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DS Chapter 29

 Chapter 29: Guarding the Alarm

Things developed just as Chen Mo had expected.

After about ten minutes, there was a rumbling sound from inside the metal gate. Two replacement guards, still groggy from sleep and seeming unrested, stumbled out.

Before the two could react, the five who had been waiting outside the gate rushed forward and killed them. Silently hiding the bodies, the five infiltrated the base. 

The base inside the metal gate looked like a huge garage with two pickup trucks, a large truck and a multi-functional excavator inside. Behind the pickup trucks were huge metal cages, obviously used for capturing large wild animals judging by the size and strength of the cages.

On the left wall of the garage were three huge metal doors, apparently leading underground, where the pickup trucks could directly enter.

From the room on the right side of the garage came the sound of poker being played, occasionally accompanied by the sound of a bottle hitting the ground. Obviously that’s where the guards were resting. Judging by the sounds, there were about six or seven people.

The five gestured to each other and sent the fastest Tao Zi, to quietly investigate. She soon came back with information that there were 5 normal guards and 1 elite guard. 

With the four guards they had just killed outside, there were a total of nine guards and one elite guard in charge, guarding the entrance to this base.

With their group’s strength, dealing with these guards was not difficult.

The only thing to be mindful of was the elite guard, who had been modified by the Hive organization.

However, they did not yet know what enemies were waiting for them deep inside the base, so figuring out how to defeat these guards quickly, avoid triggering the alarm and minimize their own injuries were the main considerations for the group now.

"Why haven't those two on night duty come back yet?"

The elite guard seemed irritable, probably because he had lost in cards and shouted, "Go call those two back. How can I play with two people less? They made me lose, this game doesn't count!"

One guard, looking very reluctant, came out of the room. Completely unprepared, he was easily taken care of by the team. 

This guard had a strength of only about 8 points and was quickly killed, after hiding the body, the five glanced at each. 

"Just before he died, he seemed to be looking over there."

Chen Mo noticed very carefully that the guard when attacked immediately looked towards a metal box on the wall behind him. When they checked it, it was found to be another red alarm button. 

Knowing the alarm button's location, the five breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they waited for another guard to leave the room, apparently to relieve himself, he seemed to be in a hurry and was killed by the five as before easily. This alerted the guards in the room that something was amiss.

But at this point, the five no longer cared about being stealthy.

"Leave one alive!"

Lei Wu gave the order as the group faced the three guards and one elite guard, each choosing their target.

Ku Wu, Han Xue, and Tao Zi each picked a normal guard while Chen Mo and Lei Wu simultaneously attacked the elite guard.


After being hit by Chen Mo's psychic power and Lei Wu's elemental attacks, the elite guard let out a roar of anger.

Especially Lei Wu's elemental attack, the damage it gave was quite astonishing. It instantly blew up his upper body clothes, realising the danger without any hesitation his muscles swelled transforming into a muscular monster resembling a rhinoceros, charging towards the alarm button behind everyone.

This was the elite guard's Savage charge skill.

Its terrifying impact even caused a small section of the wall along the way to collapse with bricks and stones flying everywhere, leaving no doubts for his incredible strength. 

Seeing this scene Chen Mo gritted his teeth as he realised he could only face it head-on.

He took a defensive posture and stood in front of the elite guard determined not to let him reach the alarm button.


Chen Mo felt like he was being hit head-on by a car, his body uncontrollably flying three or four meters before crashing heavily into the door of a pickup truck, then sliding down slowly. A human-shaped dent appeared faintly on the door of the pickup truck.

Chen Mo, in a state of dizziness felt his internal organs shifting, his face became incredibly pale and somewhat unsightly.

Prompt: Your HP -48.

Even with Chen Mo's defence reaching a high 13 points, the elite guard's terrifying blow still deducted 48 points of his HP with an added dizziness effect, which was truly terrifying.

Blocked by Chen Mo, the elite guard's Savage Charge skill was forcibly interrupted, he glanced angrily at Chen Mo. Despite Lei Wu's continuous attacks, the elite guard still continued to charge towards the alarm button. Lei Wu released several skills in succession causing a large area of flesh and blood to explode on the elite guard’s body, but still failed to kill this guard with astonishing HP and defence.

Seeing the elite guard getting closer and closer to the alarm button, Chen Mo, who had just recovered from dizziness, immediately launched a Psychic Bullet.

Prompt: You killed the elite guard.

Prompt: You gained 2 points of Calamity Contribution Points.

When the elite guard finally went down, he was less than two meters away from the alarm button. Under Lei Wu's continuous attack he was coincidentally killed by Chen Mo's Psychic Blast skill, giving him the kill.

However, because the elite guard's initial damage and main damage output were both done by Lei Wu, Chen Mo only gained 2 points of disaster contribution points.

"Cough, cough."

Chen Mo got up from the ground.

After being hit by the elite guard's Savage Charge, his whole body was aching. The others had already killed their respective guards and Ku Wu had controlled the guard he was taking care of using him for interrogation.

"Tell me, how do you open these three doors and what's inside?" 

Facing Lei Wu's interrogation this guard without the restraint of the elite guard seemed quite unprincipled. He didn't hesitate to speak "You just need to press the button to open the soundproof door. The left one is the specimen confinement room, the middle one is the material storage room and the right one is the biochemical laboratory." 

"Where does the Doctor Terror usually keep the experimental potions?" 

"I... I don't know." 

Without any useful information, Ku Wu grinned and killed the guard.

"Come here." 

Han Xue pointed to the map of the guards' living room and exclaimed, "It's a special reward!" 

Chen Mo and the others came over and as soon as they saw the map the Prompt appeared in their brain chips.

Prompt: This is the laboratory map of the Doctor Terror. If handed over to the hostile forces of the Hive organization, you will receive 30 points and a special reward of a 2-day teleportation contract. 

Hearing about the teleportation contract reward Chen Mo was immediately overjoyed.

When he was a librarian he had inadvertently seen the reward details of the teleportation contract. It was a special item that allowed one to actively go to the contracted world, whereas normally they are just randomly sent to worlds. It was a special reward so it was very precious.

Its value lay not in being able to return to the previous mission world at any time for a few days or more but in being able to forcibly delay joining the Apocalypse mission of the gathering point mission when it occurred, thereby avoiding the most dangerous initial stage of the apocalypse mission.

Even if it was just a few hours difference due to different time flow rates, it was very valuable to the natural disasters.

"Unfortunately, it's only for two days."

After muttering to himself, Lei Wu said in a deep voice, "I'll offer 80 points. Does anyone want to compete with me?" 

The others looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Let alone 80 points, even 20 points were not something they could come up with.

After Lei Wu took down the map he carefully rolled it up and stored it in his storage space, the system prompted.

Prompt: Lei Wu has transferred 10 points to you. Do you accept (Yes/No)?


Prompt: You have gained 10 points.

With 80 points Chen Mo should be able to get 20 points but just as Chen Mo was puzzled Lei Wu said casually "I don't have enough points. The white equipment that the elite guard dropped is worth 10 points."

Chen Mo didn't say much and went straight to the body of the elite guard storing the machete the guard had on him in his storage space.

If it was directly handed over for recycling in the disaster world, this machete was certainly not worth 10 points but if it was sold as long as the attributes were passable and he was patient selling it for 20 points would not be a problem. 

And the distribution right of this machete was already his, so if it was worth 10 points, it was still a relatively fair way, even though in reality, Chen Mo was losing out a bit. But Lei Wu's offer of 80 points already showed considerable sincerity.

After all, he was not only the temporary leader of the team but also the absolute main force. Even if he didn't offer a single point the others wouldn't dare to say much but during cooperation afterwards it would inevitably be less loyal, losing their trust.

Lei Wu seemed to be very clear about this, so he did not adopt any domineering behaviour. After receiving the points given by Lei Wu, everyone couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo and the others did not find a grenade on the body of the elite guard, which seemed to be equipped only temporarily when going out on a mission.

Even in Tao Zi’s heart as long as this mission could be completed safely, even if there were no other gains later, she would be satisfied. After all, just completing the mission would bring a basic reward of 30 points and now with the additional 20 points that's 50 points plus the points she got from killing the guards, when they return to the disaster world, she would have enough to buy a fairly good quality E-rank skill scroll.

But Lei Wu was obviously not the same.

"What do you think?" 

Lei Wu looked at the three iron doors and asked.

And the person he was asking was naturally Chen Mo.

These three iron doors did not require a password, as there were switch devices next to them.

"The left one is the specimen confinement room, the middle one is the material storage room, and the right one is the biochemical laboratory. Doctor Terror is probably in the biochemical laboratory on the right." 

Chen Mo's words made Lei Wu nod.

"Then let's start with the bio lab on the right?" 


Chen Mo stopped Lei Wu.

"Although the Doctor Terror is probably in the biochemical lab on the right, the potion we need may not necessarily be there." 


Lei Wu frowned, puzzled.

In fact, he had planned to enter the biochemical lab, he only asked Chen Mo to win over hearts of the team. 

Chen Mo continued, "I mean, in case the potion we need is in the middle material storage room it would be much easier to get there than to force our way into the Doctor Terror's biochemical lab. When Xuan Zong's injuries recover, even if we come back the day after tomorrow breaking into the biochemical lab will be much easier with the help of these martial artists."

Lei Wu seemed to be thoughtful stopping his right hand that was about to open the door of the biochemical lab. 

(End of chapter 29)
