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DS Chapter 48

 Chapter 48: Return and Unknown Changes

In Chen Mo's eyes, scenes of completing the mission gradually emerged after entering the Hive world.

Prompt: Your evaluation for the starving ghost trial is 14.

Prompt: You will receive 1 point of free attribute.

Prompt: Due to this mission being the trial of the starving ghosts, the 1 point of free attribute reward you received for the evaluation of the mission will be overridden by the benefits of a trial of the starving ghosts. After returning to the disaster world, please quickly request your graduation certificate from the academy mentor and go to the medical warehouse to receive the benefits of advancing to level-1 predator with all attributes +2.

Prompt: In this mission, you have received a total of 205 disaster contribution points.

Only after passing the trial of the starving ghosts and advancing to a level-1 predator as a natural disaster will one become an official natural disaster in the disaster world.

As for the reward of all attributes +2 for advancing to a predator, Chen Mo naturally knew about it long ago.

As for what the evaluation of the disaster world is and the high reward like that of Doctor White, Chen Mo also needs to investigate carefully.

After all, one is related to the free attribute rewards that can be obtained after completing tasks in the future and the other is the amount of disaster contribution points obtained after the mission ends, which will directly affect Chen Mo's future strength.

These 205 points are mostly obtained through the final killing of the Dr. White, a whopping 120-point reward.

Next are the points contributed by the 18 black-clad lackeys, eight of whom died in the medical room.

A total of 16 points for the elite black-clad lackeys, who directly or indirectly killed.

18 points for participating in the killing of the Dr. Terror.

10 points for the teleportation contract transaction with Lei Wu.

8 points for Dr.Terror's assistant.

4 points for killing the bio-human.

There are also a few points for miscellaneous assists.

30 points for completing the basic tasks.

It is worth noting, in order to exchange for the skill scroll dropped by the mutated black-clad lackey elite who used the meteor hammer, Chen Mo also traded 20 points with Han Xue before obtaining ownership.

Prompt: Unidentified equipment found, would you like to identify it?


At this moment, there are a total of seven unidentified pieces of equipment in Chen Mo's storage space, including a white-quality dagger, a white-quality machete, two pairs of white-quality shoes, a white-quality clothing, a white-quality eyepatch and a green-quality pistol.

Chen Mo doesn't care much about the properties of the dagger and machete. If the properties are good, he will try to sell them at the stall in the square. If the properties are not good, he will directly throw them to the disaster world teleportation gate for recovery.

After the identification results come out.

He learned that these two weapons had properties of damage +11 and damage +13 respectively, Chen Mo's expression was still somewhat unpleasant. These two weapons undoubtedly belonged to the category of inferior goods that could be directly thrown to the disaster world for recovery.

Next were the two pairs of white-quality shoes. After identification, they were found to have properties of +10 HP and +18 HP respectively. 

The +10 HP shoes are needless to say are also trash.  As for the +18 HP shoes, they are not bad, but unfortunately, the white-quality shoes that Chen Mo is wearing now have a perfect property of +20 HP. However, they can still be kept and sold for some points at the square.

The white-quality clothing has a property of +2 defence, the same as the one Chen Mo is wearing now, which means it can also be directly thrown into the disaster world for recovery as trash.

Lastly, there is the precious white-quality accessory.

According to what Chen Mo knows, even white-quality accessories in the disaster world often have prices of 60 points or more and some rare top-quality attribute accessories such as those with independent skills can even reach prices above 100 points. This exceeds the price of most green-quality equipment.

In short, among equipment of the same quality, accessories are far more expensive than other equipment!

Prompt: Cyclops Eye Patch.

Quality: White.

Usage requirements: None.

Item attributes: Gain 1 charge per hour, up to a maximum of 10 charges, which can be used to restore energy consumption.

Item description: During its forging, it was infused with advanced natural energy collection technology and a line of text was secretly etched inside with corrosion-resistant, high-temperature-resistant materials—"Reward for warriors who have made significant contributions to saving humanity for the organization."

Although this accessory does not have the independent skill attribute that Chen Mo hoped for, with a healing and energy storage attribute that is only slightly inferior to independent skill attributes, the value of this Cyclops eye patch accessory has far exceeded Chen Mo's expectations.

More importantly, this accessory's attributes are very suitable for Chen Mo's current stage.

You should know that Chen Mo currently only has 12 points of energy, enough to only release the C-level skill Despicable Mind Shield twice. After that, he must use energy stones for replenishment, which not only consumes points but also has a one-hour recovery cooldown.

With this accessory now, the saved energy stone points go without saying, in addition during tense battles it can also be used in conjunction with energy stone cooldowns, greatly enhancing Chen Mo's burst ability, without being troubled by energy values anymore.

Because of the Despicable Mind Shield, the energy storage attribute of this accessory is even more suitable for Chen Mo's current needs than the healing attribute.

The only flaw of this accessory is probably that it is too ugly!

"Survival is more important!"

Chen Mo put away the Cyclops eye patch.

The last piece of equipment is the green-quality pistol dropped by Dr. White. When Chen Mo and the others rushed into the laboratory, Dr. White used this gun to eliminate an experimental assistant with a single shot.

Prompt: Despiser.

Quality: Green.

Usage requirements: Basic Locking Lv5, Basic Shooting Lv1.

Item attributes: Fixed damage +50, fixed damage to own party +100.

Item description: This is a replica of a powerful weapon. Compared to killing enemies, it is more adept at executing traitors.


Chen Mo frowned as he looked at this silver pistol named Despiser.

Its strange attributes truly surprised Chen Mo.

The so-called fixed damage refers to a damage pattern that is not affected by basic attributes such as strength or speed. On one hand, it means that the weapon cannot amplify it’s own basic attributes and on the other hand it means that the weakening effects of enemies will not affect the weapon's damage output, which is mostly a specific attribute of firearms.

The properties of the Despiser pistol from Dr. White are indeed strange. However, this is quite in line with Dr. White identity.

From this perspective, although the Despiser pistol of the Dr. White and the silver pistol of the one-eyed dragon look the same on the outside, their internal attributes are completely different. Moreover, there is a high probability that both are imitations of the same weapon.

In any case, this is also a green-quality weapon. Although the attributes are strange, there are so many natural disasters in the gathering place that there may be some with a need for it.

Prompt: Unidentified skill scroll found, would you like to identify it?

This scroll is the skill scroll dropped by the mutated black-clad elite who wielded the meteor hammer. Chen Mo paid 20 points to Han Xue for this.


Prompt: "Revival of the Grizzly."

Rating: D-level.

Usage requirements: Basic physique greater than 16 and it must be the highest attribute value.

Item attributes: After activating the skill, maximum HP +150, strength +4, lasts for 3 minutes, cooldown time 10 minutes, can be stacked with other transformation skills, energy cost 3 points.

Skill description: The Hive organization uses biochemical genetic technology to inject the defensive genes of the grizzly bear's subcutaneous fat into the human body, thereby gaining this ability.

"D-level transformation skill?"

Chen Mo's eyes lit up when he saw the skill attributes of "Revival of the Grizzly."

Although there is no universal formula for calculating the quality of transformation skills, it is not difficult to judge compared to Chen Mo's attributes. If Chen Mo can learn this skill, his strength can almost be said to undergo a qualitative improvement in a short period.

Yet, it is only a D-level skill. Its only flaw is probably its lack of growth potential.

This means that no matter how the controller's basic strength improves, the basic gains they can obtain will always remain the same and will not increase simultaneously with the improvement of the user’s basic attributes.

But even so, for some people, especially those without strong attack power or physical specialties, this transformation skill scroll is still an extremely rare treasure in the early stages. Chen Mo believes that he can definitely sell it for a good price.

Prompt: Unidentified potion found, would you like to identify it?

This is a healing potion that Xiaoya found in Dr. Terror's cold storage. There were a total of seven bottles and Chen Mo received two bottles.

Prompt: Salamander Rapid Regeneration Potion.

Quality: Green.

Usage requirements: 3 points of energy.

Item attributes: Consumes 3 points of energy, restores 150 HP.

Item description: This potion is obtained through the extraction of salamander regeneration factor. It has a faster healing effect than ordinary potions but due to the immature technology, its negative effects need to be offset by consuming energy.

"These potions have pretty good attributes!"

Chen Mo immediately gave a positive evaluation to the two bottles of Salamander Rapid Regeneration Potion.

Although the potions have negative effects, these negative effects can be accurately judged, which means that the effectiveness of the potions is very stable, creating stable conditions for their basic value.

Secondly, compared to the small green bottles in the disaster world that can only restore 100 HP, the Salamander Rapid Regeneration Potion can restore 150 HP. The extra 50 HP can sometimes be enough to change life and death.

As for the 3 points of energy consumed, it might not be cost-effective for Chen Mo, a natural disaster with low energy values but it might be relatively easier for natural disasters with higher energy values to accept.

Based on this judgment, if Chen Mo sells these two potions after returning to the disaster world, he is confident that he can set the price at 35 points or more at least 5 points higher than the market price of 30 points for the small green bottles.

In addition, in Chen Mo's storage space, there are 3 energy stones, a bottle of restorative potion, a medical bandage and a bronze short sword purchased before the mission.

Chen Mo found 4 energy stones in Dr. Terror's warehouse, carried 1 energy stone from the disaster world, but consumed 2 during the mission. One was consumed because he continuously used the Despicable Mind Shield before chasing Lu Yi and the other was consumed during the battle with the black-clad lackey elite who used the meteor hammer.

As for the restorative potion and medical bandage they were the materials given to Chen Mo and others by Tian Tian after she betrayed the Hive organization camp.

The bronze short sword needless to say was a weapon Chen Mo purchased from the disaster world. Later, with the Despicable Mind Shield there was naturally no need for this weapon that was not quite suitable for Chen Mo.


Prompt: You gained 4 points.

Prompt: You gained 3 points.

Prompt: You gained 5 points.

Prompt: You gained...

After selling the white-quality garbage dagger, machete, shoes, clothes, and bronze short sword a total of 18 points were obtained. Adding these 18 points, Chen Mo's points now total 223.

Organizing the storage space.

Currently, Chen Mo has 223 points, 1 Despiser pistol, 1 Cyclops eye patch, 1 pair of white shoes with +18 HP, 2 bottles of Salamander Rapid Regeneration Potion, 1 D-level "Revival of the Grizzly" skill scroll, 3 energy stones, 1 bottle of restorative potion, and 1 medical bandage.

This time, Chen Mo not only successfully completed the Starving Ghost Trial, but also gained so many points and items from scratch, which can be considered a very successful completion of the task.

Just as Chen Mo thought he was about to return to the disaster world, a strange energy suddenly enveloped him.

Hiss, hiss.

The pulsating sound of chaotic currents made Chen Mo feel like he had tinnitus, and his expression was slightly painful as he instinctively covered his ears.

Prompt: Unknown interference detected.

Even the prompt from the Light Brain Data Chip appeared to be intermittent.

Then Chen Mo felt a sense of weightlessness, similar to the feeling of suddenly falling when dreaming and he instinctively closed his eyes, letting out a scream.

As the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, the surrounding pulsating noise gradually subsided.

Chen Mo opened his eyes again and found himself back in the same location in the hive world where he was before on the beach where Jack's cruise ship had not left yet.

In contrast, Lei Wu, Tian Tian, Han Xhu and Ku Wu are no longer present.

(End of chapter 48)
