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DS Chapter 37

 Chapter 37: The Arrogant Young Master

The process of the battle, it seemed as though it happened over a long period of time, but in reality it was only just under three minutes.

A large part of this time was spent with the bio-beasts in momentary chaos after being attacked by grenades, then rushing out of the corridor and engaging in combat with the bio-humans in front of the gate. The real fighting time for Chen Mo and the others was less than two minutes.

Chen Mo gasped for breath as he looked at the bio-beasts around him.

These bio-beasts upon seeing Dr. Terror turned into pulp by Chen Mo driving the pickup truck, had a mix of excitement at avenging their great grievance and worry and confusion about the antidote. The complex emotions silenced these huge monsters and they all looked at Chen Mo waiting for his explanation.

"I'm really sorry. I intended to imprison Dr. Terror and force him to give you the antidote but I didn't expect Dr. Terror to be so powerful. We were almost killed by him, so we had no choice but to-" *cough* *cough*.

Due to the paralyzing effects of the poison, Chen Mo still had some difficulty speaking clearly. He then coughed violently and even spat out a mouthful of blood, but his condition improved slightly afterwards.

Although the bio-beasts had some injuries, because of their physique and recovery speed, these injuries were nothing.

"No, you're not wrong."

The half-pig man struggled out of the bio-beast group and looked at Chen Mo gratefully saying "Perhaps killing him was the best choice. Otherwise as long as he's around he would naturally suppress us and then not to mention coercing him to make the antidote even escaping from here would become a luxury."

Then, this half-pig man turned around and looked at many of his companions who had suffered from evil experiments.

"Do you still want to go back to the cage and endure endless experimental torture?"


"Compared to that kind of life I'd rather die!"

"I never want to go back to that cage agaign."

With the bio-beasts responding in a clamour, the look in their eyes towards Chen Mo was less accusing and more grateful. After all in any case they were finally free now.

The half chimpanzee-man also walked out at this moment saying, "My reason tells me that I don't actually hold much hope for whether Dr. Terror has an antidote. Not to mention that his biochemical experiments are only in the preliminary stage aimed at cultivating a war machine that can help the Hive. Just considering the extent of Hive's investment in this laboratory Dr. Terror would not waste resources researching an antidote for us. That is simply impossible."

The words of the chimpanzee bio-beast silenced many of the bio-beasts. They understood these things too. It's just that they are too eager for the antidote. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope they are willing to make every effort to fight for it.

"Don't give up hope, everyone!"

Seeing that these bio-humans seemed a bit down and in a gloomy mood, Chen Mo said as this was not what Chen Mo wanted to see.

Chen Mo encouraged "Whether Dr. Terror has an antidote here, we don’t know yet. We'll know after we investigate. Please rest assured, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we will never give up!"

After speaking, Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ya beside him.

"You've been here for quite some time. You must have had some contact with Dr. Terror's research, right?"

Xiao Ya's face turned red when she heard this and she hesitantly said, "I did have some contact but because I'm too stupid and my research abilities are far inferior to theirs I can only serve as the lowest-level lab assistant doing some daily chores and tidying up in the lab."

The "theirs" in Xiao Ya's mouth naturally referred to the two lab assistants around Dr. Terror.

"No matter how excellent they are, they are only accomplices of the devil." Chen Mo immediately condemned the two lab assistants, equating himself with the side of justice and comforted "You on the other hand are a kind angel saving so many innocent lives."

Being praised so bluntly by Chen Mo Xiao Ya's cheeks instantly turned as red as an apple and she became even more shy.

Han Xue and Tao Z, who were seriously injured and weak at the moment, rolled their eyes at the same time. They really hadn't seen it before. This traveller had the potential to be a playboy. Was he sweet-talking? 

No, when Tian Tian took the initiative to find him before it should have exposed some clues. Otherwise why would that flirtatious fox not go to Ku Wu but go straight to this guy?

A smooth operator like him, saying he was a starving ghost abandoned by others the two would never believe it!

As other bio-beasts heard this they all echoed "Yes, Xiao Ya, he's right. You are our angel. If it weren't for your care, many of us would have died in Dr. Terror's hands."

"You must be the angel sent by heaven to save us!"

Faced with the bio-beasts' agreement, Xiao Ya suddenly felt full of warm feelings and tears started welling up in her eyes.

Everything she had done risking great danger was worth it.

Taking advantage of the momentum Chen Mo said, "Regardless, Dr. Terror's biochemical laboratory is right below this corridor. Let's search with all our might. Even if there really isn't anything, we will have tried our best and won't regret it."

"Yeah!" Xiao Ya's eyes were brimming with tears.

Reminded by Chen Mo she immediately took the lead and headed towards the underground biochemical laboratory seeming to fear nothing even if there were unknown dangers inside.

Seeing this, the other bio-beasts also showed an impatient look ready to follow Xiao Ya into Dr. Terror's underground laboratory to find their antidote.

"What are you all going to do? Don't you trust Xiao Ya?" Chen Mo stopped these clumsy bio-beasts and said "Inside are all delicate experimental instruments. If you damage them, it will truly be irreparable!"

Although these bio-beasts were not pleased with Chen Mo's reprimand they also felt a kind of inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

At least Chen Mo did treat them as humans. If it were the kind of abuse and fear like that of the guards or the wary attitudes of Lei Wu, Ku Wu, Tao Zi and Han Xue they would have truly felt uncomfortable.

Chen Mo gestured again and said "The alarm triggered here will definitely attract the attention of Dr. White’s base. Reinforcements might already be on the way. We are injured and probably cannot continue fighting in the short term, so we will have to rely on you from now on."

"Don't worry."

The half-lion man said proudly "We'll take care of the security here! As long as it's not Dr. Terror we're confident we can stop them all for you!"

After saying this he shouted to Xiao Ya who was about to enter the corridor to the underground biochemical laboratory "Miss Xiao Ya, please search for the antidote inside with peace of mind. If there really isn't one it's our fate. Next, we will fight the Hive Organization with all our strength until we find the antidote."

Then, he looked at the other half-beast people, raised his arms and shouted with great enthusiasm.

"Let's go, we'll ambush outside. We must not let the personnel from Dr. White's base interfere with Miss Xiao Ya!"


The many bio-beasts left the base with high spirits and entered the surrounding jungle. For a moment the vast T3-level biochemical laboratory base fell completely silent.

"Don't move for now."

Lei Wu scolded in a low voice. The injuries of Ku Wu, Han Xue and Taozi were quite severe. Lei Wu, who had always been fastidious was now taking the initiative to squat down and examine the condition of the three. Although his face still showed an unmistakable aversion, he was disgusted to the extreme with the blood on his fingers. He forcibly suppressed his inner struggle to escape and proceeded to carefully bandage and treat the three with the medical bandages and recovery potions he had purchased with disaster contribution points according to the theoretical knowledge he had learned.

Of course, this did not mean that Lei Wu had let go of his pride. His pride came from within bursting from the depths of his bone marrow.

The injuries of the three were more or less because of him just now and he asked himself in the previous battle if he had been more aware could he have avoided the injuries of Han Xue and Tao Zi, therefore he wanted to punish himself in this way.

From this perspective, Lei Wu's pride became even more pronounced. Ku Wu, who was carefully bandaged by Lei Wu after his serious injury even smiled at Lei Wu with relief. 

It seemed that the various misunderstandings about this proud young man from their school days had now completely disappeared with the bond forged in battle.

After carefully bandaging the three, Lei Wu slowly stood up.

He looked at his bloody hands and the germophobia in him made him tremble uncontrollably even wanting to chop off these two contaminated hands until he took a deep breath and clenched his hands into fists fiercely seeming to enjoy this pain as only this kind of pain could reduce his sense of shame.

"You guys can distribute the rewards here yourselves. I won't participate." Lei Wu raised his head, cold and arrogant. "I made a mistake in the battle just now almost causing trouble for you all. I'm not worthy of sharing the rewards here with you."

Lei Wu's words truly stunned everyone. Even Chen Mo never expected Lei Wu to say such words.

After a moment of stunned silence, Tao Zi was the first to speak up. "Lei Wu, what are you talking about? You were the main force in this battle. We were just cooperating with you. There are always accidents in battles. We are just a group of starving ghosts, don't take it to heart."

Even Han Xue, with her severed arm spoke up "Yes, these injuries were all willingly endured by us to complete this mission. We absolutely do not blame you and we have no right to do so."

At the end, Han Xue's voice grew quieter and quieter. In the world of disaster, the strong are respected. Although Han Xue had become an orphan she had never truly looked down on herself. However at this moment she had to admit that the gap between herself and truly outstanding students like Lei Wu was too large even causing her to feel a bit of despair.

After experiencing these events the feelings among the group seemed to have been sublimated.

"There's no need to say more. My mind is made up!" After hearing the comforting words of everyone, Lei Wu was moved on the one hand but on the other hand he became more determined.

He wanted to punish himself properly!


Lei Wu suddenly looked at Chen Mo.

"Your abilities and potential are quite outstanding. I admit that I have always underestimated you. Perhaps you are the kind of person my grandfather talked about a natural disaster who can adapt to various extreme mission environments. Given some time you will definitely soar. People like you will never be content to stay below others for long. In the future you will definitely establish your own disaster team. Coincidentally I am also like you unwilling to be a member of someone else's team."

Then after taking a deep breath Lei Wu said with pride "At that time, I will use practical actions to prove that the disaster team I lead will definitely not be inferior to yours."

Outsiders would find it difficult to understand Lei Wu. For someone as proud as him this was already the highest form of praise he could give to Chen Mo.

However just as everyone was surprised by this Lei Wu suddenly added "That Gui Tu, you must have killed him right? I knew back then seeing how he would do anything to become stronger that he would not have a good ending. But dying at your hands he's not wronged."

Lei Wu's words suddenly made everyone recall that incident. Now thinking back the more they thought about it the more they felt that this was highly probable! After all, everyone had clearly seen Chen Mo's injuries that day. It's just that at that time Chen Mo was too low-key and no one had thought in that direction.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mo's face changed slightly as he looked at Ku Wu and Tao Zi.

"Ku Wu, Tao Zi about Gui Tu-."

"No need to explain."

Taozi's face stiffened but she still managed to let reason prevail over emotion.

"If he died by your hands then Ghost Butcher got what he deserved. I know his character" 

Ku Wu on the other hand showed no reaction. He obviously knew the reason behind Gui Tu’s death.

(End of chapter 37)
