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DS Chapter 63

 Chapter 63: Fully Prepared

Early the next day.

The temperature was still a bit cold, but Chen Mo came to the square early in the morning. He continued to set up his stall in the same spot as yesterday, displaying the Salamander recovery potion, white-quality shoes and the Despiser Pistol.

Gradually, more people gathered in the square. Just like yesterday, many people showed strong interest in the Despiser Pistol.

However, what Chen Mo sold first today was the pair of white-quality shoes.

"Can 20 points be accepted?"

After hearing the price of 25 points, the natural disaster in front of him hesitated for a long time and then asked tentatively.

This made him look up and take a closer look at the female natural disaster.

"From the Disaster Academy?"


After confirming the other party's identity and thinking of his own hardships at the beginning, Chen Mo didn't say much and agreed to the deal.

Prompt: Your disaster contribution points +20.

With these 20 points, Chen Mo's total points has reached 266. As the saying goes, having money in your pocket keeps your mind at ease.

After waiting for a while on the square, a fierce man with a scar on his face came over. When he saw the attributes of the Despiser Pistol, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

"How many points for this pistol?"

"250 points."

After hearing Chen Mo's offer, he showed a surprised expression and then said, "A mere green-quality item, at most 150 points. Will you sell it?"

Chen Mo sneered and didn't say anything. Seeing this, the man became angry and he put down the Despiser Pistol and left.

However, not long after, he came back picked up the Despiser Pistol, looked left and right, then gritted his teeth and asked "I don't have that many points on me. Will you trade for equipment?"

Chen Mo became interested when he heard this.

"That depends on the quality of your equipment."

The man smiled confidently and took out a helmet, setting it up for display.

Prompt: Major's Military Cap Lv4.

Quality: Blue.

Usage Requirement: Basic Block Lv10 or above.

Item Attributes: Health +48, Level 4 Enchantment Health +12, Level 4 Additional Attribute Energy +4.

Item Description: The wearer not only symbolizes personal power but also represents the glory of the empire.

"Enchantment level Lv4!"

Chen Mo was greatly surprised. This equipment truly made his heart race. Not only because of the full 60 points of health it brought, but also because of the additional attribute after enchantment to Lv4, Energy +4. This was currently the most scarce attribute for Chen Mo.

It was no wonder Chen Mo was so surprised.

After all, blue-quality hats and shoes only provide 3 points of health per enchantment, which is not particularly cost-effective.

Low level natural disasters generally only pursue basic attributes for hats and shoes and they rarely enchant them or the enchantment level is very low. They prioritize enchanting weapons and clothes.

It's only when it comes to purple-quality hats and shoes that they generally attempt to enchant them to Lv4.

This is also one of the reasons why the prices of hats and shoes are often lower than those of equivalent weapons and clothes.

Chen Mo realized his mistake. The other party had obviously noticed his reaction. He quickly tried to cover up and recover, "It's the first time I've seen someone enchant a blue-quality helmet to Lv4. You are truly generous, however a Lv3 blue-quality equipment is already sufficient for me. If you expect me to pay for Lv4, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed."

The other party had already seen through Chen Mo.

"Don't give me that. This equipment itself is worth 150 points, Lv4 enchantment adds up to 190 points. Not to mention the risk of Lv4 enchantment, which brings it to 340 points. One price, do you want to trade your gun and those two potions or not?"

Chen Mo fell into thought upon hearing this.

The other party's offer was not unreasonable and the price of 45 points for his two potions already exceeded his expectations.  Chen Mo took a deep breath and said, "Deal!"

The deal was made, Chen Mo exchanged the Despiser Pistol and two Salamander recovery potions for the Major's Military Cap enchanted to Lv4.

After the successful transaction, both parties showed satisfaction. The other party quickly turned and left, disappearing into the crowd in the square.

After putting on the new equipment, Chen Mo casually placed his replaced Baron's Coronet on the now empty stall and waited for the Lv3 enchanted green-quality clothes from yesterday.

Although he now had 266 points, he still needed to buy potions. Additionally, if he wanted to join a grey team, he needed to prepare at least 50 points as a temporary contract deposit. So Chen Mo had to be thrifty.

Considering all this, the Lv3 enchanted green-quality clothing was indeed his best choice at the moment.

With one-eyed Dragon’s eyepatch, Chen Mo didn't urgently need energy stones anymore, he wanted to bring just one only as a precaution. So of the two energy stones he has, he could try to sell one.

It would of course be even better if he could sell the white-quality helmet too. 

After a while, the same female natural disaster who had previously purchased the shoes returned. After checking the attributes of the Baron's Coronet, she sighed and shook her head, seemingly dissatisfied.

Chen Mo said "15 points."

The female natural disaster stopped in her tracks upon hearing this, seemingly pondering seriously.

Chen Mo persuaded "16 points for Health is already of decent quality. The usual selling price is around 25 points. This is my last piece and if I didn't want to sell it quickly, I wouldn't sell at such a low price."

Upon hearing this the female natural disaster warily said, "Who knows really if this is your last piece. You didn't sell this item before, don't think I'm easy to fool!"

Chen Mo was speechless when he heard her words. 

The female natural disaster then again wandered around the square, while Chen Mo patiently waited, practicing basic psychic power when he had nothing else to do. 

While Chen Mo was waiting for that female natural disaster to appear again, instead of her a familiar figure appeared first.

"One price, 140 points, take it or leave it."

It was the natural disaster that was selling the Lv3 enchanted green-quality clothing, which Chen Mo had been waiting for.


Chen Mo didn't waste any words and completed the transaction, but he only spent 120 points and the rest were covered by the 2 energy stones.

Prompt: Your disaster contribution points -120.

With the loss of these 120 points, Chen Mo was left with only 146 points.

Prompt: Golden Silk Garment Lv3.

Quality: Green.

Usage Requirement: None.

Item Attributes: Defense +7, Level 3 Enchantment Defense +3.

Item Description: Woven from the silk of ancient exotic silkworms, it contains mysterious magic. The back of the garment is embroidered with three characters from the Illusionary stone gate.

With a look of joy, Chen Mo immediately took off the Defense +2 coarse linen shirt and put on the Golden Silk Garment.

At this moment, Chen Mo had a total of 350 health points and 26 defence, which undoubtedly provided sufficient protection for safety in the next mission.

With the additional 4 energy points from the Major's Military Cap Lv4, Chen Mo now had a total of 21 energy points to use. Now Chen Mo has a more sustainable endurance with the 10 reserve energy points provided by the eyepatch.

Having achieved his goal, Chen Mo was about to close his stall and throw the Defense +2 coarse linen shirt to the teleportation gate for recycling when the female natural disaster who had purchased the Health +18 boots before unexpectedly returned.

When she saw Chen Mo putting away the Baron's Coronet and preparing to leave, she hurried over.


She asked tentatively, "Are you still selling that helmet?"


Chen Mo didn't waste any words and immediately began the transaction.

It was obvious that she had come back after comparing her options. Chen Mo understood her situation quite well and didn't blame her.

Prompt: Your disaster contribution points +15.

The girl took the equipment, breathed a sigh of relief and left slowly.

Chen Mo then went near the teleportation gate, threw the coarse linen shirt into the gate for recycling and gained 5 points.

With 161 points in hand, Chen Mo headed to the commercial street.

Compared to the mobile vendors on the square who could sell a variety of items from different mission worlds at any time, the shops here sold various standardized items on a long-term basis, including potions, consumables, vehicles from the technology world, bicycles, fixed-damage firearms and low-level elixirs that increase attributes.

Being able to open a shop on the commercial street was a symbol of strength in itself. At least, only alchemists and pharmacists who have mastered sufficient skills or natural disasters who had looted a large number of cheap goods during a doomsday mission, can try to make a profit here.

"Hello, I need 11 medical bandages, 6 bottles of recovery potion and 1 bottle of small green potion."

Having learned from the starving ghost trial, this time Chen Mo spent 101 points in one go, preparing enough potions. This was to be safe, even if these items weren't all used in this mission world, they could be gradually consumed in the future.

"Here you go."

After completing the transaction, Chen Mo put these supplies into his storage space. Together with the surplus items he got from Tian Tian during the starving ghost trial, his preparations were already quite ample.

"What's this?"

Chen Mo noticed that besides the regular potions he was familiar with, there were also some special potions here in the guild, priced ridiculously high.

"These are essence potions, special potions developed from a special technique we obtained from another world. They have separate cooldown times and can be used together with regular potions."

The shopkeeper, a kind middle-aged woman, patiently explained to Chen Mo. Though Chen Mo found the prices of these essence potions truly unbearable. A large purple potion that restores 1000 health points costs only 100 points, but an essence potion with the same effect costs 1000 points, ten times more expensive.

"Um, thanks."

Chen Mo shook his head, sighed, and left.

Of course, he did not forget to investigate the clues about the disaster mission evaluation after the starving ghost trial ended, as well as the clues about why even though Dr. White was an easy kill his death still gave a large number of points. 

After all, investigating these two clues would determine Chen Mo's future process of how to go on about completing missions. One would give him free attribute points and the other would give him disaster contribution points, both of which would directly enhance Chen Mo's strength.

(End of chapter 63)
