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DS Chapter 51

 Chapter 51: Pig Cage Village

"Master, as long as I can step into the path of martial arts, I won't be picky about internal energy techniques." Chen Mo sincerely said.

After all for the current Chen Mo, just confirming the initial direction of the time resources brought by his traveler’s talent, which is to be low-key, reserved and down-to-earth in progress.

As for the direction of cultivation, there is no specific idea yet.

"Your martial arts foundation mainly focuses on the spiritual aspect and you also have some talent in physical fitness. In comparison, your basic skills can only be said to be just scratching the surface. If it was when the Hua Yi Sect was strong as a hundred years ago, you would be able to find many basic internal energy techniques suitable for your current situation. But now that the Hua Yi Sect has declined to this point, most of the internal energy techniques have been taken by others. The remaining internal energy techniques passed down by our sect are also not suitable for your current situation. If you really have a clear understanding of the martial arts path, you can go to those famous sects to try your luck."

Chen Mo upon hearing this showed a thoughtful look. Should he continue to practice with the Xuan Zong or should he try his luck with other sects?

With the strength of Xuan Zong, if he could guide him for half a year even if it was just guidance on basic skills it would definitely be very beneficial.

As for trying his luck with other sects, not to mention that he is a person of unknown origin, these sects may not even accept him and even if they do they probably won't teach him internal energy techniques in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately rejected Xuan Zong's proposal.

"Oh, right." Seeing that Chen Mo had made up his mind to follow him in cultivation, Xuan Zong suddenly remembered something. 

"I almost forgot, there is indeed an internal energy technique in the sect that is quite suitable for your current situation. It's just that it is too common in the ancient Xuan country and because of its special cultivation requirements, very few people have successfully cultivated it. Do you want to give it a try?"

Chen Mo was overjoyed when he heard this. But before he could speak, Xuan Zong looked him up and down, probing "You don't seem to be very old, I wonder if that strand of innate yang is still there?"

"Huh?" Chen Mo widened his eyes looking at Xuan Zong with a bewildered expression.

Xuan Zong explained helplessly, "Have you ever had sexual intercourse?"

Even as a transmigrator, being asked so directly by a grown man made Chen Mo blush and stammer "No, I haven't."

Not only him, even Stone hasn’t had any experience in this regard.  It could be said that Chen Mo, at this moment, from body to soul, from spirit to mind, was completely and utterly inexperienced!

"That's good then."

Xuan Zong said, "Wait here for a moment."

In Chen Mo's anxious anticipation Xuan Zong searched the room for a while before handing over a tattered sheepskin book to Chen Mo.

When Chen Mo saw the three ancient and simple characters on it, his eyes almost popped out.

"Tong... Tong Zi technique!?" (TN - translation can mean youthful’s technique or virgin youthful technique)

"Yes, that's right, Tong Zi Technique."

Xuan Zong smiled, "Tong Zi Technique is widely spread in the ancient Xuan country and when cultivated to perfection, its effectiveness is extraordinary. Among the basic martial arts and internal energy techniques, it can be said to be at the pinnacle. However, due to its special requirements, the number of true martial artists practising it is not high. A considerable number of people have practiced it and then been forced to disperse their cultivation. The reason is that it requires practitioners to absolutely not leak a single trace of Yang energy before the technique is fully mastered, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain. As for its effects..."

Xuan Zong recalled "During the heyday of the Hua Yi Sect, there were practitioners who cultivated the Tong Zi Technique to completion. According to records, not only did they see comprehensive improvements in speed, strength, physique, spirit and inner strength, but their willpower also reached an almost invincible level. They had an unbelievable resistance to the sneak attacks of some petty individuals in the martial world, as well as the mental attacks of extraordinary individuals."

"Almost invincible?" Chen Mo muttered to himself.

Xuan Zong asserted "Yes, almost invincible. After mastering the Tong Zi Technique, the practitioner's inner energy will become very unique. If this Yang energy is used to assist in practicing more profound masculine or yang type internal energy techniques later, the effect can be doubled with half the effort."

As Chen Mo knew, after natural disasters cultivated their professional skills and advanced to become second-level disaster enhancers, their own energy often gained some additional special attributes. This was also one of the fundamental differences between first-level and second-level natural disasters.

It seemed that if one could cultivate the Tong Zi Technique to completion, the invincible inner strength it brought could support the practitioner's advancement to higher levels.

Chen Mo's first reaction was that this technique was extremely effective against Tian Tain’s charm talent.

After explaining the effectiveness of the Tong Zi Technique, Xuan Zong began to talk about its drawbacks.

"The reason why the Tong Zi Technique is widely spread in the martial world is precisely because of its almost invincible effect, which makes those martial artists from famous sects and righteous schools treasure it. Its decline, on the other hand, is due to its special requirement. Practitioners must ensure that their Yang energy does not leak out before their cultivation is complete, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain."

This requirement seems simple but is actually extremely difficult. Otherwise, with so many martial artists in the ancient Xuan country, there would not be so few who truly mastered it.

"Secondly, practitioners must rely on the sun's yang energy at sunrise and noon to assist in their practice, otherwise the progress of the technique will be as slow as an old cow. Finally, the supplements that can promote the Tong Zi Technique are all extinct treasures. Trying to take a shortcut will be as difficult as reaching the sky."

After explaining the various pros and cons of the Tong Zi Technique, Xuan Zong looked seriously at Chen Mo, seemingly waiting for his decision.

"This is it."

Chen Mo took a deep breath and said "Thank you, Master Xuan Zong for your guidance. From today onwards, I will focus on cultivating the Tong Zi Technique as my basic internal energy technique."


Xuan Zong upon hearing this praised him, "Although your basic skills are poor with this determination and perseverance, I believe that in just a few years, you will be able to make a name for yourself in the martial arts world. It's not impossible to step into the innate realm"

The so-called realm of the innate, according to the classification of martial artists' martial arts realms, is equivalent to the level of a second-level disaster destroyer.

"Thank you, Master." Chen Mo solemnly bowed to his teacher.

The next day.

Hua Yi Sect, as a third-rate peripheral sect in the ancient Xuan country, had no assets to speak of. Moreover Xuan Zong had used the remaining funds as a severance pay for the disciples. At this moment, he and Chen Mo could almost be described as penniless, leaving the sect gate all alone.

After a tiring journey by carriage the two finally arrived on the outskirts of the city before nightfall.

As a port city in the ancient Xuan country, Nightless City had a surprisingly high population density, with people almost everywhere.

Influenced by the martial culture of the ancient Xuan country, there were countless warlord factions and street gangster groups here and it seemed that everyone wanted to make a fortune in this city full of wealth, to live a luxurious life from then on. The seeds of greed, selfishness, and violence were breeding in every inch of this city.

Because the two of them had very little money, they couldn't afford to rent a house in the city center. So helplessly they could only come to the Pig Cage Village, about five kilometers from the docks, under the cover of night.

"Landlady, we have guests!"

The dancer who was quietly asked by Xuan Zong and Chen Mo about the rental situation here impatiently shouted towards the direction of the fifth-floor rooftop after learning of their intentions.

"Thank you."

Xuan Zong had completely set aside his position as sect leader behaving like an ordinary citizen. He and Chen Mo each carried a bundle, making it necessary to bow and bend to speak, constantly expressing thanks.

"Get out of the way, country bumpkins." The flirtatious dancer scorned Xuan Zong and Chen Mo's thanks.

After pushing the two aside, she happily walked into a carriage, into the arms of an older man.

"Haha, won the pot, pay up, pay up!"

A woman's hearty laughter came from the fifth floor.

Then amidst the disdainful sighs of the other women, the woman who had shouted about winning the pot said a few more words and walked out of the room triumphantly.

A middle-aged woman with a bucket waist, wearing slippers, descended the wooden stairs and walked up to Xuan Zong and Chen Mo smoking a cigarette while scrutinizing them.

"Three months' rent as deposit, 10 yuan per month, no arrears allowed, no cooking with fire allowed, no causing trouble, otherwise, leave. Any questions?"

Xuan Zong humbly smiled, "Regarding the three-month deposit we're a bit tight on cash right now, could we negotiate?"

"No, you can't!" The landlady immediately refused, leaving Xuan Zong embarrassed.

"Can we use this?" Chen Mo, understanding Xuan Zong's predicament, took out an energy stone.

After taking the energy stone the landlady raised an eyebrow "Oh? Hard currency is always better! These energy stones can be bought by foreigners at any time. I'll count it as nine months' rent and one month's deposit for you. Wait in room 302, someone will bring you the keys later."

Following the landlady's instructions Xuan Zong and Chen Mo arrived outside the door of room 302, while the landlady hurried back to the fifth floor.

"Hey, you thought you won money and were going to run away."

Facing the mockery of several women, the landlady shouted, "Today's not enough for ten rounds, no one is leaving!"

Chen Mo and Xuan Zong stood outside the door, waiting for the person the landlady mentioned would bring the keys.

"You've chosen to follow my practice so you must abide by my rules. I have vowed to retire from the martial world so I cannot be involved with that world again, everything must be done cautiously. If you can endure humiliation, you must do so. You must not be as aggressive and competitive as before. Easily showing so much money like this, if seen by someone with ill intentions, it will inevitably cause trouble."

"I understand." Chen Mo sighed. "Master, it seems that once you're in the martial world, you can't escape it easily. Retiring is not that easy."

At this moment, a fat drunkard, red-faced and with a thick neck, staggered over to the two.

He chuckled and threw a key at them.

"I'm the landlord here, you can call me Fat Cat. My wife told me to give the key to room 302 to two country bumpkins who came from the countryside. Even from this distance, I could tell it was you two at a glance, hehe."

With that, Fat Cat burped, took another swig of alcohol, and staggered away.

Chen Mo was still somewhat annoyed by his words, but Xuan Zong was not angry and kept smiling.

Fat Cat mumbled "The toilet is over there, the bathhouse is over there, no cooking with fire here. The steamed buns at Lame's downstairs are pretty good, as for those girls at Luxi's... forget it, you two country bumpkins probably don't have the money for that."

After giving some directions, Fat Cat lazily left, carrying his bottle of alcohol.

When Xuan Zong and Chen Mo opened the door and saw the room, which was less than ten square meters, with only a shabby wardrobe and a simple bed made of bricks, they couldn't help but frown.

"Everyone here lives like this, and we can too. This is life."

Xuan Zong's words sounded more like encouraging himself, Chen Mo nodded in agreement and the two began to tidy up the room.

Late at night.

Xuan Zong and Chen Mo, who had finally finished tidying up the room, came to the water pipe of the Pig Cage Village holding wooden basins in line to fetch water. They saw Fat Cat, the landlord walking back and forth in the yard alone, looking worried and troubled.

At this moment, Fat Cat was completely sober, paying no attention to the greetings of passersby.

"What's wrong with him?" Chen Mo quietly asked the labourer behind him, pointing to Fat Cat.

The labourer, emanating a stench of sweat, couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Chen Mo pointing at Fat Cat.

"You'll see in a moment."

As the women on the top floor tiredly left after playing cards, the landlady's shout suddenly came.

"Fat Cat, come back to bed!"


Fat Cat responded weakly, feeling a cold sweat on his forehead and his feet getting weak. He staggered back to his room, feeling as if it wasn't his home, but a dangerous hell.

(End of chapter 51)
