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DS Chapter 41

 Chapter 41: Charm Value

Like Chen Mo, Tian Tian is also a psychic.

However unlike Chen Mo's evolutionary direction, Tian Tian, who has the talent of the Charm Demon has a very special status even among these adult starving ghosts. All of this stems entirely from her powerful and bizarre ability, as well as her frivolous behavior that is completely inconsistent with her strength.

Tian Tian's strength lies in interfering with and influencing the favorability of the opposite sex. Through her bizarre psychic power, she mentally erodes any male who has improper thoughts about her. The Charm Demon talent brings her great convenience.

In Tian Tian's eyes, there is a hidden attribute above the heads of all humanoid males. She is used to calling this attribute which only she can see, Charm Value. The Charm Value will appear immediately after the other party sees her for the first time.

The Charm Value is not always constant, it will continue to increase or decrease.

The size of the Charm Value determines how much the opponent's attack intensity will decrease when the male attack her, simply put after being charmed, the opponent will feel reluctant and attacks will become less effective.  When Tian Tian uses charm-type skills the size of the Charm Value also determines the degree to which the other party is affected.

For example, Lu Yi's Charm Value is '60~125'.

In Tian Tian's eyes this belongs to the type that is almost harmless to herself. Not only will the other party be hesitant to attack her but she can also almost manipulate the other party at will after charming them.

Another example, Chen Mo's Charm Value is ‘8~20’.

In Tian Tian's view the other party belongs to the extremely rational type. Although they are can also be charmed to a certain extent by her the upper and lower limits are very low and they may be backlashed at any time.

Lei Wu's Charm Value is '-30~0'. Her charm not only has no effect on Lei Wu, but it also arouses his alertness and disgust, which is very rare and quite dangerous for Tian Tian.

The Charm Demon talent is so bizarre, so it's not difficult to understand Tian Tian's various frivolous behaviors.

She cannot display her domineering aura like other strong individuals, she must maintain a relatively harmless and charming image in order to fully unleash her talent. Moreover this ability only works on members of the opposite sex.

For Tian Tian, this is also a kind of sadness. When measuring the opposite sex in terms of numerical values she can no longer distinguish between what is favorability and what is charm value. What others judge most easily through instinct has become the most difficult thing for her to understand.

As a result, her perception of the world is also severely affected, resulting in a kind of distortion. On one hand, she hopes that others' charm values are very high so that they will be harmless to her and can be more easily manipulated by her, and on the other hand, she hopes that others' charm values are not high so that she will know that what they say is not sweet words spoken because of charm.

With constant growth, Tian Tian has witnessed too much filth and outsiders cannot understand her mind.

Now at this moment. In her eyes, this martial artist, Zhang Qiang, has a Charm Value between '-45~45'. Tian Tian can easily judge the psychological condition of the other party through their Charm Value.

On one hand, due to hatred the other party has a strong resistance to her charm resulting in a very low lower limit of the Charm Value.

On the other hand, due to desire as a martial artist, the male hormones in the other party's body far exceed those of ordinary people. Even under strenuous control they can still be influenced by her Charm Demon talent, leading to the current situation.

As for this situation, although the other party is very dangerous, as long as she does not show any threatening behaviour, that is does not actively try to harm the other party, just delaying the situation is not too bad. Thinking of this, Tian Tian did not launch a basic psychic attack.

She mobilized the energy in her body, revealing a sweet and harmless smile, with a tall and graceful figure, striking a charming and enchanting posture, like a well-proportioned fox beauty. Her seductive eyes, along with a flying kiss from her red lips, transformed into a pink heart-shaped psychic bullet, which she shot towards Zhang Qiang as she made a gun gesture with her right hand.

This is Tian Tian's E-level skill, Charm Bullet Lv5.

Charm Bullet: The charmed opposite sex will fall into an illusion. The energy in their body will gradually deplete as they remain in the illusion. If the target's energy is depleted and they still haven't regained consciousness, they will enter a state of mental control with a maximum of two people.

Lv4 additional effect: The controlled person will receive +2 to all his attributes.

When Tian Tian's Charm Bullet skill is combined with her Charm Demon talent, the effect will be more than the sum of its parts. This allows Tian Tian to firmly establish a position in the team of five adult starving ghosts and because of this Lu Yi has never dared to attract her attention!

Outsiders cannot understand this. All they saw was that after Tian Tian activated her skill, Zhang Qiang, the martial artist who had been charging aggressively towards Gao Shu suddenly stiffened and then his eyes showed a confused look.

He then ignored Gao Shu and Lu Yi in front of him and ran towards where Tian Tian was. Tian Tian had anticipated this and let out a giggling laugh.

With one chasing and one fleeing the martial artist Zhang Qiang was soon led by Tian Tian to the depths of the forest disappearing without a trace. This made the ambushers Tao Zi, Han Xue and Ku Wu angry and frustrated.

"That vixen!" 

This was already one of Tao Zi's countless curses towards Tian Tian, each time more teeth-gnashing than the last. Even Lei Wu couldn't help but snort coldly. 

Since the first day of school when Tian Tian tried to approach him recklessly and almost dirtied his clothes, he hadn't had a good impression of this woman.

On the other side, Lu Ye suddenly said, "Tao Zi! HP 75, Defense 4!"

Lu Ye was a perceiver with the talent to sense others' HP and Defense attributes. Her task was to find the easiest targets to break through. With Tao Zi's injuries from last night not fully healed her HP was pitifully low making her a natural target for Lu Ye's investigation.

Upon receiving the information about Tao Zi's HP and Defense from Lu Ye, Gao Shu and Lu Yi immediately showed expressions of surprise. With such low HP and Defence attributes, they were confident they could kill her in a short time.

Chen Mo, who noticed this, quickly said to Tao Zi "Quick, hide!"

Tao Zi was originally positioned behind Ku Wu and Chen Mo, along with Han Sue as support personnel. Now sensing the danger she suddenly stopped and rolled backwards.

Gao Shu and Lu Yi were both very fast. One wielded a sword the other used claws their movements were like ghosts.

This wasn't just an advantage in speed but also a comprehensive advantage in basic body techniques and footwork. They both managed to pass Ku Wu and Chen Mo at the same time and attacked Tao Zi fiercely.

However just as the two revealed a sinister smile and their weapons were about to reach Tao Zi there was a 'ding' sound. A shield had appeared in front of Tao Zi blocking their attacks and showed no sign of shattering even after withstanding their attacks.

"Protective shield!"

"Guardian shield!"

Although the words were different, the meaning was the same.

The despicable mind shield that Chen Mo had placed on Tao Zi had grown for 20 seconds and had reached its peak with a full 140 points of shield value even higher than Tao Zi's own HP.

It was not surprising that Gao Shu and Lu Yi couldn't break through Tao Zi's shield value. Everything happened so suddenly that Gao Shu and Lu Yi were completely unprepared.

Then, Lu Yi shouted out loud. It turned out that Chen Mo had launched a basic psychic attack. The psychic ball was extremely fast and Lei Wu's basic elements could be described as terrifying. The combination of the two caused a significant drop in his HP, despite his defense being quite impressive under the effects of the green armor and basic block, which startled him.

"You actually have a psychic weapon!"

Lu Yi was not surprised by Lei Wu's terrifying attack but was amazed by the psychic ball controlled by Chen Mo. He quickly swallowed a small green potion that he had prepared.

Failing to kill Tao Zi who seemed to be the weakest made Gao Shu's mood sink to the bottom.

At this moment he noticed that Han Xue had already approached the side of Lu Ye but there was nothing to worry about. Although Lu Ye's direct combat ability was the weakest among the four, dealing with Han Xue was still not a big problem.

After a moment of thought and hesitation, Gao Shu made a decision.

"Let's deal with one first!"

With his mind made up, a flash of killing intent flickered in Gao Shu's eyes.

Tao Zi obviously noticed the killing intent in the opponent's eyes. The more dangerous the situation the more she forced herself to stay calm. With her body's flexibility she rolled backward on the spot to avoid Gao Shu's long sword. Tao Zi's body was as agile as a small wildcat. She rolled back and stood up again.

However, at this moment, energy surged on Gao Shu's body. Silent Night Slash Lv 4!

Only to see a faint blue sword aura appearing on Gao Shu's long sword with a fierce swing, Tao Zi who had clearly already distanced herself let out a scream. Not only did her surface shield shatter but her shoulder was also slashed, revealing a deep wound that bled profusely.

However, what puzzled Gao Shu was that Lu Yi's attack did not follow.

He glanced sideways and noticed that Chen Mo and Lei Wu's ranged attacks were all aimed at Lu Yi. Despite Lu Yi's HP reaching around 220 points with equipment bonuses and his Defense reaching 11 points he still struggled to withstand the direct attacks from the two. He could only rely on his agile body and nimble speed to dodge their attacks.

Lu Yi then chose to turn and run under the continued attacks of the two.


Gao Shu couldn't help but curse. 

Ku Wu on the other hand saw Tao Zi in crisis and fearlessly rushed over wanting to take Gao Shu's damage for her.  

Seeing the situation was critical, Gao Shu had no choice but to quickly swing his sword again trying to follow up but Tao Zi evaded him again in a sorry state.

"I'll go after him" Chen Mo shouted chasing after Lu Yi who was fleeing.

Originally according to the agreement Ku Wu was supposed to be responsible for Lu Yi. After all the two had conflicts since the beginning of the school year. But with Tao Zi in danger Ku Wu, in his anxiousness unexpectedly abandoned Lu Yi, disrupting the original plan.

Chen Mo had no choice but to go after him personally. With Lei Wu here and with Ku Wu and Han Xue supporting and Lu Ye not being a threat, even though Gao Shu was strong he shouldn't be a match for the few of them.

As they chased and fled, they gradually penetrated into the bushes. Lu Yi's speed value, basic footwork level and basic jumping level were all clearly higher than Chen Mo's. However, because he was running ahead, he was greatly hindered by the various vines and plants in the jungle while Chen Mo only needed to follow behind him. As a result, Lu Yi not only failed to pull away from Chen Mo but the two actually got closer and closer.

After running for about two hundred meter Lu Yi suddenly turned around with his steel claws raised in front of him in a threatening posture.

"Traveler, I never expected that the most deeply hidden person would be you!"

Lu Yi gasped heavily, as forging a path through the thorns and bushes in this environment was extremely exhausting.

Chen Mo was also happy to see the other party stop and assume a threatening posture. Along the way, he consumed an energy stone to replenish his energy, restoring it to its full value of 12 points.

"Suit yourself," Chen Mo looked Lu Yi up and down chuckling. "If you're willing to take off your defensive equipment, remove your natural disaster imprint and trade it to me right now I might consider letting you go."

Of course, Chen Mo knew that this was impossible but he was just bluffing to delay time for the despicable mind shield.

"You're so confident?" Lu Yi had just suffered Chen Mo's psychic ball attack. Although he no longer underestimated Chen Mo seeing Chen Mo being so arrogant he couldn't help but sneer.

"There are only the two of us here. Don't think that I ran away because I was afraid of you. In front of me you're not worthy!"

"If you're not afraid of me then why did you run?" Chen Mo asked rhetorically, his arrogant expression making Lu Yi want to laugh.

"I ran because of Lei Wu! That bastard..."

"Alright, alright, I'm about ready here. Let's not waste any more time." Seeing that the shield value of the despicable mind shield had been replenished to full Chen Mo no longer had the intention of chatting with the other party. He took the initiative to attack Lu Yi.

It should be noted that at this moment his despicable mind shield had a full value of 140 points and after all this time of bluffing the cooldown time of the despicable psychic shield had also been completed. Combined with his high HP and defense his margin for error was far beyond what the other party could imagine.

(End of chapter 41)
