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DS Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Strolling in the Square

"This is a good thing."

Chen Mo had long learned about the gem system from the introduction in books.

Energy stones are the most basic stones in the gem system, the most widely applicable, and the most stable in price.

It is said that in some rich worlds, there are also energy stone veins. Often, those who enter this world to perform tasks may make a fortune, after all, the demand for such consumables in disaster worlds is always high, and they are extremely scarce.

In addition to replenishing the energy value consumed by natural disasters, energy stones also provide energy supply for magic arrays, prohibitions, barriers, and some special weapons. Therefore, the daily consumption is extremely large. Even in the trials for enhancer natural disasters, there is often a requirement to collect energy stones.

"I'll take it."

Chen Mo bought the energy stone on the spot.

The reason he did this was not because he urgently needed the energy stone, but because he hoped to use this to get closer to the other party and extract some basic information.

Afterward, even if he didn't need this energy stone, Chen Mo could sell it at any time.

Prompt: You have initiated a transaction request.

Prompt: Your disaster contribution -10 points, you have obtained a low-grade energy stone.

In the blink of an eye, of 76 points disaster contribution points, only 66 points were left. Chen Mo put the energy stone into the storage space.

The female natural disaster who had gained something also seemed much happier. She noticed that Chen Mo was looking at her two white-quality items again, and she became more patient.

Prompt: Canvas Shoes.

Quality: White.

Wear Requirements: None.

Equipment Attributes: 14 health points.

Equipment Description: It can better protect your feet.

Like helmets, shoes' basic attribute is to increase health points, but the degree of increase is not high. The cost-effectiveness is far less than weapons and armour. Therefore, in terms of equipment of the same level, the price of helmets and shoes is lower than that of weapons and armour.

However, it should be noted that shoes have a hidden attribute of increasing movement speed, similar to how helmets can reduce damage to weak points in the head.

As for the price of accessories, it varies depending on the needs of natural disasters and the rarity of attributes. Generally speaking, however, they are the most expensive items in the equipment slot.

"White-quality shoes, the attributes are also acceptable. To make it a round number, I'll sell them to you for 25 points."

The female natural disaster introduced eagerly.

The health attribute range of white-quality shoes is between 10 and 20 health points. Each level of enchantment increases health points by 1, but no one would be foolish enough to enchant a white-quality pair of shoes.

And the health boost of these shoes is 14 points, just enough to use. However, Chen Mo didn't understand the value of equipment, so he wouldn't make a decision immediately.

He needed to shop around to determine the price difference of white-quality equipment.

As for higher-quality green equipment, although he had enough points to buy one, and perhaps even two slightly inferior shoes or helmets, the cost-effectiveness was obviously not as good as trying to buy more white-quality equipment first. At least he would armour himself up before making further decisions.

You have to survive first before you can talk about the future.

"I heard that shoes and helmets, besides increasing health points, also have hidden attributes to reduce damage from weak point critical strikes?" Chen Mo asked casually.

Since Gui Tu was killed by a weak point critical strike, he had begun to focus on this aspect. Later, he accidentally learned that helmets and shoes actually have hidden attributes to reduce weak point critical strike damage, which made him feel surprised.

"You've asked the right person!"

After a slight surprise, the female natural disaster showed a smug look.

"It is true that helmets and shoes have hidden attributes to reduce damage from weak point critical strikes, this is absolutely true! Helmets can protect the head, which is the weak point of humanoid creatures, while shoes can reduce the damage of trap-type skills. If you don't wear high-quality shoes, the damage from some trap-type skills can be outrageous!"

In her words, she seemed to have a lingering fear, as if she had encountered a similar situation.

"Trap-type skills."

Chen Mo muttered to himself, but still in the disappointed eyes of the other party, he put down the white-quality shoes in his hand and did not intend to buy them.

The other white-quality equipment included a dagger, suitable for speed-type natural disasters who have mastered basic assassination.

Chen Mo glanced at it and put it down.

Finally, there was a potion.

Prompt: Count Carogi Milberg's Brew.

Quality: White.

Usage Requirement: Take it after being invaded by disaster energy, cooldown time of 1 hour.

Item Attributes: Restores 112 health points.

Item Description: Count Carogi Milberg is one of the oldest vampires in the forest, mastering the most ancient evil brewing techniques. Because his ingredients are taken from the blood of the innocent, after drinking it, it will come with unpredictable temporary negative effects and temporary buffs.

Chen Mo naturally noticed the situation in the item description column, with a slight surprise.

"How about it, interested?"

The female natural disaster recommended, "This is a special potion obtained in one task world. The fair potions sold by the Chamber of Commerce, the small green bottles, can only restore 100 health points and cost 30 points. This potion of mine can restore 112 health points, and it also has unpredictable temporary buffs. As long as you have 35 points, with this potion, you might be able to save your life in the task process!"

Still, as before, she never mentioned the temporary negative effects of the potion.

If Chen Mo had bought this kind of potion, it would have been truly foolish. Not to mention 35 points, even if it were 20 points, there might not be anyone willing to buy it. After all, this potion has unpredictable negative effects. If it's a curse, it could be fatal. In times of danger on the battlefield, no one dares to entrust their life to such uncertainty. After all, they have only one life, and there is no medicine for regret.

Chen Mo shook his head and put down the potion.

The female natural disaster sighed silently, knowing that this guy was not easy to deceive, and said no more.

After chatting for a while, Chen Mo got up and left. He had to maximize the use of the points in his hands.

Compared to most stalls where people quietly waited for passersby to choose, there were some stalls that were almost crowded, obviously selling rare treasures.

When natural disasters rushed in, it was often the easiest to attract the attention of nearby patrollers who would come to inspect. However, the crowded natural disasters were like a group of penguins in winter, constantly pushing and shoving, often accompanied by various verbal threats. It seemed that at the slightest disagreement, there would be a fight.

In such a situation, natural disasters with weaker strength would often be pushed out by others and then leave unluckily. 

For Chen Mo, a starving ghost, he didn't even have the qualification to join in the fun.

Unknowingly, Chen Mo had been wandering in the square all day.

During this time, he stopped in front of a dozen stalls. Half of the stall owners, after glancing at him, lost interest in communicating. A few even rudely drove him away. Fortunately, there were also several stall owners who were more easygoing, and Chen Mo gained a lot of useful information from them through their exchanges.

For example, the basic market price of white-quality equipment, he had a slight understanding of it.

There were not many stalls on the square selling white-quality equipment. Natural disasters with some conditions often chose to directly hand over white-quality equipment to the teleportation gate for resale and recovery after the task, although the income was meager, only single digits, it was worry-free and saved time.

Only those low-level natural disasters who had no abilities would try to sell these white-quality equipment, wasting time and effort for those few points.


As the square became less crowded, Chen Mo returned to the academy.

"How about it, our wealthy traveller, did you buy any suitable equipment?" Mu Tan asked somewhat sarcastically.

Chen Mo could hear the sourness in his tone.

However, over the past few months, he had become accustomed to the other party's behaviour and didn't say much. He just layed down on the bed, recalling the properties of the white-quality equipment he had seen today, as well as the small props that starving ghosts could use in the trial.

Seeing that Chen Mo ignored him, Mu Tan looked somewhat displeased.

He and Du Fangyan next to him kept discussing something, it seemed to be about the plan for the trial. Mu Tan was quite clever and had gleamed a lot of gossip, but he did not intend to invite Chen Mo. Gradually, the two's voices grew louder, obviously intentionally, so that Chen Mo would take the initiative to join and thus extort some benefits from him, such as borrowing disaster contribution points, and so on.

Understanding all this, Chen Mo found it quite amusing.If such a person were to be the team leader, he would rather complete the trial alone.

Since the first day of school, Du Qingqing had been bullied by Lu Yi, but this weak member of the team leader didn't care at all, and even gloated over it. Chen Mo had already felt disappointed, and the three months of life afterwards had undoubtedly strengthened his belief.

As for Han Xue, she probably wouldn't team up with them either.

In this way, he could be the team leader of only Du Fangyan and Du Qingqing, and he actually wanted to isolate himself, which was really ridiculous.

Subconsciously, he might still think of himself as the raggedy, nearly starving newcomer.

By the way, Du Qingqing is already following Lu Yi.If she is protected by Lu Yi, this guy can only be in a team with Du Fangyan. With the strength of these two, Chen Mo is really not interested in cooperating.

After all, from their daily conversations, it seems that their main basic skills are still at the Lv3 or Lv4 stage, and their basic attributes are also terrible and the personalities of these two are also a big problem.

One is only capable of being clever, unable to achieve anything and while the other is so cowardly that he's no different from trash.Thinking of this, Chen Mo simply turned over and continued to think about how to spend his 76 points.

Energy stones can be sold at any time and converted into points, so there is no need to worry about them. As for the three gems given by Qing Hong, after careful consideration, Chen Mo thought that the mentor must have had deeper considerations. He might need them during the trial, so he should not use them to exchange points for now, and it's better to keep them. After all, this was a token of the mentor's kindness.

Judging from today's situation, Chen Mo judged that white-quality equipment should only be transitional equipment for natural disasters in the initial stage. Even if first-level predators temporarily wear white-quality equipment, they will soon replace it. So there is no need to pursue the quality of the equipment.

For example, the shoes that increase 14 health points today is already enough. It's just that in terms of price, there is obviously still a lot of room for negotiation.

After all, if these equipments were to be handed over to the teleportation gate for recycling as magic guide resources, the disaster contribution points they could obtain would generally only be single digits, which was not worth it.

In this case, if he seizes the opportunity and does his best to collect the most basic set of weapons, armor, helmets, and shoes, even if the attributes are slightly inferior, it doesn't matter.

With only 76 points, this is indeed a quite difficult task, but he will give it a try. There is still three days left until the trial of the starving ghosts, which will be Chen Mo's ultimate goal.

(End of chapter 17)
