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DS Chapter 44

 Chapter 44: One-eyed Dragon 

When Chen Mo and his group arrived near Dr. White's base, it was around four o'clock in the morning. The sky was still a while away from getting bright, which was the most tiring time of the day for people.

"What happened here!"

Zhang Qiang hidden in the bushes was shocked to see the dim lights around Dr. White's base flickering under the emergency power, with signs of battle and destruction everywhere and with a large amount of bloodstains.

In addition to this several black-clothed lackeys were constantly carrying out bodies from the base. Some of these bodies were of black-clothed lackeys while others were of bio-beasts. The strong smell of blood could be smelled even tens of meters away.

"It's the bio-beasts!"

Chen Mo said slowly "It seems that the bio-beasts attacked this base last night, but it looks like they failed. From the marks over there, Tian Tian should have completed her mission. Have they found the hiding place?"

Yesterday, Chen Mo had already made an agreement with Tian Tian that if her mission succeeded she would leave a mark near the gate of the base.

"Not yet." After observing for a while, everyone shook their heads not finding any traces of Xuan Zong.

Just then, there was a commotion behind them, it was Tian Tian leading three men and a woman who first noticed Chen Mo and the others and coming out from deep in the forest.

As for these three men and one woman besides Xuan Zong, they also seemed quite strong as well. Especially the young girl, with fiery red long hair she had a cold expression but her strong aura couldn't be concealed at all.

At this moment Xuan Zong no longer appeared weak as he once did emitting a fierce aura showing the demeanor of a leader.

"Xuan Zong!"

Zhang Qiang excitedly stepped forward.

Seeing this Xuan Zong's eyes also became moist, murmuring "Don't worry, I will definitely avenge Kang Peng and Yan Nan!"

After saying that he looked at Chen Mo "The bio-beasts were all killed by the people in the base. It's a pity that I hadn't recovered my strength at that time otherwise..." he ended with a resigned sign. 

Compared to Xuan Zong, Tian Tian appeared much colder. "My mission is complete, I won't accompany you inside later. With my current condition, if I encounter a leader, it’ll be end of me. I will definitely become his top priority target."

The others didn't respond, tacitly agreeing to her proposal. Deep down, even if she wanted to join them, they were afraid she would seize the opportunity to grab the reward allocation rights.

Chen Mo looked at Xuan Zong and asked "Do you have confidence in dealing with the leader, One-eyed Dragon?"

To be honest at this point in the mission even if they didn't attack Dr. White's base the mission for everyone would be considered successful. But since they had already worked hard to rescue these martial artists and the espers, if they didn't fully utilize their value and wasted this great opportunity it would be a great waste.

After all, Dr. White's base was undoubtedly at its weakest point at this moment. After hearing this Xuan Zong shook his head slowly.

"I'm afraid not."

He went on to explain "On one hand, my strength has not fully recovered yet and on the other hand I do not have the appropriate equipment and weapons. Of course more importantly the strength of this One-eyed Dragon should be above mine. Although he is also injured, he should still be much stronger than me."

Xuan Zong then looked toward the girl beside him. "But if Miss Lucia joins us, it should be enough to deal with him" Xuan Zong said.

Lucia said coldly "Don't forget about Dr. White's androids, although his technology has not fully matured yet, since the Hive organization is willing to invest so many resources in him there must have been some results." 

Upon hearing this, everyone's expression became serious.


It was Han Xue, who was responsible for recon, suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

Black Tiger Dragon and a mysterious black-clothed fatty were seen taking away several elite black-clothed lackeys and a large number of black-clothed lackeys. They left in off-road vehicles, making the already empty base even emptier.

This fatty was presumably the leader of the black-clothed lackeys mentioned by Tian Tian.

"They must have found out that we escaped and went to capture us!" Xuan Zong analyzed in a low voice.

Lucia gritted her teeth, "If they know that we have partially recovered our strength, I wonder if they have the guts to leave the base. These bastards!"

During her captivity, this beautiful girl must have endured a lot of torture. At this moment, the hatred in her eyes was almost impossible to conceal.

After a while, when they confirmed that the capture team had gone far away, the group stopped hiding and rushed out directly from the forest.

The black-clothed lackeys outside the base responsible for handling the bodies and bloodstains showed expressions of fear when they saw the group. When the group rushed forward they easily killed all these black-clothed lackeys in front of the base gate.

Just as this moment in this base, which had just calmed down, another alarm sounded.


Lucia gritt her teeth and shouted "We must not let them escape!"

The base’s gate had been destroyed by the bio-beasts and now it was only temporarily patched up with a wooden door, naturally unable to withstand the group’s attack.

"This way!"

Led by Lucia after a while the group appeared in front of a metal gate inside the base. It can be seen that this metal gate should have been installed temporarily, the previous gate had been destroyed by the bio-beasts, forcing the base to install a new one.

"They're inside." Lucia's eyes turned into a light golden colour, seemingly possessing the ability of perception and said with great certainty.

"Let me try." 

Zhang Qiang took the lead and immediately activated his Extended Arm Fist skill.

With a rumbling resounding a clear fist mark was imprinted on the metal gate. However, there was still a considerable distance to open the gate, which made his face look a bit unsightly.

"You should save your strength. Let me do it."

Xuan Zong extended his right index and middle fingers, lightly tapping forward. With a sound, a teacup-sized hole appeared in the heavy metal gate, faintly showing shadows moving inside and someone exclaimed in shock.

"Let me do it!" Lucia said coldly "Your strength is not suitable for exerting in this kind of place."

As she spoke she raised her arms high and her clothes fluttered with the surging energy inside her body. Then, an energy ball gradually formed in front of her.


With the violent explosion of the energy ball a huge hole was blasted on the metal gate.

Lei Wu who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but feel his eyelids twitch. This little girl's strength was stronger than his! 

Then the irritable Zhang Qiang punched open the metal gate.

When everyone saw the man in the room, who was about two meters tall with a mechanical arm for his right hand, they couldn't help but feel a shortness of breath.

Lucia hysterically exclaimed "One-eyed Dragon, today is the day you die!"

At this moment there were only two elite black-clothed lackeys beside the One-eyed Dragon.

These two lackeys appeared to be more experienced and tough than the others, with their faces covered in tattoos. One stood on the left and the other on the right, guarding the One-eyed Dragon.

Mutant elite creatures?

The One-eyed Dragon ignited the thick cigar in his mouth with his mechanical right hand and smirked at Lucia "Just you?"

After observing the surrounding for a moment Lei Wu reacted quickly and said, "Dr. White is not here. Let's act quickly before more trouble comes!"

According to the previous plan Lei Wu was supposed to be responsible for the first attack on this leader. But Lucia was a bit faster than Lei Wu. 

The energy ball attack launched by this angry girl was incredibly fast and struck the One-eyed Dragon before Lei Wu could act. Lei Wu's basic elemental attack only caused some superficial injuries to the One-eyed Dragon.

"His defence is probably over 30 points!"

Lei Wu's face changed and he said "Because his body has undergone mechanical modifications by the Hive organization to an astonishing extent. A low-level psychic is probably unlikely to pose a fatal threat to him. Your strength is good but you are still far from being a high-level psychic."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mo, Ku Wu and Han Xue's faces also changed involuntarily.

This level of combat was not something they could participate in. They couldn't help but look towards the two mutant elite black-clothed lackeys beside the One-eyed Dragon.

Zhang Qiang roared at this time, "I'll deal with this one, you guys take care of that one!"

After saying that, Zhang Qiang rushed towards one of the mutant elite black-clothed lackeys while Chen Mo, Ku Wu and Han Xue surrounded the other one.

It is worth mentioning that among the four rescued by Tian Tian, besides Xuan Zong and Lucia the other two were superpowers from the Western Continent Federation. One could condense flames on his fists and the other had the ability to blink short distances. Both were melee supernaturals and were equivalent to elite black-clothed lackeys.

These two along with Xuan Zong rushed towards the One-eyed Dragon. Lei Wu and Lucia kept releasing skills from afar attacking the One-eyed Dragon leader remotely.

Facing the siege of five people, even the weakest two beings elite supernaturals, One-eyed Dragon leader roared repeatedly, swinging his mechanical right fist continuously.

His left hand actually pulled out a silver pistol, as the energy gathered in the pistol, Xuan Zong who sensed the danger immediately shouted, "Be careful!"

However the speed of the bullets fired from this silver pistol was too fast. The Fire Fist superpower didn't even have time to react before the bullet flashed and hit his abdomen.

Following the wound on his abdomen a powerful frost energy spread and as a fire-controlling superpower he was actually frozen in place by the One-eyed Dragon shot.

It was quite unfortunate for this supernatural being. Originally, he was a supernatural being with the strength of a small leader, but like Xuan Zong after enduring long-term cruel experiments in the laboratory, his physical functions rapidly declined. Although his strength barely reached the elite level now it was still very difficult. It was somewhat similar to the level of the experimental assistants around the Doctor terror, just an ordinary mutant creature.

After freezing one, One-eyed Dragon smirked. Then, his mechanical right arm's palm began to rotate rapidly like a drill.

With the energy surging in his body again, his huge body moved fast as a lingering shadow. In an instant, he rushed out a distance of seven to eight meters piercing and killing the Fire Fist superpower being who was frozen.

Truly worthy of a leader-level creature!

This shocking change was almost completed in an instant. Chen Mo, Ku Wu and Han Xue had just come into contact with this mutated black-clothed lackey elite.

(End of chapter 44)

TN - So, I have a hard time naming these subcategories within a level, normally their literal translations come out as, ordinary, elite, small leader(minor boss), leader(big boss?). But I want some cool names as these level differences become more important in the future, but nothing’s coming to my mind. So if you have any ideas leave a comment, I appreciate it.   
