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DS Chapter 40

 Chapter 40: Harsh Black Tiger Dragon 

Having successively killed Kang Peng and Yan Nan, two small leader-level martial artists, and recaptured Xuan Zong back to the Hive Base, Gao Shu, Lu Yi, Lu Ye and Tian Tian's gains can be described as quite substantial.

Now, the only one still on the run is Zhang Qiang.

Moreover because they joined the Hive camp the progress of the four's investigation into the Dr. White's base information can be said to be quite smooth. They only need to wait for the investigator from the Western Continent representing Jack to arrive again and provide the information to the other party to successfully complete the mission.

On the surface, the four can be said to be quite successful.

However as the parties involved, the four keenly felt the Hive organization's vigilance and precautions against them. Even before they left today the One eyed dragon who had been severely injured and rescued by the joint investigation team had personally appeared and warned the four.

If the mission fails, the four will be severely punished.

Although he did not specify what the specific punishment measures were, from his sinister and cruel smile the four could imagine that this evil and cruel Hive organization would certainly not show mercy.

This also made them somewhat regretful. Joining the Hive organization might not have been a wise choice.

At least, in the case where Lei Wu did not choose to join the Hive organization, it was impossible to talk about reducing the difficulty of the mission when compared to the martial artists' side, but the gains were clearly not on the same level.

Today, their luck can be said to be quite good. Not only did they successfully killed the martial artist skilled in swordsmanship, they also successfully captured Xuan Zong the important experimental material needed by the Dr. White and successfully completed the task entrusted by the One eyed dragon.

However, when they returned to the base and handed Xuan Zong over to the Dr. White what they received was not praise, but the rebuke of Black Tiger Dragon.

"You took away so many guards and elites, even the Sniffer Hunters died and you let one of them escape. You bunch of useless trash!"

Upon hearing this the four were truly angry but dared not speak out, only able to endure silently.

They had personally witnessed the Hive organization's methods of punishment, which were devoid of any humanity.

The One eyed dragon emerged from the depths of the experimental base. As a semi-mechanically modified person, he appeared far more imposing than Black Tiger Dragon. Even though he was seriously injured he still possessed a terrifying dominance. He slowly sat down on the metal chair gesturing for Black Tiger Dragon to shut up.

"Dr. Terror’s base has been destroyed, even the people we sent to support were killed. Now that we have lost the support of the Sniffer Hunters trying to capture these rats again will undoubtedly become quite difficult." 

Upon hearing One eyed dragon say this, the four finally realized what was going on.

No wonder during today's capture process, they never found any trace of Lei Wu and his group. They actually went to the Dr. Terror's base?

But with their strength, how could they possibly contend with an entire base? The four looked at each other, their faces somewhat unsightly. Lei Wu's group's achievements were truly unexpected.

Although the Dr. Terror's base was only a T3-level base within the Hive organization, the material harvest there was not comparable at all to them eliminating one or two martial artists.


The Dr. White was an old man with highly myopic glasses. His hair was meticulously combed to the side looking a bit greasy. When he saw Xuan Zong, who was brought back bound, he chuckled in his throat a sound that sent chills down one's spine.

"My little darling you're finally back. Without you how can my work be complete?"

After saying this, he signaled several black-clad lackeys to take the heavily injured Xuan Zong to the depths of the laboratory. Then, the Dr. White looked at the One eyed dragon and said, "The security task of the base will be entrusted to you next."

Without waiting for the One eyed dragon to respond, he smiled and walked towards the depths of the base. One eyed dragon's gaze swept over Gao Shu and the others seeming to hesitate.

The four had no doubt that this guy could erupt at any moment and tear them to pieces. Therefore, they were already prepared for the worst. If this guy really went berserk, they could only fight back.

"Tomorrow is your deadline. Before nightfall, I want to see the body of that martial artist. Otherwise, you can look forward to becoming the doctor's experimental material."

The One eyed dragon's words slightly relieved the four's tense hearts.

However, before they could react, Black Tiger Dragon continued, "The bio-beasts from Dr. Terror's base have escaped. In order to prevent them from launching an attack here, we can only send a small team of black-clad lackeys to you tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, the four were immediately shocked. Only a small team of black-clad lackeys? With such a small number, if they encountered Lei Wu's group and that martial artist they had no confidence. And what are these bio-beasts?

The next day.

Gao Shu and the other three along with eight black-clad lackeys drove two off-road vehicles leaving the Dr. White's base and speeding along a forest trail.

"Negotiate?" Lu Yi gritted his teeth and spoke first.

His face was grim. "If I had known that joining the Hive organization would entail such inhumane treatment, I would have continued as an investigator. It's too late now. All we can do is persevere, hand over the information to the investigator tomorrow and there's no need to fight with them anymore. Besides I don't want to go back to the base. These Hive leaders have never truly accepted us they just see us as tools. We might as well use the shared task information as a bargaining chip."

"What if we don't negotiate?" Tian Tian blinked flirtatiously probing, "We can take matters into our own hands kill these thugs, find a place to hide and then reappear when we hand over the task tomorrow, right?"

As she spoke, she glanced seductively at the eight black-clad lackeys in the rear off-road vehicle instantly causing the eight lackeys to feel excited, some even whistling.

If they knew what Tian Tian's words meant at this moment, they wouldn't know what to think.

Seeing this Tian Tian was not angry. On the contrary, she smiled even more charmingly blowing a kiss generously to the eight black-clad lackeys. This immediately elicited exaggerated responses from the eight some even showing signs of jealousy and friction making Tian Tian smile and flirt even more.

"Don't forget we've killed two martial artists and now there's one more alive. Guess what will happen to us when we hand over the task if this martial artist is also present?" Gao Shu's words made Tian Tian's face stiff and she stopped speaking.

Lu Ye looked at the flowers in the forest with a hint of nostalgia but the off-road vehicle was driving too fast for her to stop and admire. The two off-road vehicles had been driving around the small island from morning until afternoon, almost circling the island several times.

"Be careful!" As a large tree suddenly fell in the forest path ahead Lu Yi who was driving slammed on the brakes sharply turned the steering wheel and the off-road vehicle drifted 90 degrees crashing into the bushes.

The black-clad lackeys behind were unable to dodge in time. The jeep crashed into the tree directly and the vehicle flipped over crashing and tumbling. Some were even seriously injured and died on the spot. After a noisy commotion the wailing of the black-clad lackeys gradually subsided.

Gao Shu, Lu Yi, Lu Ye and Tian Tian looking a bit rushed and embarrassed gathered together and looked towards the six people coming towards them from the hillside. They were Lei Wu, Chen Mo, Ku Wu, Tao Zi and Han Xue with martial artist Zhang Qiang at the lead.

Lu Yi showed a painful expression, clutching his left arm. The car crash not only caused him internal injuries but also a fractured his left arm. It would be difficult for him to exert his full strength in the short term and even activating skills would be affected.

"Wait a minute!" Facing the intimidating presence of Lei Wu and the others Gao Shu shouted on the spot.

"What's the matter?" Unexpectedly, Chen Mo and the others actually stopped tens of meters away from Gao Shu and the others. After all Chen Mo and the others currently held the absolute advantage.

"We want to negotiate."

"You're dreaming!" Zhang Qiang whose eyes were already red answered Gao Shu looking like he wanted to tear them apart his tightly clenched fists making cracking sounds.

Chen Mo sighed "Guys as you have seen, it's not that we don't want to negotiate but what you did before was too much. Joining the Hive organization and aiding the oppressor has deeply saddened our investigator."

Seeing it was Chen Mo who stepped forward to negotiate while Lei Wu and the others acted as if it were expected Gao Shu and the others couldn't help but furrow their brows slightly.

Chen Mo continued "How about this you first state your conditions. If you can convince Master Zhang Qiang here, we might consider accepting your negotiation. This is also your last chance to repent and turn over a new leaf."

After a brief moment of eye contact and a simple exchange Gao Shu and the others seemed to have made a decision.

"We are willing to use the information from the Dr. White's base as a condition. As long as you agree to reconcile we will leave the Hive organization and will not interfere in your battles. Otherwise if a fight breaks out between us even if you win you will pay a heavy price."

"Stop your fucking nonsense!" Zhang Qiang's fiery temper couldn't be held back any longer. He turned to Chen Mo and asked, "Is your psychic barrier ready?"

The reason Chen Mo and the others chose to stop here was to wait for the moment when the despicable mind shield would be most effective. And at this moment after this period of growth Chen Mo had successfully launched two despicable psychic barriers silently and had raised the shield value to its maximum as time passed.

Due to the silent nature of the despicable psychic barriers Gao Shu and the others were completely unaware of it.

Chen Mo shrugged at Gao Shu and the others. "As you can see, Master Zhang Qiang is not satisfied with your conditions. I declare the negotiation failed."


Zhang Qian who had long been angry because Kang Peng and Yan Nan died at these bastards' hands let out a furious roar and charged out leading the attack towards Gao Shu and the others.

The reason Chen Mo and the others were so cautious was not only because the other party were natural disasters, but also because they knew their own situation well, their injuries haven’t been fully healed yet. 

Doctor Terror was too strong. Except for Lei Wu, everyone else was seriously injured.

However Lei Wu's potions were not enough for everyone. Helplessly they could only choose to let Chen Mo and Ku Wu who were the main forces recover first.

As for the lower combat power support personnel Tao Zi and Han Xue their vitality had naturally recovered after a day and a night but only about half. Both of them were high-speed melee fighters and were likely to be the primary targets of Gao Shu and the others so they naturally received the protection of Chen Mo's despicable psychic barrier.

"Damn it!" Lu Ye cursed and complained to Gao Shu, "Back in the academy, you shouldn't have stopped me. You should have dealt with them earlier. Otherwise how could we end up like this today?"

"You better watch your mouth." Tian Tian also couldn't help but look serious at this moment. After hearing Lu Ye's complaint her mood was really not good.

Lu Ye sighed, "It's a pity Fei Xiao Jiang is not here."

Gao Shu was the calmest of the four. After analyzing the situation on the field, he said in a low voice, "Don't be intimidated by them. This martial artist was seriously injured yesterday and clearly has not fully recovered. We just need to hold him off temporarily prioritize killing Tao Zi and Han Xue. we are not without the ability to fight them!"

After saying that, he looked at Tian Tian and said "It's up to you now."

Tian Tian could only nod silently.

After FeiXiao Jiang's death only she was suitable for this kind of task, holding off this martial artist.

(End of chapter 40)
