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DS Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Another Suicide

For over a month, Chen Mo rarely slept in.

Due to last night's battle, he was extremely tired. It was only at breakfast time that he reluctantly got out of bed.

"Huh? Why didn't you go today..."

But before Mu Tan could finish his sentence, he froze.

His eyes widened, completely awake now, staring blankly at Chen Mo.

"What's wrong with you?"

It took him a while to get this sentence out.

Chen Mo's current state was truly miserable. His eyes were swollen like eggs, his nose was crooked to the left, and his cheeks were swollen like a pig's head. Upon seeing Chen Mo's appearance, Du Fangyan, Du Qingqing, Ku Wu, and Tao Zi were also shocked.

His nose and eyes were slightly sore, and Chen Mo dared not touch them.

"It's nothing, I fell while running last night."

It was a lame excuse, but Mu Tan seemed to realize something, with a meaningful look on his face he asked nothing more.

It seemed that he was probably bullied by classmates in the class, beaten so badly that he didn't even dare to mention the name. It looked like it was probably one of those five adult starved ghosts.

Since that was the case, he should be tactful and not continue to inquire, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

Du Fangyan, on the other hand, seemed a bit slow-witted.


Mu Tan rolled his eyes.

He really doesn't know what this guy is thinking all day!

He quickly raised his hand to signal and kept gesturing with his eyes to stop Du Fangyan from continuing to ask.

Chen Mo didn't say much either, staggering to the washroom and looking at the mirror, his face was even more unpleasant than last night. His whole head was swollen, but due to his high physical fitness of 14 points, the recovery speed was not slow, and he should be able to reduce the swelling in a few days.

But to fully recover, it would probably take at least ten days.


Although he was very careful during the washing process, when he touched these swollen areas, Chen Mo couldn't help but draw in a cold breath. The piercing pain even made his ears ring.

He gritted his teeth and barely finished washing up.

Ku Wu and Tao Zi, who usually didn't socialize with Chen Mo, had already left at this point, leaving only four people in the room.

Du Fangyan, Du Qingqing, and Mu Tan waited for Chen Mo for a while, and the four of them went to the cafeteria together. On the way, they found that a corner of the exercise area was cordoned off by several academy instructors. Since two murder cases had occurred in the past month, the sight didn't surprise them.

"Hehe, I wonder who the unlucky guy is this time."

Accustomed to Mu Tan’s schadenfreude, Chen Mo remained indifferent, the isolated area being where he was ambushed by the Ghost Butcher yesterday.

The four entered the cafeteria, where it was the same monotonous survival meal day after day. Du Qingqing's once youthful innocence had now been replaced by boredom and disappointment. Initially, Lu Yi promised her that she could eat decent food every day, but in less than half a month, he broke his promise, and Du Qingqing had to face these porridge-like survival meals every day.

But she could no longer escape from Luyi's clutches, completely becoming his plaything.

Unable to attend classes, oppressed by Lu Yi, what hope was there in such a life? Thinking of this, Du Qingqing burst into tears, tears streaming down her chin into her food tray. Du Fangyan beside her hurriedly comforted her in a low voice.

After the morning exercise, in the cafeteria, Han Xue found the four of them and walked straight over.

"Gui Tu is dead!"

The four were shocked for a moment by the news brought by the Han Xue.

"Gui Tu?"

Mu Tan stared blankly at the cold snow, somewhat incredulous, and repeated it.

He had never thought that the starving ghoul student who died today would actually be someone from his own class, so close to him, as if danger lurked right beside him.

Although Mu Tan did not know the specific attributes of the abyssal starving ghoul, from the process of his interactions with Ku Wu, Tao Zi, and the others, it was not difficult to see that his strength was likely the strongest of the three, seemingly even stronger than Ku Wu.

He just died like that?

"Are you sure it's really Gui Tu?"

Mu Tan found it hard to believe, repeatedly asking.

"Of course!"

Han Xue said angrily, "Mento Qing Hong just came over and has confirmed that the deceased is Gui Tu"

"Tsk tsk."

Mu Tan sighed, "I didn't expect this guy to just die like that."

Then Mu Tan seemed to think of something, suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Mo, "Could it be you!"

Everyone was shocked by his words.

Only then did Han Xue noticed Chen Mo, who was eating with his head down, had turned into such a sorry state and was truly surprised.


Seeing Chen Mo look up in astonishment, Mu Tan suddenly burst out laughing, saying hurriedly, "I'm joking, don't take it seriously, how could it be you, and I think... I already know who did it!"


Under the gaze of everyone, Mu Tan said solemnly, "Gao Shu."


Everyone fell silent at his words seemingly considering the possibility.

Mu Tan then mysteriously said, "A few days ago, I happened to hear that at the beginning of the school year, Gui Tu planned to sneak attack Lu Ye. It is said that she had a lot of treasures in her hands, and he probably wanted to use Lu Ye's collection to bribe the mentors, but he did not succeed. Later, Gao Shu personally took action, educated Gui Tu, fortunately Gui Tu's strength was not weak, allowing him to escape."

After Mu Tan's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Chen Mo also did not expect that such a thing would happen in the class, but he was just ignorant.

"How does the academy plan to handle Gui Tu's matter?"

Chen Mo asked tentatively.

Han Xue sighed with a touch of sadness, "Suicide."

After breakfast, everyone headed to the classroom.

On the other side.

After breakfast, the group headed to the classroom. On the other side, Ku Wu and Tao Zi, who had arrived at the classroom ahead of time, looked grim and stared with undisguised angry eyes at the five adult starving ghosts who had arrived earlier. Gao Shu, Lu Yi, Fei Xiaojiang, Lu Ye, and Tian Tian were sitting together, arguing in low voices.

After a while, Gao Shu suddenly stood up, his face equally gloomy, and looked at Ku Wu and Tao Zi.

"I said, it wasn't me!"

Tao Zi, upon hearing this, sneered, apparently convinced that Gao Shu was the culprit.

Initially, when Gui Tu realized that if things continued in the same manner, he would never be able to catch up to five adult starving ghosts, so he set his sights on Lu Yei in order to bribe the instructors. But he didn't succeed and was intercepted by Gao Shu later.

These two knew about this matter as well.

Although considering Gui Tu's style of doing things, even if Gao Shu really killed him, it would be understandable, but there were only three abyss starving ghosts in the class, and now one less, who knows who would be next, after all, on the first day of school, Ku Wu had a conflict with Lu Yi.

Behind them, Lei Wu seemed to be watching a good show.

For over a month, he had hardly communicated with anyone in the class.

It seemed that in his eyes, everyone was trash, not worthy of being with him. He was here to learn, just going through the motions.

At this moment, Mu Tan, Du Fangyan, Chen Mo, and Han Xue arrived.

Chen Mo lowered his head, looking embarrassed with his pig head, which was quite amusing. Seeing this, Fei Xiaojiang couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Gao Shu also chuckled, his gloomy expression lightening up a bit.

But then, he suddenly froze, a hint of sharpness in his brows. He slowly turned his head again, looking towards Chen Mo in the back row.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yi asked, puzzled.

"Don't you think this is too coincidental?" Gao Shu's words made the others pause, their smiles gradually fading. After exchanging glances, there was a brief moment of quiet tension, and then both Fei Xiaojiang and Lu Yi burst into laughter at the same time, unable to hold it in, mocking Gao Shu's wild imagination.

Seeing this, Gao Shu couldn't help but show a self-deprecating look, lightly shaking his head with a smile as well.

Each person in the class had their own usual spot, and Chen Mo was no exception. He quietly observed the others in the class, having made up his mind that no matter who asked about his business with the Gui Tu, he would flatly deny it. After all, nobody caught him in the act yesterday.

As for his injury, it was just two words: fell down.

However, from getting up in the morning to now, apart from a joke from Mu Tan, there hadn't been a single person openly suspicious of him. This unexpectedly made Chen Mo, who had been on edge, feel a bit disappointed.

It seemed that no one thought he could be a match for the Ghost Butcher.

This kind of strange psychological change made Chen Mo feel uncertain.

Qing Hong instructor arrived in the classroom on time. She was as usual, unaffected by the news of the Gui Tu's death. After striding to the platform, she placed the wooden box filled with training props for the students.

"You all..." Qinghong Instructor paused for a moment. She seemed to notice Chen Mo's injury, but it was just a momentary pause before she continued, "You all have heard, right? The Gui Tu is dead. He died last night in the training area."

Then she pursed her lips, a look of mixed feelings on her face.

"So, I want to remind you all here, if you don't want to end up like him, dying mysteriously, you need to make yourselves stronger."

"Instructor!" Tao Zi couldn't hold back anymore and stood up, pointing at Gao Shu.

"It must be him, he killed the Ghost Butcher!"

"Don't talk nonsense," Gao Shu retorted, his face darkening.

He wasn't afraid of being accused of murder. In this world of disasters, this would hardly bring any negative consequences. On the contrary, it would make him more intimidating. However, he truly disliked the feeling of being falsely accused. Compared to the fame of quietly killing the Ghost Butcher, he hated this kind of pain of being falsely accused more.

"Don't think I don't know. It was you a week ago..."

"Enough!" Qing Hong Instructor stopped the two of them.

Under everyone's gaze, she said lightly, "The academy has investigated. He committed suicide. Otherwise, I would hope that the killer is among you, so at least I can be sure that we have one more person who can survive the starving ghost trial."

Ku Wu sighed, "Instructor, do you really believe that Gui Tu killed himself by inserting a sharp weapon into his eye, which then exploded out of the back of his head?"

"Yes." instructor Qing Hong nodded naturally, sighing, "Life is so fragile. Poor child, why treat yourself like this."

Ku Wu had nothing to say.

Next was instructor Qing Hong’s training guidance session. Because there was one less person, the class now had twelve people, so each student had relatively more time to receive guidance from Qing Hong Instructor.

The morning class ended in this depressed atmosphere.

After lunch, Chen Mo went to the library.

Nothing happened in the afternoon. The death of Gui Tu seemed to be like the first two students in the academy, not causing any waves, even the topic of conversation was limited to breakfast time.

Night came.

When Chen Mo once again came to instructor Qing Hong’s office for her basic block guidance, Qing Hong Instructor looked up and said lightly, "Was it you?"

As soon as he entered, Qing Hong Instructor went straight to the point and asked.

Chen Mo's face stiffened. The excuse he had prepared in the afternoon seemed to be impossible to say now. He just instinctively lowered his head and remained silent.

"Hehe, not bad, quite low-key," instructor Qinghong teased. "I thought you would confess this morning. This was your chance. Those girls in the class are quite nice, Tian Tian, Lu Yen, Han Xue, Peach, well... and that stupid girl, after they know your strength, they might be attracted to you. Don't you want to experience being admired by others?"

Chen Mo was speechless.

Qinghong Instructor's way of thinking was really novel and she simply couldn't understand Chen Mo's psychological pressure.

Does this kind of thing need to be publicized everywhere? But strangely enough, when he was finally really suspected by someone Chen Mo felt relieved instead.

This kind of complex mood was indeed difficult for others to understand.

"But you also need to be careful. The inspectors in the gathering place are not just for show. If something like this is caught face-to-face, it won't be easy to get out of. Otherwise, if everyone solves conflicts like this, the gathering place would have been chaotic long ago."

The instructor's reminder made Chen Mo helpless. "I acted in self-defense."

Qinghong Instructor seemed indifferent, as if it were a trivial matter.

"As for the specifics, you know it yourself. There are not so many reasons in the world of disasters. For everyone in the academy, including me, you don't need to explain anything."

Late at night.

Chen Mo was jogging alone in the quiet night. In this darkness, no one noticed his situation. Everyone had their own goals, constantly moving forward.


A figure gradually approached him, and Chen Mo instinctively became cautious.

"Gui Tu, was it you who killed him?"

A strong fragrance filled with undisguised desire. Chen Mo turned his head to look, and it was actually Tian Tian!

She was the female natural disaster who had tried to seduce Lei Wu on the first day of school but was sternly rejected by Lei Wu.

She wore a black-purple dress, outlining her charming figure.

The flaming red lips contrasted sharply with her fair skin.

The netted black stockings wrapped around her slender legs, exuding endless charm. The crystal necklace between the twin peaks sparked infinite imagination.

Chen Mo naturally wouldn't hesitate to deny Sweet's words.

He was a steel man, not unable to walk when he saw a beautiful woman.

However, before Chen Mo could speak, Sweet whispered in his ear before him, "I won't be as arrogant and conceited as they are. I've been watching you for a long time, an interesting guy."

Then she gently licked his earlobe and ran off quickly.

Chen Mo shivered, and then he vigorously wiped his ear, until he touched the wound and grimaced, stopping his movements.

This was the most intimate contact he had ever had with the opposite sex in his life, but unfortunately, it wasn't what he wanted, so he made this almost germophobic move.

"Indeed a little succubus !"

Although the other party's behavior was strange, it seemed that there was no malice, which made Chen Mo pay attention to this adult hstarving ghost, wondering what her purpose was.

The five adult starving ghosts were all extraordinary.

(End of chapter 14)


  1. This seems really interesting. Thank you boss for translating such unique novel. Hopefully you will continue to update it regularly. I will leave a proper review on novelupdate later since it's still too early.

    Anyway, thanks so much for your hard work boss. 👍


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