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DS Chapter 36

 Chapter 36 Acute Poisoning

Dr. Terror's body was flashing with electric light, Lei Wu's Thunder Paralysis talent seemed to be once again in effect.

Taking this opportunity Chen Mo and Lei Wu both retreated instinctively distancing themselves from this dangerous being. Chen Mo still maintained a protective posture.

"Attack his head. If we both work together we might have a chance to kill him with one blow!"

Facing Chen Mo's suggestion Lei Wu hurriedly said, "No, I've just tried. Given his current condition he may no longer be considered a humanoid creature. His head may not his weak point. Still... Huh?"

Mid-sentence, Lei Wu noticed Chen Mo glancing at the keys that were still in the ignition of the off-road pickup truck and his face suddenly lit up.

"I have a way. Hold on for a moment!"

After saying this Chen Mo opened the car door and actually sat in the driver's seat.

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall some things from before he crossed over when his parents had not yet divorced.

That summer the experience of going to the Gobi Desert for sandboarding with his family was the happiest time in his life.

Before the family fell apart they had some savings. That year, his father sat in the passenger seat constantly instructing him on how to drive. He said that driving represented a man's identity, dignity, and face and that he should get his driver's license as soon as he came of age.

The past is like smoke. Chen Mo didn't want to recall his past anymore. Compared to the painful memories of that world he may even preferred the new life he had gradually adapted to in this disaster-ridden world.

There was no clutch, it was an automatic transmission vehicle. Seeing Dr. Terror chasing Lei Wu again Chen Mo stepped on the brake turned the key and with the roar of the engine it came to life, he instantly shifted gears and pushed the throttle the whole way.  

Following Chen Mo's hysterical shout the pickup truck rushed towards Dr. Terror who was chasing Lei Wu. This scene truly shocked the heavily injured Han Xue and Taozi. Traveler know how to drive a motor vehicle?

Dr. Terror sensing the danger immediately leaped up effortlessly jumping to a height of three or four meters. His head was almost about to hit the ceiling of the garage. Chen Mo losing his target could only slam on the brake hard to avoid hitting the wall. This guy's basic jumping ability must have reached level 10.

"Damn it!"

As his head hit the steering wheel Chen Mo realized that he hadn't fastened his seat belt.

Fortunately this also created an opportunity for Lei Wu. The elemental energy ball exploded behind Chen Mo hitting Dr. Terror squarely in the waist.

Speaking of Dr. Terror's attributes and skills even among the small leaders, he should be considered relatively strong. However his profession is ultimately that of a researcher. Most of the time, he is conducting various biochemical experiments and the modification of his combat attributes is only an additional benefit based on research results. He does not train diligently like other underlings.

In other words. It can be understood that all of Dr. Terror's combat skills are only at the beginner's level 0 stage and his combat awareness and reaction are quite dull comparing to Lei Wu, they are evenly matched.

Seeing Lei Wu and Dr. Terror engage in fierce combat again, Chen Mo quickly put the car in reverse and made a U-turn.

Fortunately even though this was a T3-level base the garage was spacious enough and there was no need to worry about scratching the car. Chen Mo quickly completed the U-turn and rushed towards Dr. Terror again.

Dr. Terror seeing this couldn't help but show anger. He was about to leap up again to avoid Chen Mo's impact when at this moment Lei Wu suddenly took out a mysterious animal skin scroll, without hesitation he unfurled it and activated it by channelling energy into the scroll.

It was a white-quality consumable magic scroll.

With a surge of vibrant energy flowing out of the scroll and into the ground, Dr. Terror found his feet were suddenly entwined by a green vine, forcefully pulling him back from mid-air to the ground. Before Dr. Terror could react he let out a terrified scream as he was hit by the off-road pickup truck's bumper.

Chen Mo had no intention of stopping to check if the guy was alive or dead, to Chen Mo this would be a foolish act.

If the opponent was killed the brain data chip would naturally give relevant prompts. Therefore he didn't slow down at all and continued to drive the car over Dr. Terror.

Chen Mo obviously planned to wait until the brain data chip gave a prompt before stopping the car.


A sharp claw suddenly protruded from the front bumper of the pickup truck and viciously clawed at the hood.

Dr. Terror covered in blood had actually climbed up from under the pickup truck's chassis. His condition was truly miserable, not only was one of his arms broken and twisted but his face also seemed to have collapsed due to the impact. His two eyeballs were heavily congested indicating intracranial hemorrhage. His injuries looked severe. But still Chen Mo didn't dare to be careless.

He noticed that the garage wall was right in front of him. He shouted loudly almost flooring the accelerator. The four-wheel-drive off-road pickup truck suddenly felt a strong force of impact as he slammed straight into the wall.

But just then, Dr. Terror's upper body that was lying on the hood with his eyes full of bloodshot veins, staring fixedly at Chen Mo, opened his mouth. 

"This is!"

Noticing the danger, Chen Mo was horrified but had no time to react.

In a fleeting moment Chen Mo felt a slight pain in his neck. The bloody strange snake had already been retracted into Dr. Terror's mouth. This was the same method Dr. Terror had used when he first killed the assistant  who was about to escape with a single lethal blow, and now it was used on Chen Mo.

Prompt: Your health -1.

This was clearly the damage from the thrust attack on Chen Mo's neck.

As the pickup truck crashed into the wall, even though Chen Mo was somewhat prepared, he still felt dizzy, short of breath and panicked for a moment. Fortunately, he put on the seat belt previously and was protected and didn't fly out. 

As the light brain data chip gave the death Prompt for Dr. Terror’s death Chen Mo finally felt relieved.

Prompt: You have killed Dr. Terror.

Prompt: You have gained 18 points.

Since Chen Mo was not the main damage dealer to Dr. Terror but only managed to secure the final kill, Dr. Terror, as a small leader provided Chen Mo with an 18-point reward, which was reasonable.

In a daze, Chen Mo came to his senses and looked through the shattered windshield to see everything that had happened in front of him.

The brick and cement wall under the impact of the pickup truck had cracked into more than a dozen visible cracks spreading out like a spider web with the pickup truck at its center.

At the centre of this spider web-like crack was a large pool of bloodstains. It was caused by Dr. Terror's internal organs being ruptured and expelled from his body under the impact of the pickup truck almost embedding his body into the wall.

"Finally dead."

A smile involuntarily appeared on Chen Mo's fact but it quickly froze due to the Prompt from the brain data chip that he had just ignored.

Prompt: You have suffered from acute poisoning with 20 points of damage per second, lasting for 10 seconds.

"20 points of damage per second, lasting for 10 seconds!!!"

The moment Chen Mo saw the Prompt from the brain data chip he felt dizzy, he became overwhelmed with fear of death.

There was no way he could have 200 health points right now no matter what. But the panic and confusion were only momentary.

Chen Mo noticed that the reduction in his health points was not decreasing rapidly at a rate of -20 per second but rather slowly dropping at a rate of -7 per second. ‘Could it be…’

This made Chen Mo think back to what he had read in the library. Unlike the bleeding effect basic poisoning effects can be divided into two types: acute poisoning and chronic poisoning. As for more advanced poisoning effects they would involve factors such as professional attributes which are not discussed here.

Chronic poisoning is when the poisoner in pursuit of the full effectiveness of the toxin greatly slows down the onset of the poison. This type of toxin often causes real damage similar to ignoring the victim's physical defense against poisoning. However, its drawback is that the toxicity develops slowly similar to occurring once every hour with each occurrence causing high damage. Therefore, the poisoned person can try to detoxify or suppress the toxin during this period.

As for acute poisoning, it is similar to the poisoning effect Chen Mo is experiencing now. In order to cause as much damage as possible in a short period of time without giving the victim time to react the, causing the toxin to act in the shortest possible time. Its drawback is also quite obvious, it will form different effects according to the strength of the victim's physique. Some with strong physiques can even directly ignore such toxins, while someone like Chen Mo, although not completely immune, can also be said to have reduced the effectiveness by half.

Chen Mo's defense is 13 points.

In other words, the acute toxin damage Dr. Terror inflicted on Chen Mo before his death was 7 points per second, lasting for 10 seconds, which totals to 70 points of damage, not exceeding Chen Mo's current health points.

After realizing this, Chen Mo completely relaxed. No wonder the assistant, who was only hit by Dr. Terror once, died.

With acute poisoning causing 20 points of damage per second for 10 seconds, taking the recently killed assistant as an example, his physical condition can be said to be mediocre, slightly stronger than the black-clothed lackeys but only because of his psychic modifications that gave him some combat ability .Therefore, after being hit by Dr. Terror, he naturally had no chance of survival.

Ten seconds passed quickly.

Chen Mo, looking at his remaining health points of less than 20, finally stopped falling. This made him take a deep breath, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings afraid of any unexpected danger that could lead to his untimely demise.

Even seeing the skill scroll that was gradually floating up from Dr. Terror's body, he had no intention of getting out of the car to collect it.

These so-called skill scrolls are formed when the soul dissipates after a creature's death. The light brain data chip keenly captures part of the soul information during the process of dispersal which then materializes into something tangible. If not preserved for a long time, they will naturally dissipate.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

The battle had ended but Lei Wu looked serious seemingly still ashamed of his poor performance in the fight. However at this moment he also expressed his admiration for Chen Mo's adaptability. In comparison, he was worse.

"I'm oklay."

Feeling his speech was unclear Chen Mo touched his neck which was still numb and half-paralyzed.

He continued slowly "Or should I say, I'm lucky not to be dead. This guy even had an acute poisoning attack. Fortunately my physical defence is good otherwise I might have ended up like him, lying here."

Chen Mo pointed to the experimental assistant who was first killed by Dr. Terror, feeling somewhat lucky.

(End of chapter 36)
