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DS Chapter 31

 Chapter 31: Bio-Beasts

After the potion Chen Mo's basic attributes changed to:

HP: 206.

Defense: 13.

Speed: 10.

Strength: 10.

Physique: 17.

Spirit: 24.

Energy: 12.

The group locked the male researcher in a metal cage in the warehouse.

This was originally a device used to contain specimens of large wild beasts it was more than enough to trap this male researcher.

This time, the five of them could be said to have gained a lot which made them feel extremely fortunate to have joined the investigator camp earlier.

"Miss Xiao Ya at this point I won't hide it from you anymore."

After leaving the underground warehouse and entering the corridor Chen Mo showed a forced and sad expression.

"Because the guards at the Dr. White’s base are too powerful Captain Jack was seriously injured and had to retreat. Besides us, there are still several investigators on the island, but they are more or less injured. The only good news is that we rescued a powerful martial artist from the base. However he has been severely injured due to the inhumane and evil experiments of Dr. White. So, we must use Dr. Terror’s body cellular repair potion to restore this martial artist's strength to avoid being wiped out by the Hive organization."

Chen Mo asked with an extremely sincere voice, "Miss Xiao Ya, do you have any good ideas?"

"That kind of potion?"

Xiao Ya seemed to be moved by Chen Mo's words of justice, thinking of the oppression she had suffered in the past few days, her eyes filled with tears.

"In fact, as far as I know, this is not a potion for repairing body damage at all. It is just that Dr. Terror temporarily replaces the damaged muscles with active cells from animals through biochemical technology. Although it can restore some of the user's strength in a short period the long-term harm is unpredictable. Dr. White once asked for this potion from Dr. Terror for his experiments. If I remember correctly, there should be two doses left in Dr. Terror’s laboratory."

Xiao Ya's explanation made Chen Mo frown slightly. After thinking for a moment, Chen Mo sighed, "This is the potion requested by the rescued martial artist himself. He may not be aware of the dangers of this potion but regardless let's find a way to get it first. As for whether he will take it or not, it will depend on his own will."

"In that case, okay!"

Xiao Ya agreed readily.

Han Xue and Tao Zi who were responsible for scouting eavesdropped near the metal gate for a while. After confirming that there were no sounds outside, they made a gesture to the others indicating that there was no abnormality and then carefully opened the metal gate.

With the rotation of the mechanical gears emitting rumbling sounds the metal soundproof door opened, after confirming that they had not been discovered by the base everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the group left the underground corridor, the metal gate closed again.

Now, there are only two metal gates left, one on the left leading to the specimen confinement room and one on the right leading to the biochemical laboratory. Dr. Terror is obviously supposed to be in the biochemical laboratory on the right.

"Wait a minute."

Xiao Ya seeing Chen Mo and the others heading straight for the biochemical laboratory, hurriedly stopped them.

"What's wrong?"

With their previous experience, the group had become more patient with her and asked.

Xiao Ya looked reluctant and glanced at the specimen confinement room on the far left.

"Just a month ago, a batch of wild beasts and missing persons was sent here as materials for Dr. Terror’s biochemical experiments. Most of the people died due to failed experiments, while a small number mutated into two types of monsters: the mindless bio-beats and the intelligent bio-beasts. The bio-beasts have already been turned into fighters by Dr. Terror using controllers. However, the intelligent bio-beasts, because they cannot be controlled have been imprisoned in there. Once the base sounds the alarm, they as dangerous creatures of the base, will be executed immediately."

Upon hearing this, the group couldn't help but furrow their brows.

The base has not yet detected their intrusion making this the best opportunity to ambush the Dr. Terror. After all, the group has been inside the base for quite some time now and any further delay could lead to them being detected by the guards.

The idea of wasting this golden opportunity to do a good deed and rescue these so-called bio-beasts is clearly not very appealing to the team.

Therefore after exchanging glances they were about to politely refuse Xiao Ya's proposal.

However, Chen Mo suddenly asked, "You said they have intelligence?"

"Yes," Xiao Ya responded confidently, with a pleading look.

Chen Mo continued, "Since they are called bio-beasts, does that mean they have the body of a beast and the intelligence of a human?"

"Not entirely."

Xiao Ya looked cautious seemingly afraid that saying the wrong thing would lead to the death of these bio-beasts.

"Although they are called bio-beasts, after being injected with a large amount of biochemical agents, they have mutated into a half-human, half-beast appearance and their thinking and intelligence are also approaching that of beasts. However, although they look scary, they are actually very kind. Once you get to know them, they will trust you like little animals."


Chen Mo immediately made a decision.

"Since you say so, then they are innocent victims persecuted by the Hive Organization. As international investigators, we cannot allow innocent civilians to die in front of us and our conscience does not allow us to stand by and watch! Miss Xiao Ya rest assured, we will do everything we can to rescue them!"

After saying this, Chen Mo signalled to the others to follow him discreetly.

With their previous experience the group showed considerable trust in Chen Mo. Although they were somewhat puzzled by his intentions, they followed him relatively calmly.

Xiao Ya was deeply moved by Chen Mo's righteous words and her eyes toward him were full of trust and admiration.

Amidst the rumbling sound of mechanical gears opening the heavy metal gate, the group once again entered a long, narrow underground corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there was still a corner.

Behind the corner was a huge underground prison room, from which various roars of wild beasts, the sound of electric shocks and explosions and excited laughter could be heard from time to time.

As they crouched behind the wooden door and looked into the prison room, the group couldn't help but be amazed.

"Are these the bio-beasts?"

Inside this vast room, there were dozens of huge metal cages, most of which were idle but there were still over a dozen cages containing monsters of various forms.

Inside the cages there were humanoid monsters resembling gorillas, zebras, lions and lizards. Each humanoid monster was about two meters tall and unusually burly.

Just by looking at their appearance, no one would doubt the immense strength they possessed.

As for the guards responsible for watching over them, there were only six normal guards.

After throwing food into the cages and then spraying them with high-pressure water guns, they would connect the electric current to the water guns when they encountered the monsters' angry roars. The cages would then be filled with the monsters' desperate screams and they would no longer resist.

"To deal with these beasts, you have to tame them. Reasoning with them is useless."

A slender black-clad lackey couldn't help but feel proud when he saw the huge monster trembling in front of him.

"Haha, I remember who almost wet his pants the first time he came in here."

The mocking laughter of another black-clad lackey made the originally proud lackey unable to keep his face. After becoming angry, he sprayed the high-pressure water gun, which was electrified at another bio-beast in a cage. As the bio-beast screamed in agony, he once again revealed a proud expression, as if trying to wash away his past shame.

Xiao Ya, outside the door, couldn't bear to watch this scene.

"These are the bio-beasts created by Dr. Terror. They are mutant experiments created by injecting human bodies with enhanced genes from wild beasts. We must rescue them quickly. Once the alarm system in the base is activated and not disarmed within ten seconds these cages will be connected to the base's high-voltage electrical system and they will be doomed."

"Six black-clad lackeys," Chen Mo murmured.

Lei Wu calmly analyzed "With such a large room, it is impossible for us to kill them instantly without them reacting."

Chen Mo nodded.

He then looked at Xiao Ya and asked "After we release them are you sure they won't attack us?"

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Ya said confidently, "I have been in contact with them for a long time. They are really kind and have never thought of harming anyone. They are just innocent people captured by the Hive organization."

"No time to wait."

After getting confirmation from Xiao Ya, Chen Mo immediately said, "Charge in, ignore these black-clad lackeys, and do your best to rescue these bio-beasts."

This also meant that the base's alarm would be triggered immediately.

It was only at this moment that Lei Wu, Ku Wu, Taozi, and Han Xue all realized what Chen Mo's true intention was.

He obviously intended to use these bio-beasts to distract the forces of the Hive Organization.

Although these bio-beasts would not obey the commands of natural disasters, their hatred for the Hive Organization was undeniable.

With this realization, everyone suddenly became motivated.


With a command, the six of them suddenly rushed into the specimen confinement room.

Even the gentle Xiao Ya at this moment, could not care about the danger. She followed the five into the warehouse. In the stunned eyes of several black-clad lackeys, she rushed to the nearest metal cage and pressed the button to open it.

"Miss Xiao Ya!"

The half-lion inside the cage looked incredibly incredulous, shouting in joy.

As Xiao Ya had said, she had indeed established a deep friendship with these bio-beasts. The bio-beasts roared and violently shook the metal cages.

"They are international investigators here to investigate the Hive Organization. Come out quickly!"

Xiao Ya shouted and rushed to another metal cage's switch.

However the metal cage doors opened too slowly. The black-clad lackeys who had been scared silly by this sudden turn of events, finally reacted. They let out terrified screams and immediately rushed to the base's alarm system.

Buzz, buzz.

The base's alarm sounded a piercing wail that spread throughout the entire base, accompanied by the flickering of red and blue lights.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Chen Mo kept urging, not only urging others to quickly open the doors of the cages but also urging the bio-beasts trapped inside to escape quickly.

The bio-beasts screamed in alarm. The moment the iron gates were wide enough for them to escape, they disregarded everything and squeezed out from inside.

Ten seconds passed quickly.

With a "bzz" sound.

As the high-voltage electricity spread, several bio-beasts that hadn't escaped in time let out piercing screams and died miserably in the cages, accompanied by intense flames.

Some of them were unable to escape because the cage doors opened too slowly, while others were so weak from the previous inhumane abuse that they were unable to escape.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ya couldn't help but cry out in distress.

These bio-beasts were her true friends after she was captured by the Hive Organization.

"What are you going to do? Don't come over." Several black-clad lackeys hiding in the corner trembled as they looked at the approaching bio-beasts, their voices full of fear and even had a hint of crying. Their hands holding daggers involuntarily trembled.

Then, the angry bio-beasts began their bloody revenge.

(End of Chapter 31)
