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DS Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Go All Out

Seeing this, Lei Wu couldn't help but show a look of astonishment.

This was obviously far beyond his expectations.

Seeing that Chen Mo had already engaged in a direct confrontation with this bio-human and because of the bio-human's astonishing physique, pale green skin and monstrous figure the black-clothed thugs around him also dared not approach rashly. After all, they were just peripheral thugs, just contract workers, all normal people simply didn't dare to get close to this alien monster.

After a brief moment of thought, Lei Wu no longer hesitated.

He decided to act according to Chen Mo's plan, trying to quickly kill one of the black-clothed elites and seize his grenade.

Faced with the two burly figures running towards him, Lei Wu chose one of them and immediately launched a basic elemental attack. An elemental ball formed at the tip of his wand and shot towards the elite black-clothed thug. The opponent's relatively slow speed and almost clumsy movements made him not worried at all that his attack would be avoided.

With a bang.

As the elemental ball exploded on the elite black-clothed thug, he couldn't help but scream in pain, his tight-fitting suit completely blown apart, revealing his almost spherical upper body inside with the elemental ball only leaving a charred area on his chest.

The attacked elite black-clothed thug seemed to be wearing a suit of fat armour, like a burly sumo wrestler and his speed seemed to increase slightly continuing to charge menacingly.

Lei Wu narrowed his eyes at this sight.

His C-level skill, Dual Thunderburst, was still on cooldown, but his E-level skill, Thunderbolt, had already finished cooling down after he sneakily killed the injured elite black-clothed thug at the beginning.

After all, it was an E-level skill and the cooldown time for Thunderbolt was only 6 seconds.

In addition to the E-level skill Thunderbolt and the C-level skill Dual Thunderburst, he also mastered a D-level skill, Lightning Magic.

Lightning Magic: Launch a lightning strike, causing skill splash damage to the target and nearby hostile units.

Although this elite black-clothed thug had astonishing health and strength values, his speed was his weakness!

If he could, in the process of his approach insert a Thunderbolt skill between two normal attacks and then immediately launch Lightning Magic after the second normal attack then the damage erupted in a short period of time should have a fairly good chance of killing this elite black-clothed thug.

In an ideal state, the whole process might not take more than 5 seconds.

On one side there was the contemplation of the battle, detailed and meticulous planning, on the other side however in his peripheral vision he caught sight of a dirt stain on the pristine white robe, causing his brow to furrow.

It seemed to be a bloodstain from the recent battle.

This made him, in the midst of casting a spell, involuntarily shake himself vigorously. This action obviously couldn't shake off the dirt, but it made him feel a little better.

As the energy surged within him, the Thunderbolt condensed into shape.

It was a grape-sized ball of light, exceptionally dazzling and then the ball of light flashed and disappeared, once again accurately landing on the chest of this elite black-clothed thug. Accompanied by the crackling explosion of lightning, just after Lei Wu launched the Thunderbolt, his wand was already preparing for the second basic elemental normal attack.

The energy ball was gradually taking shape.

However, just at this moment.

Lei Wu's peripheral vision caught sight of the other elite black-clothed thug, whose body suddenly swelled up, terrifying muscles causing his clothes to burst.

Accompanied by the surge of energy within him, it was evidently a sign that he was about to launch the Savage Charge skill.

Previously Fei Xiaojian had fallen into a state of weakness and dizziness leading to his death, precisely because of the elite black-clothed thug's Savage Charge skill. This skill was undoubtedly the most threatening combat skill of the elite black-clothed thug’s, also serving as a displacement skill that allowed them to attack or retreat, indirectly compensating for their speed deficiency.

Elite black-clothed thugs were also human. Of course, they were aware of their speed deficiency. Therefore unless they were in a winning position in a fight, they would never easily use the Savage Charge skill. After all, this was also their only escape skill. Once used for charging but failed to achieve the result, without being able to resolve the battle, it would undoubtedly put them in danger becoming sandbags surrounded by enemies unable to escape.

However, because of the presence of the small leader Black Tiger Dragon, this elite black-clothed thug, upon seeing his companion being attacked, actually took the lead in launching the Savage Charge skill with a desperate posture.

At this moment, Lei Wu was outside the attack range of his Savage Charge skill, but this elite black-clothed thug seemed to intend to use the inertia of this skill to stun Lei Wu upon impact. Although this would lose most of the damaging effect of the skill as long as he could get close to this esper, the elite thug was confident that he could kill the esper.

After all compared to martial artists the vast majority of espers focused more on mental development and their close combat abilities were not outstanding.

"This guy!"

A hint of hesitation flickered in Lei Wu's eyes evidently realizing the danger and considering whether to stop attacking and try to create some distance first. However doing so would undoubtedly put him at a disadvantage in the fight.

As for trying to interrupt the opponent's charge skill with the Thunder Paralysis talent, it was absurd.

Although he didn't have much practical combat experience, Lei Wu's theoretical combat experience was extremely rich. The opponent's charge skill was clearly a combat skill with a short-lived invincibility property. During the charge, unless one's attributes completely overwhelmed the opponent or one possessed a significantly higher-level skill with priority far surpassing the opponent's it was impossible to interrupt the opponent's charge.

Many close combat specialists, especially those with speed specialities, would try to use such skills to counteract the control skills of ranged attackers. Whether they could skillfully use such skills to counter control skills in milliseconds was often one of the indicators of a close combat combatant’s combat talent.

With this information in mind, Lei Wu naturally wouldn't make any more foolish attempts.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out bravely standing in front of the elite black-clothed thug who had launched the Savage Charge skill.

With a lound banging sound. It was as if hit by a high-speed off-road vehicle. After sliding in the air for four or five meters, the figure fell heavily to the ground. The elite black-clothed thug also stopped charging, and his muscles gradually returned to a more normal state from their exaggerated posture.

He had only charged less than three meters!

Lei Wu was stunned to see this. It was K Wu who at a critical moment, stepped forward to forcibly withstand the elite black-clothed thug's Savage Charge skill at the cost of his own injuries.

It's worth noting that the elite black-clothed thug's Savage Charge skill had a considerable amount of damage. Otherwise Fei Xiaojian, as one of the members of the adult starving ghost group, wouldn't have died on the beach like that.

He relied on his green-quality equipment, high health, damage reduction effects from combat skills and the advantage of his basic block level. He had been holding on against the elite black-clothed thug for a long time, obviously having some grasp of the opponent's damage. However, he didn't expect the opponent to still have this powerful skill hidden. As a result, others would undoubtedly be cautious about this skill of the elite black-clothed thug but Ku Wu unexpectedly stepped forward at this moment, actively confronting him!

Ku Wu who was in a dazed state had his health drop sharply and his face was extremely pale.

But his expression was incredibly ferocious, even showing a hint of excitement.

Compared to the other adult starving ghosts, he had no way out. If this mission failed, he would undoubtedly die. Given the personalities of those people, they would definitely not spare him. Therefore, he had to face the challenge head-on fight his way out and survive this trial.

He couldn't speak but his furious and high-strung emotions infected Lei Wu as well.

For the first time, Lei Wu experienced a feeling he had never felt before.

It was the feeling that when he was in danger, his teammates would step forward willingly share the danger with him, and trust that he would ultimately win. So even though the opponent's strength was far inferior to his own, he could entrust his back to him.

This was the friendship that could only be formed between members of a disaster team after experiencing life-and-death battles, something he had only heard of this but never experienced before coming to the Academy of Disaster.It's also what his father had repeatedly urged him to find before coming to the Academy of Disaster and Misery.

In light of this revelation, Lei Wu naturally wouldn't attempt anything foolish anymore.

"Take this!"

Rationality triumphed over emotion. He knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so he threw the small green vial of potion that he had tried to give to Xuanzong for healing to Ku Wu. He was determined to complete this mission satisfactorily no matter what and quickly launched an elemental ball from his wand launching a basic elemental attack at the elite black-clothed thug who had already been continuously attacked by him.

This elite black-clothed thug, having suffered continuous attacks from Lei Wu, naturally knew how powerful this esper's attacks were. He even tried to evade Lei Wu's basic elemental attack, however his speed was simply not worth mentioning. 

With the violent explosion of the elemental ball, the elite black-clothed thug couldn't help but scream in pain as a bloody and fleshly blurry area appeared on his body.

Then after a brief pause, this elite black-clothed elite suddenly turned around and launched the savage charge skill in the opposite direction.

Was he trying to escape?

It was obvious that this guy after enduring Lei Wu's attacks multiple times had realized how truly devastating Lei Wu's damage was and had become somewhat timid.

Unfortunately, the savage charge skill as a short-distance control displacement skill for strength-based specialists did not have a long displacement distance. 

On the other hand, the attack range of an elemental mage could gradually increase with the improvement of their spiritual power. Although theoretically the further the distance the lower the elemental damage, at this moment the distance of just twenty to thirty meters was nothing to an elemental mage.

Crackling. A blue-purple lightning arc shot out from Lei Wu's wand.

Although the distance between the two sides had been increased, after the end of the Savage Charge skill, the speed of this elite black-clothed thug was truly indescribable. If he had attributes like Chen Mo, he would at least have a certain chance of evasion with some preparation. However, his speed was simply too pathetic, not to mention basic agility and he was instantly hit by this blue-purple electric arc.

With the splattering of lightning, this huge elite black-clothed thug let out a muffled groan, his body briefly paralyzed, but he did not fall down. It still seemed like he had a considerable amount of health left.

"Not dead yet!"

Due to Ku Wu’s involvement, Lei Wu let out a cold snort. Just to be safe, he gathered his basic elemental attack while activating the ice curse skill on his necklace. The two attacks were launched simultaneously towards the elite black-clothed thug who had already run near the jeep.

With the explosion of elements and Lei Wu's relentless attacks, the elite black-clothed thug finally fell down.

Unfortunately, the opponent was too far away, and Lei Wu didn't have time to pick up the grenade.

Ku Wu had already recovered from the daze and was helped up by Tao Zi. He drank the potion he had just gotten, but the other elite black-clothed thug is already rushing over. 

In their current state, they really didn't have the ability to go there and search for the grenade. Because of what had just happened, they had to protect Wan Guan.

This made Lei Wu look towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, who was in a tense standoff with the bio-human, was only about a dozen meters away from the body of the elite black-clothed thug.

(End of chapter 26)
