trial after a hundred days and the mentor will also repeatedly start new starving ghost classes after."

Behind the female mentor in addition to Chen Mo and Mu Tan there were ten people at this time.

These ten people were divided into three small groups.

Mu Tan first pointed to a group of five.

Compared to the others' ragged appearance, these five were all well-dressed, calm in their interactions with each other and looked arrogant, not putting the others in their eyes at all.

"These five are all adult starving ghosts. Not only do they have higher basic attributes and basic skills than others they also have master combat skills. They are the strongest among us and the most likely to survive the starving ghost trial. Don't provoke them."

The so-called adult starving ghost was easy to understand. It referred to those whose bodies have fully developed, their potential had been fully developed and natural growth was unlikely to improve their strength.

As for the term starving ghost, it was a hierarchical term in the disaster world, which could be also be regarded as enlightened natural disaster or level-0 natural disaster.

Next, Mu Tan pointed to a aother group of three two men and one woman.

Before he could speak, the three of them glared at him in unison.

One of them said coldly, "What are you looking at?"

"Uh, sorry."

After apologizing, Mu Tan whispered, "These three are abyssal starving ghosts. It is said that there are countless worms under the abyss which devour each other and grow into human forms. Abyssal starving ghosts are often very ferocious with basic attributes and skills close to adult starving ghosts. The difference is that few of them have talents and they generally do not master combat skills."

Chen Mo was rather speechless about Mu Tan's introductions. Regarding the Abyss, he did understand some from Stone's memory, as Stone's mother came from a certain Abyss. It is said to be a world contaminated by the disaster world, and the idea of worms devouring each other was purely of ignorance and discrimination of local natural disasters.

There were two people left both ragged like Chen Mo and Mu Tan smiled wryly looking at them.

"Du Fangyan, Du Qingqing a pair of siblings, both abandoned."

Mu Tan was obviously already familiar with these two siblings.

When the siblings noticed Chen Mo and Mu Tan looking over, they forced a smile and slowly walked over to them seeming a bit awkward and shy.

"I'm Du Fangyan."

"I... I'm Du Qingqing."

The girl lowered her head and spoke softly. After Chen Mo observed her up close, he couldn't help but feel a bit speechless, at her age, before he transmigrated, she might still have been in junior high school.

"Hello, I'm Traveler."

After the three introduced themselves, they began to get to know each other. It was clear that the brother was somewhat timid and tried hard to conceal it, while the sister although very cute was very shy much like Stone in the beginning.

In the harsh and competitive disaster world such personalities were definitely at the bottom of the food chain, the so-called inferior warriors the first to be eliminated.

"Another student is here."

After Mu Tan's reminder, Chen Mo, Du Fangyan and Du Qingqing turned to see a weak girl slowly approaching. Her white clothes were tattered and covered in dust and she looked very weak but her face remained clean and her skin under the clothes was as white as snow.

Biting her teeth she persevered step by step until she reached the female mentor. Then, at the mentor's signal she entered the huge MRI looking device.


A light screen appeared, visible to everyone outside the device.

Name: Han Xue. 

Level: Starving Ghost. 

Talent: None. 

Health: 80. 

Defense: 1. 

Speed: 15. 

Strength: 10. 

Physique: 8.

Mind: 11. 

Energy: 13. 

Basic Footwork: Level 4.

Basic Jump: Level 2. 

Basic Body Movement: Level 3.

Basic Assassination: Level 4. 

Basic Chopping: Level 3. 

Basic Blocking: Level 1. 

Equipment: None. 

Skills: None.


Seeing the attributes on the light screen Mu Tan exclaimed in joy "Another orphan with decent basic attributes and skills. Let me go contact her!"

The reason for judging her as an orphan was simple. Firstly, her basic attributes and skills were decent and such a starving ghost would generally not be abandoned. Secondly, she was not sent by a higher-level natural disaster and her appearance along the way showed that her relatives were obviously no longer around so she had to rely on herself.

After the girl named Han Xue came out of the device, limping Mu Tan went up to her proactively and they started talking, he seemed to be repeating what Chen Mo had just heard.

Comparing his own attributes with this girl, Chen Mo was quite outstanding. As a transmigrator, his mental power attribute was quite outstanding, but his basic skills were terribly poor. He only mastered three basic skills, all at very low levels.

After a while, Mu Tan brought the girl to the group of three.

"Hello, I'm Han Xue."

She introduced herself, her voice was cold and aloof just like her name.

Although she was so weak that she look like she would collapse at any second, she still maintained her pride. Chen Mo could see her stubbornness and resilience in her character. Chen Mo, Du Fangyan and Du Qingqing also introduced themselves and the five of them got to know each other.

Time passed and evening approached quickly. Although there were no sun, moon, or stars in the disaster world the dim sky still had changes in brightness and darkness and there were also temperature differences between day and night.

Just as everyone thought that this class of thirteen would be composed of the current group a colorful giant bird descended from the sky and the strong wind caused the waiting students to hold onto the walls. After the giant bird retracted its wings a high-level natural disaster wearing a mask led a well-dressed boy from the giant bird's back.

The boy was spotless surveying the crowd with an oppressive aura as if a king looking over his subjects.

The masked man led him to the female mentor and after a brief contact he entered the device as instructed by the mentor.


A light screen appeared on the device.

Name: Lei Wu. 

Level: Starving Ghost. 

Talent: Thunder Paralysis. 

Health: 120. 

Defense: 3. 

Speed: 14. 

Strength: 10. 

Physique: 12. 

Mind: 18. 

Energy: 16. 

Basic Footwork: Level 6. 

Basic Jump: Level 4. 

Basic Body Movement: Level 3. 

Basic Blocking: Level 2. 

Basic Perception: Level 3. 

Basic Locking: Level 5. 

Basic Shooting: Level 2. 

Basic Elements: Level 11. 

Equipment: None. 

Skills: 1.Thunder Light Bullet.

2.Thunder Spell.

3.Double Thunder Burst.

Not just Mu Tan even the five adult starving ghosts who had always stuck together were stunned speechless. Such basic attribute and skills were truly beyond the reach of ordinary people, undoubtedly belonging to the elite among the starving ghosts.

"Now that you have your disaster identity file, these contribution points can be used as your daily expenses during your time at the academy. From now on, it's up to you."

After giving Lei Wu this instruction the masked man patted his shoulder and rode away on the giant bird.

It wasn't until Lei Wu stood in front of everyone for a while that Mu Tan snapped out of his daze.

But this time, he tactfully did not approach to strike up a conversation. Lei Wu seemed to have no intention of talking to anyone either and stood alone.


Mu Tan swallowed his saliva and said, "This must be the descendant of some Disaster Lord."

According to Stone's memory, Chen Mo knew that the so-called Disaster Lord was a fourth-level natural disaster, a truly high-level natural disaster in the disaster world. Such powerful Disaster Lords rarely appeared in gathering places and the families they established were often the embryonic form of future disaster gathering places. It remained to be seen whether these Disaster Lords could further advance to become the legendary Disaster Monarchs.

Disaster Lords generally mastered the power of bloodline true bodies. Therefore, their offspring not only inherited superior bloodlines for better basic attribute growth but also received careful cultivation from the family during their growth. The basic skill levels were not comparable to ordinary starving ghosts.

(End of chapter 3)
