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DS Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Fatal Blow

Chen Mo was forced into a corner by Gui Tu, who showed no intention of concealing anything.

"Tell me the secret why the mentor pays special attention to you."

His tone was as cold and he spoke indifferently, as if discussing something entirely mundane, devoid of any emotion.

Chen Mo's expression turned quite ugly.

However, what was strange was that before crossing over, as an outstanding student in the class, Chen Mo had hardly ever had any major conflicts with others, let alone life-and-death battles. But now, at this critical moment, he did not feel the nervousness that one should feel in such situation. Instead, he became even calmer.

Like a cold bullet ready to be fired, Chen Mo stared directly at Gui Tu.

"You should have felt the intensity of my attack."

Chen Mo attempted to negotiate.

After hearing this, Gui Tu snorted, then suddenly strode towards Chen Mo once again, saying, "Then you can try again!"

At this critical moment, Chen Mo naturally did not hesitate and immediately counterattacked.

He intended to use his psychic power to strike the opponent then taking advantage of the pause in the opponent's force, he would once again increase the distance between them, defeating the opponent using kiting method.

After all, as a psychic, it was not a good thing to be approached by a specialized close combatant.

However, what made Chen Mo's face turn ugly was that his attack actually missed!

After realizing that his basic psychic attack had failed, Chen Mo suddenly thought of something, and his expression became quite ugly.

This indicated that the opponent's basic physical skills were at least Level 5.

And judging from the opponent's confidence, it was not impossible for his basic physical skills to reach Level 8 or even Level 10!

Gui Tu's fist once again struck Chen Mo.

Gui Tu who was close to him was like a wild bull. With a bang, he used brute force to throw Chen Mo to the ground, then he actually leaped up and his knee violently hit Chen Mo's chest, pinning Chen Mo under him. Despite Chen Mo's strength of 9, he could not escape from the opponent's suppression.

Following Gui Tu's fists, one punch after another mercilessly struck Chen Mo's face.

Prompt: Your HP -14.

Prompt: Your HP -15.

Prompt: Your HP -13.


Chen Mo was shocked to find that under the opponent's attack, not only did he feel dizzy, but the process of concentrating his psychic powers also became intermittent, frequently interrupted by the opponent. Even the chip's data on the damage he had suffered was more than before.

He thought of a possibility.

That was the weak point damage mentioned in the book.

Different from disabling damage, the damage caused by targeting the target's weak points could not be calculated with specific data. Only when the corresponding blow was suffered could the data chip in the brain calculate it.

And this kind of damage probability often created miracles, causing far more damage to the enemy than the damage limit.

Struggling to concentrate his psychic powers, Chen Mo finally launched a counterattack.

But after hearing this Gui Tu snorted, paused slightly after resisting Chen Mo's psychic attack, and then continued to punch him relentlessly in the face.

"Dare to fight back? I'll make you fight back! I'll make you shut up! I'll make you..."

Although he couldn't see his current state, Chen Mo knew that he had probably become a pig's head.

As his HP continued to decrease, Chen Mo knew that the opponent wanted to weaken him, even to the point of near death, to force him to reveal the secret.

He only had two choices now.

One was to desperately call for help. If he could attract someone's attention and get rescued, he would be safe. However, he would be looked down upon by the other students in the class from then on, and it might even affect the mentor's opinion of him. After all, the weak were never sympathized with by this world.

The other way was to fight back desperately, try to cause more damage to him, make him fear his strength or even defeat him!

But undoubtedly, the second choice would face considerable difficulties.

Not to mention that once the counterattack failed and he entered a weakened near-death state, even if he told the secret to the opponent, it was uncertain whether the opponent would really let him go. This in itself was a huge risk.

How to counterattack was also a problem.

This was truly a desperate battle. Gui Tu's strength was probably even stronger than Ku Wu, one of the three Abyss Starving Ghosts.

Due to the dizziness, Chen Mo's psychic power was difficult to concentrate.

After two or three punches from the opponent, he could barely counterattack once.

And now, his HP still has about 70 points left, which meant that after four or five punches from the opponent, he would enter a weak and near-death state.

After all, each of these punches landed on Chen Mo's face.

The only good news was that the opponent seemed a little tired. His fists were no longer as fierce and frequent as before, because besides the psychic counterattack, Chen Mo's body was also struggling to break free from the opponent's suppression.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot veins. Because of the opponent's continuous attacks Chen Mo's vision became blurry.

It seemed that his nasal bone had been broken. His breathing became very difficult, and he could only breathe heavily. There was a salty taste in his mouth, which was the taste of blood. His ears were also buzzing.

Taking each punch from his opponent, it felt like thunder exploding next to his ears.

Chen Mo gritted his teeth, concentrating all his hopes on this one strike.


Gui Tu, who had been swinging his fist continuously, suddenly stopped. Then, with a "bang," he fell heavily to the ground.


Chen Mo spat out the blood stuck in his throat, panting as he pushed Ghost Butcher away and struggled to get up from the ground.

It was then that Chen Mo noticed Gui Tu's left eyeball shattered, and the back of his head had also burst open, mixing red liquid with brain matter, flowing all over the ground.


Chen Mo murmured, seeming a bit confused.


A small object, driven by Chen Mo's mental power, flew back and landed steadily in his palm.

It was the inconspicuous little spinning top that Instructor Qing Hong allowed to keep with him for practice even outside of class to train his basic psychic power.

Gui Tu probably never dreamed that Instructor Qing Hong would open the back door for Chen Mo, leaving this training tool with him privately. Coupled with the tight-fitting bodysuit he wore for practicing basic blocking, this meant that Chen Mo was equipped with two blue-quality items.

There was no nausea after the first kill nor was there any satisfaction after revenge. After a brief shock, Chen Mo immediately realized that this was the real world of disaster.

As long as he wasn't caught on the spot, there was no need to worry about punishment afterwards. After looking around, he quickly left the scene under the cover of night.

The reason why Chen Mo was able to kill with one blow was not only because of the counterattack damage from the previous two times and the training tool equivalent to blue-quality equipment, but also because he had caused weakness damage to Ghost Butcher.

Chen Mo's spirit was 23 points, with a basic psychic power level of 3.

Therefore, his regular attack using mental power would have a damage of 23+3=26 points.

Chen Mo thought that with such high damage, it would be enough to make the other party wary, so he tried to negotiate. However, he didn't expect the other party to be so insane, relying on his higher basic body skills levels, as well as the close-range speed and strength suppression, to continuously target Chen Mo's weaknesses.

Without wearing a helmet, the head was one of the weak points of every humanoid creature.

During this time, Chen Mo launched another mental power counterattack.

If these two damages were added together and then subtracted by the opponent's defence, Chen Mo should have dealt more than 40 points of health damage to the opponent.

However, as a starving ghost from the abyss, the opponent's health points were at least 120 points or even higher.

This means that the opponent still had at least 70 points or even more than 80 or 90 points of health remaining.

Next was Chen Mo's fatal blow.

The basic damage of a blue-quality weapon was 30 to 40 points, and each enchantment upgrade would increase it by 3 points. This means that the basic damage of this little spinning top was at least 30 points or more.

As a result, Chen Mo's blow would be 23+3+30=56, at least 56 points of damage.

However, Chen Mo's blow was a fatal counterattack under his absolute adversity.

Just like Gui Tu targeted his attack on Chen Mo's head, which greatly increased the damage, Chen Mo's blow happened to hit Ghost Butcher's eye socket, causing disabling damage to his eyes on the spot.

And when this spinning top entered the eye socket, the damage to the weak point caused it to explode directly.

If we estimate the damage in numbers, Chen Mo's final blow would be at least 150 points of damage or more!

Since all the hungry ghost students are currently in the enlightenment education stage under the management of the academy, they basically do not wear equipment regularly. Therefore, if there is a situation where they are ambushed with high-quality weapons, it is not difficult to strike a weak point.

Gui Tu, who was in a winning situation at the time, and because Chen Mo's previous two attacks only had normal damage, he never expected that Chen Mo's next blow would have an additional effect equivalent to blue-quality equipment. Therefore, he was completely unprepared, which allowed Chen Mo to kill him in a desperate situation.

Of course.

One of the reasons for this was the spinning top controlled by mental power, which was much faster than a stone, so he didn't have time to dodge.

Gui Tu was dead.

And as the victor, Chen Mo walked away step by step in the darkness, returning to the dormitory in a sorry state.

Everyone in the dormitory was already asleep, and Gui Tu's bed was empty.

Chen Mo staggered to the washroom, turned on the light, and looked at his miserable self in the mirror.

His nose was skewed to the left, his eyes were swollen like eggs, and his eyeballs, trapped between swollen eyelids, could barely look around through the cracks. His cheeks were swollen like buns, and his head was bruised green and purple, looking truly miserable.

Then he slightly opened his swollen eyelids and saw the bloodshot red eyeball underneath, unable to hide the pain.

There were no potions here, no medical facilities.

Chen Mo knew that outside the academy, there was a device that could fully repair the body. As long as the person hadn't died and had enough contribution points, it could completely heal the injured person, including various disabling injuries.

Of course.

This was based on the state of the person when they were first implanted with the light brain data chip. If they were already disabled before that, the treatment facility would not be able to restore them.

After spitting out the blood in his mouth and rinsing slightly, Chen Mo lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of chapter 13)
