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DS Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 Storage Space

The training area of the academy.

There are noticeably fewer people training here at night compared to noon.

After dinner, Chen Mo sat down in a secluded corner and began to follow the instructions in the materials, trying to master the power of disaster erosion and use it as a basis to open a storage space.

Unknowingly, two hours had passed.

As the weather gradually turned colder, Chen Mo also felt a slight chill.

But fortunately, he had already sensed the energy inside him according to the methods in the book. They were like a stagnant pool of water, deposited in his body, until Chen Mo began to consciously call out to them, gradually getting a response and becoming more active.

This feeling is like going from instinctive breathing to conscious breathing.

For natural disasters, controlling the power of disaster energy is not difficult. It's just like learning to speak. Instead, it's strange for those who haven't mastered this skill.

But even though it's so simple, Stone still hasn't mastered it after more than ten years. If it weren't for Stone's innate ability, he would probably have been given up by his mother long ago, after all, the stone skin talent is not a high-level talent.

The final result is obvious.

Stone's mother was eventually fedup by his stupidity and chose to give up.

Buzz! Chen Mo opened his palm.

A black-gray energy, almost visible to the naked eye, pervaded his palm.

"Success! The last step to open the storage space is to integrate oneself into the world of disasters and imagine oneself as part of the disaster world."

The weather gradually turned cold, but research had progressed smoothly, Chen Mo naturally didn't want to interrupt at this time. He began to follow the instructions in the materials and continued to try.

Imagining oneself as part of the disaster world.

Chen Mo closed his eyes.

On one side is the disaster energy inside him, like a water flower, stirring in his body.

On the other side is the disaster world, vast and desolate, with a dark sky, dull and tasteless, like an endless dead sea.

Chen Mo recalled scenes from his journey to the Disaster Academy, searching for memories of the disaster world in Stone's memory. Various skeletons, enduring on the barren land, became the only scenery of the barren disaster world.

Time passed.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes again, a storage space appeared before him!

It was an irregular virtual cube, with the longest straight line distance of about one meter and the shortest distance of less than half a meter, like a twisted stone. Chen Mo tried to grab it forward, and like everyone else’s, his palm easily reached into the independent space after entering this void area.


Chen Mo exclaimed in surprise, it was so simple.

The ability that Stone hadn't mastered in more than ten years, he had succeeded in just a few hours.

He excitedly picked up a stone and, with the help of the disaster energy in his hand, he sent the stone into the storage space. When he withdrew his palm, the stone remained in the storage space.

The name of the disaster-eroded storage space comes from the fact that in order to put an object into this independent storage space, it must first go through the step of disaster erosion.

In other words, the object must be eroded by the special energy of the disaster world.

And to ensure that the object is eroded by disaster energy, it must be ensured that the material being eroded is not protected by other energies, such as treasures that have undergone a recognition ceremony, or things protected by prohibitions, etc.

Conscious living creatures are also not allowed.

Unless it is an unconscious spiritual plant, or a summoned creature of certain special professions, and it requires professional special practice, and the summoned creature cooperates voluntarily.

Most importantly!

Ordinary food organic matter will also quickly decay under the erosion of disaster energy, making it impossible for disaster victims to bring back food from the alien world through the storage space. They can only obtain it through the massive invasion of the Disaster Lord, tearing apart the spacetime rifts and directly transporting it.

And it is also because of the existence of these disaster energies that when a disaster victim dies, not only will his storage space be taken back, but even the body of the natural disaster will be reclaimed by the disaster world, benefiting the disaster world. This is the special spacetime law of the disaster world, which cannot be resisted.

In the late night of the disaster world, the temperature was almost close to zero degrees.

Chen Mo could no longer bear this kind of cold. After experiencing the initial excitement, he quickly got up and returned to the dormitory.

However, on his way back, he was surprised to find that there were still people quietly exercising at this time, and some were even practicing combat skills, continuously releasing skills to improve proficiency until their energy was exhausted before returning to the dormitory.

Closing the door gently, everyone else in the dormitory was already asleep.

After washing up briefly, Chen Mo quickly lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep due to fatigue.

Time passed quickly.

It seemed like he had just closed his eyes, but it was already early morning the next day.

Although he was very tired, Chen Mo struggled to get up from the blanket. After a simple wash, he went to the training area alone.

He first insisted on running a lap, and then walked two laps to restore his leg muscles. Although the process was very painful, it seemed much better than yesterday, which made him feel a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Breakfast time.

It was still the simplest meal for survival, and then he quickly went to the classroom.

"You got up so early these two days, which made me wake up too. There's no need to be so hard on yourself. It's not like you're short of time."

Charcoal's words made Chen Mo feel uncomfortable.

Just when he was feeling extremely satisfied with his fulfilling life, hearing such discouraging words was really uncomfortable for him, so he did not respond to it. Moreover, the person who woke him up was not him alone.

Instructor Qinghong arrived as scheduled.

This time, she also brought some books and materials. Everyone carefully observed, and among them, there were materials on disaster erosion and storage space that Chen Mo had just read yesterday.

She smiled at everyone.

"Today we will learn the skills of disaster erosion and storage space. This is the most basic ability of all natural disasters, representing our identity and power as natural disasters. I believe that everyone here should have already mastered this ability, after all, this is the basic "

Halfway through her words, Instructor Qinghong suddenly remembered something.

"Don't tell me, there are still people among you who haven't mastered the storage space."

Chen Mo, upon hearing this, tensed up, seeming a bit nervous, but secretly relieved.

That was close!

If he hadn't taken the time to master the ability of store space yesterday, if he were to be called out publicly here today, the consequences would be needless to say. Chen Mo could imagine that within the next few dozen days, he would probably become the object of scorn for everyone in the class, and in the eyes of the instructor, he would be no different from trash.

It's like in a high school honours class, someone not knowing the multiplication tables is just ridiculous.

And now that his strength is so weak, he can be said to have no combat ability at all. Once he is looked down upon by others, it will inevitably lead to bullying. Chen Mo didn't want to live like Du Fangyan.

"I haven't"

Just as Chen Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, a timid voice came from behind.

Chen Mo looked towards the voice, only to see Du Qingqing. She lowered her head, on the verge of tears, afraid to meet the surrounding eyes of surprise and disdain.


After the initial surprise, Instructor Qinghong's once smiling face suddenly turned cold as ice. The disaster world never sympathized with inferior warriors, especially after seeing too many parasites like her.

"Is that so, you're really a genius! I didn't expect that in my class, there would be such a weirdo. Hmph, I see no use in you continuing to listen to the class here. My class is not suitable for geniuses like you. I want you to get out of my classroom immediately, and don't come back in the future."

Chen Mo was dumbfounded at her words.

He couldn't believe that the instructor, who had just been kind and smiling, would be so harsh and strict now.

If he hadn't taken the time to master the storage space last night, the consequences would be so severe. Being scolded by the only instructor like this meant that after being abandoned by his family, he was once again abandoned by the official disaster world, completely becoming a hopeless waste of a person.

In a way, it was like the disaster world pronouncing a death sentence on this person!

Wu wu.

Du Qingqing was at a loss, her eyes red, crying softly in her seat.

She looked at the instructor, hoping for a chance, and then at the others, hoping someone would intercede for her. She even approached her brother, shaking his arm, but no one stood up to speak for her.

"Get out of here right now!!"

Instructor Qinghong almost roared, striding over, her body suddenly covered in countless strange tattoos, with a pair of deer antlers growing on her head, like an ancient demon. She lifted Du Qingqing and threw her out of the classroom door.

It was as if she had thrown out an annoying piece of trash, not a living human being without any resistance.

This momentum really surprised Chen Mo.

As for Du Fangyan, as his brother, his face was red, and he clenched his fists, but he was still a coward. He sat there without saying a word, watching this cruel scene unfold before him.

On the side, Charcoal even chuckled softly at Chen Mo.

"She's really stupid, isn't she? I mastered it when I was nine."

He seemed to want to highlight his superiority, but in Chen Mo's eyes it was idiot behaviour, he was even more disappointed.

Chen Mo had thought that he was a potential leader of a small group, but now that the group had long since fallen apart, his own efforts had become futile. He didn't know why he was so self-satisfied here, completely lacking the qualities of a leader.

Ignoring the sound of crying outside the classroom, Instructor Qinghong, like flipping a switch, resumed her smile, as if stepping on a cockroach-losing one person was completely insignificant to her.

"Next, let's start learning the advanced techniques of storage space."

She began to explain the historical significance of disaster erosion and storage space, as well as some practical techniques.

Du Qingqing's incident was like a wake-up call to everyone. Everyone listened attentively to Instructor Qinghong's explanation, although it was not very profound knowledge and skills, it was very practical. Chen Mo finally understood why his storage space was irregular. It was because he had used this skill too few times. Otherwise, it should have been a perfect sphere, so he had to practice more diligently.

As for other things to pay attention to, it was the equipment's recognition attribute.

Because the equipment of the disaster victims would undergo erosion before wearing, which was a disguised recognition protection measure. Once the owner died, these equipments would often be recycled by the disaster world along with other items in the storage space, making it impossible for others to take them away.

In this way, there would generally be no killing for treasure among disaster victims.

Of course, removing this protection was also quite easy.

After all, trading between disaster victims was quite common, and all it took was for the original owner to reclaim the disaster energy.

And this kind of recognition was only to prevent the general sense of killing for treasure, but the actual situation was often much more complicated. For example, one could choose to imprison the other party and threaten them to voluntarily remove it.

When these examples were spoken by Instructor Qinghong, it really made Chen Mo feel a sense of malice.

As for in other worlds, although there were also many recognition protection modes, and even extreme prohibitions that would not remove the recognition even after the owner died, they were relatively rare.

Moreover, compared to the equipment of natural disasters being automatically recovered by the disaster world after death, the equipment of other world creatures would generally become ownerless items after death, except for those recognized by blood or other special prohibitions.

Of course, there were also some special cases.

For example, some special prohibitions required certain bloodline identities or recognition of martial arts qualifications, otherwise, they would not be eroded by disaster, nor could they be brought back to the disaster world.

The most important point!

The items in the storage space must have magical properties, that is, the material attributes must reach at least white quality, otherwise, the things inside will gradually decay like food organic matter and cannot be stored for a long time.

(End of chapter 7)
