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DS Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Doctor Terror


After ruthlessly killing several of these black-clothed lackeys the bio-beasts let out deafening roars.

They were venting the anger that had accumulated in their hearts for many days, mourning their dead comrades in the cage and perhaps also the pain of their current half-human, half-beast appearance.

Among these bio-beasts the half-lion seemed to have a leadership position.

After signaling the other bio-beasts to stop roaring, it looked ferocious and said, "These guards deserve to die but this is not the end. We must seek revenge, tear these bastards who persecuted us apart with our own hands!"

The half-lion's proposal quickly gained unanimous agreement from all the bio-beasts present.

The inhuman abuse they had suffered during this time coupled with the mere presence of these black-clothed lackeys in front of them ignited their hatred and killing them was not enough to extinguish the fire of anger in their hearts.


Xiao Ya obviously wanted to persuade these bio-beasts to give up revenge and live well. She didn't want to see these bio-beasts die because of revenge, because she knew very well the terrifying power of the Hive organization just the two labs on this island were not something they can face. 

But before she could finish her words, Chen Mo interrupted her.

"Don't be blinded by hatred. What you need more than revenge is an antidote!"

Chen Mo's words immediately caught the attention of many bio-beasts, causing a stir.

If they could restore their human form they would certainly not want to continue in this half-human, half-beast state. Even the half-lion man showed a hopeful and longing expression.

Only the gorilla man was more rational, saying in pain, "Dr. Terror's biochemical experiments are just in the initial stage. Even the experiments in the mutation evolution stage are not mature. There is simply no possibility of a reversal antidote."

"So are you giving up like this?"

Chen Mo said coldly, "Don't forget your human identity. Do you want to meet your parents and children in this state? Or do you want to become a real beast, locked up in a zoo for people to visit or hiding in a forest eating bugs and leaves living forever with those real beasts?"

“You mean... I'm still human?”

The gorilla looked at Chen Mo with a somewhat of a moved expression.

"Of course you are human. I've never had the habit of communicating with beasts."

Chen Mo's matter-of-fact words immediately caused a stir among the surrounding bio-beasts.

Faced with Chen Mo's arrogance and indifference, they did not show any discomfort. Instead, they felt respected, which was indeed the behaviour an international detective should have towards ordinary citizens.

Seeing that his words had already elicited a reaction among these bio-beasts, Chen Mo took the opportunity to continue, "The alarm has been sounded at Dr. Terror's base. We must capture him or kill him before he has a chance to seek help from Dr. White’s base. We need to search for a possible antidote in his laboratory! Even if he doesn't have it, Dr. White's laboratory which is even more advanced than him might have it. If they don't, then we'll just have to find other doctors from the Hive organization. There are countless T1 level doctors among them, and their evil research must have a solution!"

Chen Mo's series of words had already laid out a path of perpetual hostility towards the Hive organization for this group of bio-beasts.

Though the hope of success was not nonexistent, it was so faint that it could almost be ignored.

Before long, the bio-beasts and five starving ghosts appeared behind the metal door in the corridor. Standing behind these towering bio-beasts, the starving ghosts looked pitifully small in stature.

"Remember the plan we just made," Chen Mo repeated, "Your strength is too great. It may be difficult to subtly control Dr. Terror. If you accidentally kill him, it will be troublesome. So, leave Dr. Terror to us to deal with. You are responsible for clearing out his guards and followers."

With the rumbling sound of mechanical gears turning, the heavy metal door slowly lifted up. Due to the position of Chen Mo and his group being too far back, their view was blocked by the towering bio-beasts in front and they could not see the situation outside at all. They only heard a series of exclamations from the bio-beasts in front as if something had been thrown in from outside.


With the explosion shockwave, Chen Mo and the others finally reacted. It was a grenade from elite black-clothed lackeys.

However faced with this grenade, apart from the two bio-beasts at the very front who suffered some damage the other bio-beasts were only slightly unsteady. They immediately roared and rushed out towards the metal door.

Seizing this opportunity Chen Mo with quick eyes and mind, immediately launched a psychic attack wanting to get the first hit on Dr. Terror outside as soon as possible.

Lei Wu with the same idea also launched his elemental attack outside.

However to their disappointment what greeted them outside the metal door were four strong bio-beasts as well as elite black-clothed lackeys followed by many other black-clothed lackeys. Both of them only managed to get the first hit on one bio-beast each.

Nevertheless, it was still a small gain.

After all, even if the two of them did not compete for the right to distribute the points, these bio-beasts would have been killed by the enraged bio-beasts, so it was like earning a freebie.

Compared to only four bio-beasts outside, there were more than a dozen bio-beasts pouring out of the passage and each one had strength close to that of elite black-clothed lackeys. Especially the half-lion among them, who should be considered an elite among the bio-beasts his strength probably approaching that of a small leader.

To put it in more concrete terms, bio-beasts are like higher-level troops compared to black-clothed lackeys and elite units in troops naturally have stronger strength. 

Outside, the roars of beasts quickly filled the air and various sounds of impacts and roars were incessant.

The off-road vehicles parked in the hall was easily knocked back two or three meters by the bio-beasts and even the multi-functional excavator was overturned during the battle between the half-lion and the bio-beasts.

"That's him!"

Xiao Ya quickly spotted Dr. Terror.

He was a shabby, skinny old man wearing a loose white coat, bald on top with a half-circle of semi-long curly hair around. Beside him were two white-coated assistants.

When the two assistants saw so many bio-beasts, they immediately showed expressions of fear. One of them even began to retreat slowly as if ready to escape at any moment.

Just then, Dr. Terror suddenly turned around. His tongue turned into that of a snake’s, incredibly fast and landed accurately on the researcher who was about to escape.


The researcher, upon seeing this immediately showed a look of horror.

He tightly held his right hand over the wound, but after a few seconds his legs went weak and he fell to the ground. Despite his injury he still struggled to escape, but his speed was incredibly slow, and soon he breathed his last.

Seeing this, the other researcher was startled. He immediately gave up the idea of escaping and instead activated the combat skills he possessed, joining the fight.

Healing Lv2.

Under the care of the Healing skill, the wounds on the bio-beast, which had been torn open by the intelligent bio-beasts, actually began to heal at a visible speed.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up upon seeing this.


This also meant that there was a certain probability that this researcher would drop a Psychic skill scroll he needed.

At this moment, Chen Mo and Lei Wu's ranged attacks also fell on Dr. Terror, both trying to secure the first hit on this minor leader.

However, just as the two attacks were about to hit, Dr. Terror's body suddenly displayed a semi-transparent shield as he was being attacked by the two, blocking their damage.


"How is this possible?"

Though Chen Mo and Lei Wu's words were different, their meaning was the same.

Chen Mo was obviously more surprised at Dr. Terror's identity as a psychic. However, upon a little thought, since Dr. Terror had conducted so many evil experiments on innocents and even transformed his assistants into psychics, how could he not have undergone some special modifications himself?

And judging from the psychic identity of the researcher beside him, Dr. Terror probably had undergone similar modifications himself.

However, he was different from ordinary psychics. Dr. Terror's psychic ability was obviously just one of the many results of his experiments and research. He was not a pure psychic. Similar to the tongue-snake skill just now it was all part of his research results.

As for Lei Wu's astonishment, it was because of Dr. Terror's shield.

The opponent had clearly not activated any skills just now nor had they displayed a shield, but it automatically triggered. There are only two explanations for this.

One is that the opponent has special equipment that can automatically generate a shield after being attacked. The other is that the opponent possesses a special psychic skill that can create an invisible shield in advance, which only appears when they are attacked from the outside.

This also meant that Lei Wu did not get the first hit on Dr. Terror as he had hoped.

"I'll go deal with that researcher."

After seeing Lei Wu and himself fighting for the first hit on Dr. Terror Chen Mo decided to withdraw. On the one hand he didn't want to offend Lei Wu because of this and on the other hand it was because of the researcher's psychic identity.

Of course, there is also the reason that the strength and skills of Dr. Terror are unknown.

From the situation where he killed the fleeing researcher with one blow, he is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

If it were possible to drop a scroll of a healing-type psychic skill from the researcher, Chen Mo could consider using the Mind Stone given by Instructor Qing Hong to identify it and learn it on the spot. This would undoubtedly greatly increase his chances of survival in the upcoming tasks. 

The others also understood Chen Mo's thoughts and didn't say much.

After all, along the way, everyone had seen Chen Mo's contributions, so there was no need to create conflicts over such trivial matters. Ku Wu who was one step ahead of Chen Mo took over his position and rushed to the front.

However, Dr. Terror seemed to have confirmed Lei Wu's threat.

He let out a strange laugh, energy surging on his body. Then a psychic attack similar to a psychic bullet flashed by directly passing through Ku Wu, Tao Zi and Han Xue and hitting Lei Wu.

While Lei Wu was activating his skill he got hit by Dr. Terror's psychic attack, with a flash of lightning Lei Wu released the skill but the trajectory of the skill seemed to have deviated slightly, as it passed by Dr. Terror by about half a meter away without hitting the target.

"I was disturbed by confusion!"

Lei Wu's response immediately puzzled Ku Wu, Tao Zi, and Han Xue. With his strength, he should not have made such a low-level mistake.

At this moment, several black-clothed lackeys rushed towards Tao Zi and Han Xue from different directions. Seeing this, the two of them had to be careful.

After a moment Ku Wu who was risking his life, finally wielded the white-quality curved blade given to him by Lei Wu and broke through Dr. Terror's shield and got the first hit allocation rights.

(End of chapter 32)
