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DS Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Evaluation Criteria

At dusk, Chen Mo arrived at the gate of the Disaster Academy.

According to mentor Qing Hong's living habits, this time period was generally when she was relatively free.

"Here to see me?"

After waiting for a while, mentor Qing Hong finally appeared. Today, she was wearing a dress and high heels that made a clattering sound. Upon seeing Chen Mo, she smiled and walked over.

"Mentor Qing Hong!" Chen Mo smiled in response. "Indeed, I came to see you. After being promoted to a Predator, I haven't had the chance to add you to my contacts."

"At least you have a conscience."  

Although she said this, Qing Hong's face was full of smiles.

Prompt: You have added Qing Hong as a contact.

"So what's up you little rascal? What do you need this time?"

Uh? Feeling embarrassed, Chen Mo sheepishly said, "I do have two things I'd like to ask about, mentor."

Following that, Chen Mo informed Mentor Qing Hong about his doubts regarding the evaluation of natural disasters’ missions and the large amount of points he gained from killing Dr. White, hoping to get some clarification from her.

"Well," Mentor Qing Hong pondered for a moment and then said, "The so-called evaluation of natural disasters' missions refers to the evaluation given to natural disasters during the mission based on their performance. The light brain data chip will give a corresponding evaluation and the criteria for this evaluation are based on the natural disaster's level and their impact on the mission world during the mission. The lower the level of the natural disaster, the higher the impact on the mission world and thus higher the evaluation, up to a maximum of 100 points, from which you can gain 10 points of free attributes. If you exceed 100 points, there will be special rewards!"

"Special rewards?" Chen Mo's eyes lit up at the words.

"Yes, special rewards, though I haven't encountered the specific circumstances myself."

Qing Hong then added, "As for the impact of natural disasters on the mission world, the standard for this impact evaluation is the extent to which the natural disaster destroys the resistance forces of the mission world, including triggering wars, chaos, disasters, etc. Although indirect casualties are not calculated as disaster contribution points here, they will be rewarded to the natural disaster in the form of evaluation points at the end of the mission. The higher the level of the natural disaster, the more difficult it will be to achieve the conditions required for a high evaluation. Additionally, there are some specific side missions that can also increase the evaluation." 

"I see." when Chen Mo heard this, he couldn't help but think of many terrible things.

Completing the mission of a natural disaster was just the minimum standard set by the disaster world. What excellent natural disasters needed to consider deeply was how to plunder more resources and how to trigger wars, chaos and disasters in the mission world during the mission.

In that case, he finally understood why missions carried out by natural disasters were called disaster missions.

However, compared to plundering resources, the difficulty of causing disasters was undoubtedly much higher. After all, this process itself would inevitably alert and provoke the local forces. It is really difficult for low-level natural disasters to achieve this and while high-level natural disasters might succeed relatively easily, it was only in relative terms.

Moreover, the disaster world would evaluate natural disasters based on their level and the evaluation of higher-level natural disasters would undoubtedly be significantly lower objectively.

Chen Mo didn't have any special emotions about this. In the endless universe, each world had its own rules of survival and the rule of survival in the disaster world was just that, to develop and survive one could only do so on the suffering and pain of other worlds. 

As a member of this world, all Chen Mo could do was, adapt himself. In the eyes of the disaster world, there were no so-called innocent people. Weakness is the original sin, and violence solves everything.

All Chen Mo could do was to adhere to his own principles, not to break promises to those he knew well and not to repay kindness with enmity, that was all.

As for the unknown creatures from an unknown world and the strangers of a mission world, Chen Mo might feel a little guilty at some point, but that was all.

"Oh, by the way, one more thing!" mentor Qing Hong's answers can be very conscientious and detailed.

"The evaluation criteria for natural disasters’ missions will also be affected by the hostility of the eliminated forces towards the disaster world. For example, in the starving ghost trial you just experienced, killing a senior member of the Hive organization will earn you 5 points of evaluation, but killing an equivalent martial artist or esper of a random force will only earn you 1 point of evaluation or even no evaluation at all. The reason is that you need to understand the difference between the primary enemies, secondary enemies and neutral forces."

Chen Mo nodded at the words.

"As for this Dr. White you mentioned..." mentor Qing Hong seemed to have a wealth of experience in this regard.

"It was because the contribution points that natural disasters received were not calculated based on the individual strength of hostile creatures, but based on the threat they pose to the overall erosion plan of the disaster world such as a ruler, a senior official, a technical researcher or even certain spiritual leaders, although they may have no combat effectiveness, their threat to the disaster world is incomparably huge. Do you understand?"

"The threat level to the overall erosion plan of the disaster world?"

If judged this way, in the field of technology, Dr. White would already be considered a leader-level figure in terms of the threat he posed to the disaster world?

No, if he received 120 points of reward points, it’s possible his threat level might have been even higher.

This kind of judgment standard is also reasonable, after all in the endless universe there are all kinds of worlds, worlds with mystic powers and scientific powers and among the scientific civilizations there are many worlds that belong to pure science civilizations, science fiction civilizations and black technology civilizations.

In these worlds, they are more focused on overall war capabilities and the construction of large-scale weapons of disasters, weapons of mass destruction, rather than individual combat power. Some of them are even better at creating disasters than the disaster world itself.

mentor Qing Hong's gaze gradually became nostalogic, as if recalling something from the past.

"I remember that world, it was called the Alloy World. I once destroyed a plane full of passengers during a mission."

She then looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile "A total of 1312 points. I still remember it clearly to this day. Among these 1312 points there were hundreds of 1-point, 2-point, 3-point, and 5-point rewards, and among them was a 800-points reward. Later, I found out that among the deceased was a leader of a resistance religious group with thousands of followers, constantly preaching about the impending apocalypse brought by disaster world. Later, I was relentlessly pursued by those believers and followers and almost…"

At the end, mentor Qing Hong couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head self-deprecatingly.

"Oh?" Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

Mentor Qing Hong had clearly been extremely lucky to unexpectedly gain so many points. The 800-point reward was almost equivalent to the evaluation of a Level-3 leader level creature. Once this kind of news was exposed, it would naturally be like stirring up a hornet's nest, with the influenced forces crazily chasing after her.

However, using this analogy to explain to Chen Mo undoubtedly helped him understand the intricacies more clearly and intuitively.

"It's getting late, Mentor. Let me treat you to dinner!"

Hearing this, mentor Qing Hong smiled and said "Forget it, let me treat you instead. When you are promoted to a Level 2 Enhancer, then you can properly treat your Mentor."


After returning to the apartment, Chen Mo informed Tian Tian about his plan to carry out a disaster mission.

"You're going on another mission so soon?" Tian Tian looked at Chen Mo, he was so proactive and motivated, it make sense that he want to become team leader himself.

On the other hand, with no surprise Lei Wu coldly rejected Tian Tian, again, leaving her completely frustrated.  

If Chen Mo could safely return after completing this disaster mission, proving his strength and potential, then joining his team would be reasonable. Even though his team's upper limit would not be strong as Lei Wu's team's, the lower limit should not be too bad.

"There's no choice, staying here for an extra day would mean consuming extra points. If it wasn’t by forced circumstances, I wouldn't want to continue eating those survival meals. Since the starving ghost trial is not considered a part of the monthly tasks for natural disasters, it's natural to carry out a mission as soon as possible to leave early."

The reason Chen Mo specifically notified Tian Tian was also to try his luck, if she agreed to join his team, he wouldn't need to try to join other grey teams and sign grey contracts. However, from the looks of it, she still hadn't made a decision on whether to join his team.

However, Chen Mo had no intention of blaming the other party for it. Firstly, there was the issue of both their identities. In her eyes, he was just an orphan with potential and she still hadn’t determined his specific potential. Secondly, if he wanted to establish a team and become a leader, he needed to show the magnanimity and courage of a leader.

While it was possible to use all kinds of contradictions into hatred toward an enemy, swearing to retaliate, just like brother Long from Hive World. When you use this method again and again, repeatedly provoking others, it could also arouse public outrage. Without showing any mercy, extreme methods could also be used here.  

However, with friends and in general social interactions, doing so would be narrow-minded and unlikely to create great results. So petty grievances that were not to one's liking or insignificant were not worth taking into heart.

Tian Tian smiled and said, "I still have a few busy days ahead of me. You know that mission is very important to me, it's not just about the points. The Hyacinth Alliance will be my stage and I will become Miss Tian Tian who commands the wind and rain in the intelligence world. So, I can't accompany you on the mission. Good luck."

For Chen Mo to chose Tian Tian as his teammate, in addition to her close proximity and excellent intelligence capabilities but also because of her emotional intelligence.

At least in Chen Mo's opinion, she is very tactful and measured.

And tact was the key to harmonious interactions between people. It didn't mean that when others accept what you think is good as good, then they are good people and vice versa when others accept what you think is bad as a good thing and that makes them bad people. The world was not simply black and white, everyone had a complex side to them.

Perhaps today's enemy would be tomorrow's friend and perhaps today's friend would become tomorrow's enemy. The world was constantly changing and Tian Tian could adapt well into such relationships and understand the nuances. Interacting with such a person, especially as a teammate, would undoubtedly be much easier. At least she would never do anything extremely out of line. Instead, she would find the main contradictions to smooth chaos and changes.

In some ways, Chen Mo was also the same.

"I wish you good luck in completing the mission."

However when he said this Chen Mo was full of contradictions in his heart, after all he knew very well that the target of Tian Tian's intelligence gathering was once his saviour.

But the reality is that without ability Chen Mo could only sigh in silence.

"Well then, goodbye."

"Hee hee, bye."

The two had met several times already so Tian Tian no longer deliberately showed off her charm in front of Chen Mo while Chen Mo no longer deliberately avoided it. After a normal interaction, the two smiled and bid farewell.

(End of chapter 64)

(TN - This chapter was so hard, I don’t know why but I spent a lot of time on this chapter and it still didn’t come out great so, sorry about any inconsistencies you read. I tried my best)
