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DS Chapter 35

 Chapter 35: Stone Skin Characteristics

After a brief disappointment Chen Mo looked at the black sphere in his hand. 

This psychic weapon did not appear as heavy as it seemed, it was exceptionally light in his hand a common feature among all psychic weapons. With that in mind Chen Mo immediately took out the luminous stone given to him by Mentor Qinghong and used it to appraise this psychic weapon. 

The luminous stone emitted a soft light which fell on the black sphere. The light brain's data chip used the light to perform a deeper data analysis of the equipment. 

Prompt: Psychic Ball. 

Quality: Green. 

Usage Requirement: Basic Psychic power Level 1. 

Item Attribute: Damage +25. 

Item Description: This is a weapon made of a special alloy refined and implanted into a large organism for nourishment thus gaining extraordinary power. 

Chen Mo finally had his own psychic weapon. This psychic weapon has reached the green quality with a damage attribute of 25 points which is considered passable.

With the damage boost from this psychic weapon, Chen Mo's basic psychic damage also underwent a qualitative change, which is incomparable from before.

Chen Mo's basic psychic attack is: base mental power + basic psychic level + weapon damage.

That is 24 + 7 + 25 = 56 points.

Although there is still an essential difference compared to Lei Wu's attack intensity, for a fledgling starving ghost this is undoubtedly quite astonishing. Even for the several adult starving ghosts led by Gao Shu their attack power averages around 40 to 50 points while wielding green-quality weapons.

After all not everyone has such a high mental power as Chen Mo.

As for Chen Mo's psychic bullet attack power: skill base damage + mental power * 0.5 + basic psychic level + weapon damage * 0.2 + skill proficiency.

That is: 20 + 12 + 7 + 5 + 1 = 45 points.

From this, it can be seen that the enhancement of weapons on E-level skills' damage is not too significant, after all the damage of skills relies more on the release of energy, but the enhancement of basic attack is immediate.

After obtaining the psychic ball Chen Mo immediately stored the bronze sword in the storage space and looked at the fierce battle between Lei Wu and Dr. Terror in the hall.

As for the shivering half-human half-pig bio-beast along with the critically wounded Ku Wu, they were both being treated by Han Xue and Tao Zi.

Chen Mo also noticed that Han Xue's left arm was actually severed, her face extremely pale.

Tao Zi's condition was slightly better. After treating Ku Wu she seemed to be planning to take over the half-human, half-pig bio-beast’s job and attack Dr. Terror to create distance for Lei Wu.

As for the other battles around, they all ended in the bio-beasts' overwhelming victory. Only two bio-humans barely held on, while the others had all been killed by the bio-beasts. However, under the siege of several bio-beasts, their defeat was only a matter of time.

"What's going on?"

After briefly examining Ku Wu’s injuries, he asked Han Xue about the situation.

Just now, when he was dealing with Dr. Terror's research assistant his energy was too focused on the battle and he did not notice the specific situation here.

Han Xue looked extremely pale, her left arm was cut off by Dr. Terror's claw. If it weren't for Lei Wu's attack drawing Dr. Terror's hatred, she would probably have died under Dr. Terror's claw, being able to survive this time was truly dumb luck.

From this, it can be seen that with her strength, challenging a small leader is still far from enough.

"On one hand, Dr. Terror is too strong and on the other hand Lei Wu made a mistake in the battle just now. I and the bio-beast had to temporarily take over but it seems that there is a breath in Dr. Terror's body that they fear making it impossible for them to get close."

Han Xue's response made Chen Mo frown slightly and then he suddenly realized.

No wonder that research assistant who wanted to escape just now was killed by Dr. Terror. It seems that he was not worried about these bio-beasts at all.

These bio-beasts were originally Dr. Terror's creations and he naturally had failsafes to restrain them, which was not surprising.

But then Han Xue anxiously said "Be careful of his bleeding damage effect!"


Tao Zi who launched an attack on Dr. Terror before Chen Mo came over was severely injured in a short moment and let out a scream. She fell to the ground with serious injuries, entering a state of weakness.

Fortunately, Dr. Terror's main target was still Lei Wu and he did not deliver a finishing blow to Taozi. Her intervention also brought a moment's delay for Lei Wu.

After all as long as Lei Wu was killed, for Dr. Terror everyone here would be practically within his grasp. Under Lei Wu's continuous attacks Dr. Terror also suffered serious injuries and naturally had no time to deal with others.

At this moment, Tao Zi had entered a state of serious injury and weakness. If the bleeding was not stopped in time the bleeding damage could endanger her life.

"Tao Zi!"

Ku Wu shouted loudly. Han Xue gritted her teeth and rushed over, she had to stop the bleeding for Tao Zi. 

At this moment Lei Wu's situation was indeed somewhat grim. His health points had dropped by more than half, a value that made him panic deep down.

He had already taken potions before so although there were still two bottles of potions in his storage space, the cooldown time had not passed yet. If he forcefully took them, it would be a waste due to the body developing immunity to the potion's effects, rendering them ineffective.

"Some people grow in adversity, while others perish in adversity." Lei Wu recalled his father's inspiring words, forcing himself to calm down.

From the moment he entered the academy he was no longer a child protected by the family.

According to the tradition of survival of the fittest in the world of disasters, he could no longer rely on his family's help. Instead he had to achieve higher accomplishments through his own efforts strive to become the family's glory and repay the family's kindness of nurturing him. 

It could be said that the concept of a family was just a prototype of a gathering place, with branches scattered around the major gathering places.

Although he had never experienced a truly brutal battle or encountered a moment of life-threatening danger, his performance in this environment was not as satisfactory. But that did not mean he would remain this way forever. People always grow, especially for this young man who had been seen as a genius since childhood. The shame he felt just now had already made him feel humiliated and he would not allow himself to make the same mistake again.

According to Dr. Terror's previous attack intensity, it would only take four normal attacks or one continuous attack skill followed by two normal attacks to deplete his health completely while Dr. Terror's health was probably still at least half remaining. This was considering the consumption of continuous fighting.

Currently the distance between him and Dr. Terror was about twelve meters with a multifunctional excavator serving as an obstacle. He could effectively use this obstacle to dodge. Therefore he should use the basic elemental attack again to maximize the damage.

It is worth mentioning here that Dr. Terror's continuous attack skill does not mean that the damage of four attacks is added together, it is just a way the skill is manifested.

The energy ball formed by the basic elements exploded on Dr. Terror's body. Although Dr. Terror was already seriously injured his eyes were filled with even more bloodthirsty madness. With the surge of energy in his body his terrifying claws swung again launching a continuous attack towards Lei Wu.

Lei Wu gritted his teeth, he could have like others rolled to the ground and hid behind the multifunctional excavator to avoid Dr. Terror's frontal attack. However, his upbringing in etiquette and his proud nature made it impossible for him to do so. He could only take a relatively clumsy approach, sidestepping to the other side of the multifunctional excavator. The cost of doing this was another wound being inflicted on him by Dr. Terror.


Unconsciously Lei Wu's anger had completely overcome his fear. It seemed that he had shaken off the panic of teetering on the brink of life and death after his health dropped by more than half.

Because Dr. Terror was faster than Lei Wu and he couldn't turn in time to keep up with him, Dr. Terror's claw reached out towards the nearby off-road vehicle trying to use it to stop his sprint. With a sharp metal friction sound, Dr. Terror's claws tore open several cracks in the metal outer frame of the off-road vehicle showing the terrifying strength of Dr. Terror in combat form.

Taking advantage of this opportunity Lei Wu first took out an energy stone restored 10 points of energy and quickly mobilized the energy in his body. His lightning spell instantly formed and gathered on his wand.

He stared intently ahead ready to unleash his lightning strike as soon as Dr. Terror appeared.

"Be careful!"

However just the, with Chen Mo's shout as a reminder there was a loud bang. Dr. Terror like an agile giant ape leaped onto the top of the off-road vehicle. From his high vantage point he saw Lei Wu who was poised for action between the off-road vehicle and the multifunctional excavator. 

Dr. Terror immediately let out a strange laugh and plunged down. With a sudden attack, Lei Wu was a bit late in turning to counterattack.

After a brief moment of despair, a Prompt flashed in Lei Wu's eyes, he had prepared for the worst. Even if he couldn't avoid the opponent's attack he would counterattack and take a bite out of him!

However just then a small black shadow flashed by landing accurately on Dr. Terror causing him to pause slightly. It was the attack of the psychic ball. Then Chen Mo leapt out and finally appeared in front of Lei Wu at the critical moment helping him block the blow.

Prompt: Your health -26 points.

Prompt: You have suffered bleeding damage with a damage rate of -2 health per minute which can accumulate.

Chen Mo finally understood Han Xue's warning about being careful of bleeding damage.

This meant that if he was hit by this guy's skill attack in addition to the damage itself he would also suffer accumulated bleeding damage. Even with Chen Mo's defense, it amounted to 2 points per minute. If he was hit by his continuous attack skill multiplied by 4 it would be 8 points per minute.

Fortunately the opponent had just used his skill so he shouldn't be able to hit him again in a short time.

Looking at the opponent's condition, although he was full of madness his injuries were quite severe. Without the research assistant to help him recover and with his current health of more than 120 points he should be able to withstand at least four or five attacks from the opponent.

Prompt: Your talent "Stone Skin" has an immunity effect against bleeding effects and the wound is stopping bleeding on its own.

This was the first time Chen Mo received a system Prompt about his "Stone Skin" talent's immunity to bleeding effects which surprised him slightly.

At this moment his normal attack power had reached an astonishing 56 points. With the opponent's current state, how many attacks could he withstand it?

Moreover there is Lei Wu behind him. 

Crackling, lightning flashed.

Lei Wu's Thunderbolt, which had been ready for a long time, suddenly launched. It flashed past Chen Mo's ear almost instantaneously. The strong static electricity even made Chen Mo's hair float involuntarily. The lightning hit Dr. Terror accurately, instantly forming a charred area on his chest.

However, it was also evident that compared to the bio-humans and elite black-clothed thugs, Dr. Terror's defense was undoubtedly much higher. But then Chen Mo's psychic bullet also flashed and landed on Dr. Terror.

(The end chapter 35)
