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DS Chapter 28

Chapter 28: T3 Base

The group hid in the depths of the forest to rest and recover.

Unknowingly, night had fallen.

The weather today was exceptionally clear and the vast and beautiful stars in the sky mesmerized Tao Zi and Han Xue. Having been used to the grey sky of the disaster world, the two were greatly shocked, continuously pointing at the stars and discussing in low voices.

If it weren't for the many mosquitoes here in such a vibrant forest environment, the two girls would have been even happier.

"Take these." Lei Wu took out two small bottles of potion and threw them to Ku Wu and Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took the bottle with surprise.

Prompt: Recovery Potion.

Quality: White.

Usage requirements: None.

Item attributes: Can treat physical injuries, restores 5 health points per minute, lasts for 1 hour, the recovery effect will be interrupted if injured.

Item introduction: This is a basic recovery potion in the disaster world, do not use it in battle.

Lei Wu said lightly, "We will have to fight hard tomorrow and both of you are injured. First, heal yourself."

Here, the issue of injuries must be mentioned.

The injuries of natural disasters are divided into two types: disabling injuries and physical injuries.

Disabling injuries refer to irreparable injuries such as broken limbs, which must be repaired through special treatment or by returning to the disaster world through a medical facility and cannot be treated with potions.

As for physical injuries, they are the internal injuries caused by the continuous decrease in health points in a short period of time, which cannot be quickly restored through the small green bottle potions and general medical means. It will reduce the maximum health points and require this kind of slow-acting treatment potion to recover slowly or rely on the body's self-healing ability to recover.

Since the fierce battle with Gui Tu, Chen Mo has found something suspicious about this.

After that intense battle in which Chen Mo killed Gui Tu, he later found that there were still over twenty health points that could not be completely restored. After his face had been swollen and bruised for quite some time he searched in the library and learned that this was due to physical injuries. If he did not want to slowly recover he could only repair the physical injuries with a recovery potion.

"Thank you." Chen Mo and Ku Wu felt a bit embarrassed.

But this was something related to their lives after all so they naturally wouldn't refuse.

Seeing that the two were reluctant to consume the potion, Lei Wu said coldly, "You both did well today. Tomorrow's battle will probably require both of you to share the damage with me. This can be considered as me paying you back in advance. Restore your condition first."

After that, he looked at Chen Mo again.

"Your strength is not bad, and your mind is very sharp. We were able to escape smoothly today and you played a big role in it. If there's a reward tomorrow I will compensate you accordingly."

Although it was just a promise it made Chen Mo feel much better and filled him with confidence for tomorrow's actions.

From this perspective in terms of strength and vision Lei Wu was obviously much stronger than Mu Tan, despite both being nominal captains.

Then Lei Wu looked at Ku Wu.

"Your basic attributes and skills are okay but without equipment and skills you can't fully display your true strength. Take this."

Lei Wu took out a white-quality curved knife and handed it to Ku Wu.

This was obviously a weapon he had brought from the disaster world before entering the mission world and it was not known what it had been used for or if it had any special significance.

After receiving the curved knife Ku Wu nodded. He was not good with words, but he remembered this favour.

Then the two closed their eyes one after another feeling the gradual effectiveness of the recovery potion in their bodies slowly repairing their physical injuries and fell asleep.

A night passed quietly.

The next day early in the morning Xuanzong took out the captured prey and shared it with everyone, later confirmed the plan again.

"Yesterday, they lost the tracking bio-human They will definitely go to Dr. Terror to borrow a new tracking bio-human and more people will come to hunt us down. On the other hand, their base defence will definitely be more lax, this will be our chance."

Xuanzong looked at everyone. "The three of us will be responsible for attracting their attention here keeping them away from the base. You will be responsible for obtaining the potion from Dr. Terror. Whether we can leave here alive depends on today."

Everyone nodded without speaking, eating raw meat to replenish their strength.

Zhang Qiang and Yan Nan also felt a bit oppressed. Kang Peng had died yesterday and today they would face more enemies who would definitely be on guard against their attack on the tracker bio-human.

It would be a difficult battle.

"Let's go!" With that, Lei Wu, Chen Mo, Ku Wu, Tao Z, and Han Xue, the five of them, gradually disappeared into the depths of the jungle, while Xuanzong, Zhang Qiang and Yan Nan looked at each other and walked in the opposite direction.

Having been imprisoned here for several months, although Xuanzong had spent most of his time in the closed environment of Doctor White's lab, due to the conflict between Doctor White and Dr. Terror, the exchange of research resources between the two labs was not that much. 

However, they still had to exchange some research resources occasionally, so he was occasionally forced to participate in some of Dr. Terror's inhumane biochemical experiments thus coming into contact with other captives. Therefore, he had some understanding of the basic terrain of this island.

According to the map drawn by Xuanzong, the group walked for two full hours before finally finding the forest path leading to Dr. Terror's laboratory.

Continuing along the forest path for a while they found a secret base hidden deep in the forest.

The walls around the base were covered with barbed wire and disguised with vines.

This should be Dr. Terror's T3 secret base.

The five of them held their breath and looked at the outer defences of this secret base.

Two black-clad thugs were responsible for surveillance at the outermost watchtower of the base.

"We must not let them sound the base alarm system. I can only be sure of solving one of them with certainty." After saying that, Lei Wu looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo bit his lip and said, "I can only say I'll try. There's no 100% certainty."

These black-clad thugs' attributes are not exactly the same. Some have slightly higher strength, some have higher speed, some have higher physique and some have more powerful skills. Moreover, natural disasters' normal attacks are not fixed values; they often have a certain degree of damage fluctuation. Therefore, Chen Mo is not sure if he can complete the kill before the alarm is sounded.

"Do your best" Lei Wu said in a deep voice. "If we fail, we'll have to attack forcefully. By then, we will have to face the defence forces of the entire laboratory and with our strength there will definitely be casualties or even mission failure."

Hearing Lei Wu's words, Ku Wu, Han Xue and Tao Zi couldn't help but look nervously at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded and stealthily moved towards the direction of the outer watchtower with Lei Wu.

On top of the watchtower, the two black-clad thugs were drinking tea. Every ten seconds or so, they would glance outside, occasionally arguing about something, and their voices could be heard even from a distance.

When Chen Mo and Lei Wu arrived about thirty meters away from the base of the watchtower the surrounding vegetation had been cleared but this distance exceeded Chen Mo's optimal attack range so he had to get closer.

Adjusting his breathing Chen Mo tried to calm himself down.

The watchtower was about five meters high, built with metal supports and there was a conspicuous red button on the wall inside which everyone judged to be the alarm device.

Just as Chen Mo was about to take advantage of the next interval between the two thugs to approach, one of the thugs, perhaps because he had drunk too much, actually walked out of the watchtower, looking like he needed to relieve himself.

"A good opportunity!" Chen Mo didn't hesitate and whispered to Lei Wu, "I'll take care of this one you deal with the one inside the watchtower, okay?"

"Okay!" The two of them immediately launched their attacks.

At this moment, this thug had already walked a distance away from the watchtower. Chen Mo suddenly sprang out of the bushes, giving the thug a big fright.

It's worth noting that men are generally most relaxed and at ease when relieving themselves. Being suddenly scared by a fierce-looking guy jumping out of the bushes startled him. With a start, he even forgot to pull up his pants.

Thud! The thug was hit by a stone driven by Chen Mo's mental power, causing him to stagger and the urine he had already forcefully stopped flowed out again.

Anyone who has tried it knows that stopping midway while urinating is quite uncomfortable. Now, being hit hard in the abdomen by a stone, it's no wonder this thug couldn't control himself.

This undoubtedly greatly slowed down his escape speed.

Seeing that this thug was about to forget about his pants and was about to crawl back to the watchtower to sound the alarm, Chen Mo used his only combat skill.

Level-E skill, Psychic bullet.

A psychic bullet wrapped in energy landed on the thug exploding with energy and creating a bloody mess on his back.

The strong impact made him stagger again and he was about to fall off the stairs. He barely managed to hold onto the railing of the watchtower, regaining his balance and then continued to crawl up to the top of the tower.

At this moment, another stone followed.

However, even with Chen Mo's three consecutive attacks, he still failed to kill the thug.

"Damn it!" Just as Chen Mo was desperate, thinking that the thug was about to return to the watchtower, the thug tripped over his pants, which he hadn't had time to pull up and then rolled down the stairs falling right in front of Chen Mo who was running up.

Such an unexpected turn of events made Chen Mo incredulous.

He immediately drew his bronze short sword and ended the thug's life.

Prompt: You have gained 1 point of Calamity Contribution Points.

At this time, Lei Wu, Ku Wu, Han Xue and Tao Zi also ran out of the bushes. Seeing Chen Mo had dealt with the thug with the bronze short sword, they all showed surprise.

"Well done."

The first step of the plan was completed smoothly and without incident.

As the group was about to look for a way to enter the base, Chen Mo who was still in a tense combat stat, seemed to have discovered something and picked up the dagger from the man he had just killed with his own hands.

Prompt: White quality.

Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

His luck was not bad. He had obtained a white-quality weapon. After returning to the disaster world, after doing a free appraisal, he could sell it. Even if he directly handed it over to the disaster world's resource recovery, he could still get some points.

"The gate to the interior of the base requires a password to open."

After studying the gate of the base for a while, everyone's faces suddenly became ugly.

Without the password, with the thickness of the base gate, it would be a fool's dream to try to forcefully open it.

"If only I had spared his life earlier!" Chen Mo regretted. He shouldn't have been in such a hurry to kill the thug.

It was too late to say anything now.

Now, however, it was too late for regrets.

His expression darkened, but as Chen Mo glimpsed the items on the table of the two black-clothed men inside the watchtower, a sudden realization struck him.

On their tables sat pots of strong coffee.

Chen Mo was no stranger to this beverage. During his preparations for the college entrance examination, he had consumed plenty of it. This suggested that the two black-clothed men were likely on night duty, having stayed awake until now.

Consequently, there would undoubtedly be a shift change within the base.

Realizing this, he and his group only needed to wait here for the changing of the guard.

(End of chapter 28)
