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DS Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Traveler’s Talent

The sunlight shone on Chen Mo's face, making him feel a little dazed for a moment.

It was a strange feeling. This feeling was like when he first transmigrated to the disaster world, seeing the unfamiliar and unknown world through the eyes of the stone for the first time, a sense of unreal confusion and astonishment. Even though the warm sunlight was shining on his face, Chen Mo couldn't feel the warmth at all.

People always have an instinctual fear of the unknown, afraid that unknown changes will bring uncontrollable dangers.

At this moment, the investigators on the cruise ship had already boarded kayaks and arrived on the small island, looking around.

Obviously, they were going to conduct a thorough investigation on the island based on the intelligence provided by Chen Mo and others.

Xuan Zong, Lucia and Xiao Ya stood at the edge of the cruise ship's deck, looking out at this familiar yet unfamiliar island. They had no intention of following the investigators into the depths. When the three of them discovered that Chen Mo had reappeared, they couldn't help but show expressions of astonishment.

After a brief moment of astonishment, the happiest of the three was undoubtedly Xiao Ya.

She stood on the deck, jumping and hopping, desperately waving her arms towards Chen Mo trying to get his attention and looking for kayaks, wanting to go to the beach she had sworn never to set foot on again.

Chen Mo though was attracted by the prompt from the Light brain data chip.

Prompt: Anomaly detected in the spiritual body, unknown talent is interfering with space-time transmission, unknown talent has been officially activated, please name this talent.


Chen Mo looked at his attribute panel.

Sure enough, below the talent "Stone Skin," he found the words, unnamed talent.

"Spiritual body anomaly, unknown talent is interfering with space-time transmission?"

Muttering to himself at the prompt from the Light Brain Data Chip, Chen Mo couldn't help but look thoughtful. Could it be that some kind of a hidden talent as a transmigrator had been activated?

Thinking of this, he focused his attention on the unnamed talent.


1. The unknown talent has a special reaction to skills based on psychic power, it can convert buffs on allies into debuffs on enemies and can also convert debuffs on enemies into buffs on allies

2. The unknown talent will cause special interference to the space-time transmission in the disaster world. After the talent holder's mission is completed, they can continue to stay in the mission world for a base spiritual power * 10 days.

After standing still for a while, Chen Mo repeatedly read the prompts from the Light Brain Data Chip.

In Prompt 1, the unknown talent has a special reaction to skills based on psychic power, which can convert self-buffs into enemy debuffs and can also convert enemy debuffs into self-buffs, which means...

His psychic bullet skill, in addition to causing damage to enemy targets could also provide a healing effect similar to a healing spell on allied targets?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately conducted a test and released his psychic bullet skill on himself.

When the psychic energy ball landed on him, Chen Mo was surprised to find that the psychic bullet did not have any destructive power. As the psychic force melted like a chocolate coating, its originally aggressive energy transformed into gentle healing energy, blending into his body.

After conducting multiple tests, Chen Mo concluded that the healing power of the psychic bullet was approximately half of the skill's damage value.

Following this, Chen Mo thought of the despicable mind shield skill.

This was originally a psychic skill for self-buffing. If used as a debuff skill against enemies, combined with its stealthy nature, wouldn't it be equivalent to releasing a psychic bomb of negative status on the enemy?

The characteristic of the despicable mind shield was that the process of skill release was completely silent, undetectable by third parties and during this period it had a growing effect only becoming visible when triggered by an external force.

In this way, when Chen Mo reversed the release of the despicable mind shield on an opponent and then quietly waited for 20 seconds before triggering an attack wouldn't this achieve a stunning ambush effect?

Thinking of this Chen Mo suddenly became enlightened, this was equivalent to giving each of his psychic skills two different forms, positive and negative.

And as he mastered more psychic skills in the future, by flexibly combining them in various ways, wouldn't he be able to freely switch between being a psychic assistant and a psychic combatant?

Besides this, in Prompt 2 it showed that the unknown talent will cause special interference with the space-time transmission in the disaster world. After the talent holder's mission is completed, they can continue to stay in the mission world for a base spiritual power * 10 days. In other words, with Chen Mo's current 24 spiritual power points, he can stay in the Hive world for an additional 240 days at no cost?

Normally other natural disasters would need to consume a huge amount of disaster points to achieve a similar effect.

Generally speaking, if natural disasters choose to stay in the mission world after the mission ends, during the first ten days, they will need to consume 10 points per day. From the eleventh day onwards, they will consume corresponding points based on the day number. For example, on the eleventh day, they will consume 11 points, on the 240th day they will consume 240 points etc. Points are deducted once a day, accumulating continuously with no limit.

Except for extremely special circumstances, natural disasters would never spend such a huge cost just to stay in the exotic world after the mission ends.

After all, if natural disasters want to improve their basic skill proficiency they can do so in the disaster world at the cost of food alone, it's really not necessary to spend so many precious points.

As for improving basic combat skills proficiency, natural disasters also have a better way. Through the charging mode of the strengthening area, the strengthening area can continuously replenish the energy consumed by natural disasters, allowing them to release skills to the maximum without worrying about energy consumption, thus achieving the goal of rapid skill proficiency improvement.

Moreover, according to intelligence, during certain large-scale doomsday missions, when Disaster Monarchs launch massive attacks on an exotic world, natural disasters often stay in the exotic world for tens or even hundreds of years, conducting long-term cross-border missions. They have ample time to accomplish things that the disaster world itself cannot complete, so there is naturally no need to spend a fortune in points to stay in the exotic world.

After all, disaster contribution points are too precious for natural disasters.

Even for those third-level or fourth-level natural disasters who have thousands or even tens of thousands of points, there are too many places where points need to be spent.

Unless they advance to Disaster Monarchs, the demand for disaster contribution points by natural disasters will never end.

"Time resources."

Chen Mo suddenly realized something.

"If I stay in the mission world for a long time, will the corresponding time also pass when I return to the disaster world? Or like those natural disasters who go out, is the time I spend in the exotic world in a state of disorder so that for natural disasters in the disaster world, perhaps only a relatively short time has passed?"

This is undoubtedly the most important thing Chen Mo wants to know at this moment.

As far as Chen Mo knows, because the disaster world is a powerful world with several Gods gods at Level 7, its world quality far exceeds that of other relatively weak worlds nearby. Therefore theoretically the surrounding worlds would be affected by the disaster world and be in a relatively unstable state.

The specific situation depends on the degree of space-time distortion caused by the disaster world at that time and there is no fixed ratio.

‘More than two hundred days’

Thinking about the large amount of time available to squander after each mission ends, faced with the abundant time resources brought by this mysterious talent, Chen Mo couldn't help but start to instinctively think about how to more effectively plan and use these time resources to make himself stronger.

Using this time to continue plundering in the mission world was undoubtedly the first thing Chen Mo ruled out.

Plundering resources meant resistance which meant danger.

Now that he already had the advantage of time resources, it was not necessary to foolishly waste this advantage by recklessly risking himself for immediate gains.

Instead of using this talent to recklessly plunder, striving for seclusion-like steady cultivation, being low-key, not impatient and gradually advancing step by step, was the real way to go!


Chen Mo added, "For this unknown talent, I'll name it Traveler’s Talent."

Prompt: Traveler’s Talent was named successfully.

Prompt: You have acquired the Traveler’s Talent.

Immediately, Chen Mo's attribute panel began to change gradually from Talent Two unnamed to Talent Two Traveler’s Talent.

He would stay in this world for the next 240 days, which was more than half a year.

Recalling the arduous training in the Disaster Academy at the River of Sorrows, which lasted only 100 days but brought about earth-shaking changes in himself, Chen Mo was determined to make good use of this talent.

He would not rush for quick gains but develop steadily and low-key, step by step.

Compared to the Stone Skin talent of Stone, the convenience provided by the Traveler’s Talent was like the difference between a firefly and the moon, the gap between an E-rank talent and an S-rank talent.

"How did you come back!"

Xiao Ya rode the kayak, rushed through the waves to Chen Mo's side, grabbed his hand, interrupting his thoughts and looked at Chen Mo with eyes full of excitement that was hard to restrain.

"They all call you the Traveler, is that your name?"

"Uh, that's just my code name. You can call me Chen Mo."

After coming to his senses, Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ya's excitement under the sunlight, felt the warmth between their palms, and returned from his daze to reality, accepting the fact that he would continue to stay in this world for a long time.

"Chen Mo?"

Xiao Ya blushed and asked softly "others all left, returned to your original world, why did you come back?"

Staring at Xiao Ya, even if Chen Mo was slow, he knew that at a time like this, as long as he could show a little bit of kindness, this girl would be his. 

But as a straightforward guy, Chen Mo knew better. He and Xiao Ya could not have a future.

They were simply not from the same world, with completely different worldviews. Any temporary fondness would eventually fade away under the test of time.

For something that would lead nowhere, he wouldn't try, and he didn't want to hurt her.

"I'm here to find Master Xuan Zong, I've made up my mind, I want to apprentice myself to Master Xuan Zong, take on the responsibility of eradicating evil and swear to be irreconcilable with the evil Hive organization!"

One side is the intoxicating land of tenderness, the other is the hard road of growth. Chen Mo chose reason.

On the other side, upon hearing Chen Mo's answer, Xiao Ya couldn't hide her disappointment. She looked at Chen Mo blankly as if she wanted to engrave this man into her heart.

"My home is in the neutral country of Mainaswei. If you ever change your mind you can come find me."

With that, she turned around and hurried away.

(End of chapter 49)
