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DS Chapter 56

 Chapter 56: Return

Seeing the arrival of these six natural disasters, Chen Mo couldn't help but imagine the scene of his group being summoned by investigator Jack.

Four men and two women, the six natural disasters, after a brief confusion quickly realized their situation.

Although these experienced natural disasters were only first-level predators, their strength was undoubtedly much stronger than Chen Mo and the other trial participants. After a brief exchange, they led the Crocodile gang members against the Hive organization members into a fierce battle, while the Pier gang members became supporting roles.

Watching this intense battle from the shadows, Chen Mo couldn't help but take a deep breath. Then he suddenly realized something.

"From the perspective of this world, we are the villains, the bad guys."

There was no doubt that the Hive Organization was the guardian of this world, on the side of justice, targeting individuals and forces that abuse the powers of disasters, launching attacks to prevent the spread of disaster related powers and maintaining the independence of local forces.

At this stage, natural disasters belonged to the chaotic side, but they were mostly just tools for violent roles.

After understanding all this, Chen Mo no longer had the mood to continue joining in the excitement, so slowly retreated.

After all, he was just a level-0 natural disaster undergoing the trial of starving ghost, wanting to make good use of his traveler’s talent, steadily improve in a low-key manner and had no intention of adding difficulty to himself by joining the tasks of these experienced natural disasters.

Since the Hive organization was prepared, the tasks of these natural disasters were definitely not easy to complete but that had nothing to do with him.

Back at the Pig Cage village, Xuan Zong had already fallen asleep. The peaceful environment here, in contrast to the bloody battle at the dock finally helped Chen Mo understand why Xuan Zong had chosen to retire.

In this world, in this era, guarding a peaceful life was also a precious wealth.

The next day.

The dock workers clearly noticed something unusual about the dock, but they were all poor people who came out to earn a living so no one would said anything and everyone just worked to feed their families and protect their peaceful lives.

After the dock workers had worked hard for a day, brother Long finally appeared with the members of the Pier gang.

"The Crocodile Gang has been defeated by our Pier gang. Starting today for all the dock workers working here, the previous gang and protection fees will be combined into one, five yuan per person per month. The rules will follow those of the Crocodile Gang: the first time, a finger will be cut off and the second time, they will be thrown into the river."



The dock workers were shocked. The Crocodile Gang was gone, but their exploitation not only did not decrease, but they also had to pay an extra yuan per month. Just yesterday, there were still many people helping the Pier gang here!

"I also participated in the battle yesterday, helping you fight the Crocodile Gang. Why should I pay!"

"Get lost!"

A group of people surrounded him and started beating him.

They had just driven away the wolves and before they could breathe in relief the tigers had arrived and exploited them worse.


Xuan Zong and the dock workers around Chen Mo sighed helplessly but they had no choice. They could only grit their teeth and reluctantly squeeze out an extra yuan from their own pockets each month.

"This bastard, if I had known, I wouldn't have taken him in."

A dock worker muttered under his breath. He had often boasted that he was the one who had recommended brother Long when he first entered the dock.

"I should have just killed him with a stick back then!" Another dock worker gritted his teeth.

Chen Mo's face darkened as he took out the crumpled five yuan bill and lined up to hand it over, and gave a deep look at the smug brother Long and quietly left.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, the anger he had suffered from this guy over the past few months was hard to dispel. Perhaps from the perspective of this world, he represented evil and chaos but that didn't stop Chen Mo from wanting to find a way to get rid of him before leaving. 

"As an elite-level fighter, given some more time, he might grow into a small leader-level figure, I must act before that happens."

Brother Long, who was acting arrogantly on the dock, naturally didn't know that among the dock workers, there was a pair of eyes watching him closely, waiting for an opportunity.

Chen Mo's opportunity came soon.

As usual, Chen Mo who came to work at the dock noticed that the leader of the Pier gang had suffered serious injuries. He didn't know if it was because of the natural disasters from last night or a conflict with other gangs nearby. He had a bandage around his forehead and didn't look as agile as usual.

Chen Mo speculated that it was probably because of the natural disasters.

It was likely that the Hive Organization had supported many forces similar to the Pier gang in Nightless City. These emerging gangs naturally had to eliminate the old gangs and the natural disasters summoned by them. It was only natural to occasionally suffer some injuries.

Silent and unnoticed, Chen Mo mingled among the dock workers and using his traveller’s talent he released the despicable mind shield towards Brother Long.

The nature of this skill was that the shield it releases is silent and goes unnoticed by others. Therefore, Brother Long did not notice anything unusual. But in Chen Mo's eyes there was a thin layer of negative energy attached to Brother Long's body surrounding him. It was very stable most of the time and it will only be triggered when suddenly attacked.

As time passed, after twenty seconds, the strength of this cloak of negative energy reached its limit. Once it was attacked, it would instantly turn into a dangerous bomb!

"I'm sorry."

Chen Mo was certainly not apologizing to Brother Long. He accidentally bumped into a dock worker who was moving cargo, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the river. The cargo he was carrying naturally suffered damage and compensation would be unavoidable.

This undoubtedly caused chaos nearby, with some people trying to salvage the cargo and others blaming each other. Seizing this opportunity, Chen Mo activated Psychic bullet Lv4!


Unknown to him, thirty meters away, Brother Long, who was lying down with a teapot in hand, had a silent and lethal psychic bullet fall upon the reversed despicable mind shield, instantly triggering an explosion. 

When the nearby henchmen rushed over to check, they were stunned. 


"Dragon Brother!!"

Brother Long, who had just been lying there resting, was now completely blackened, as if he had been burnt to a crisp, turning into a corpse.

With the combination of the reversed despicable mind shield and the sneak attack of Psychic bullet Lv4, Chen Mo had actually killed this injured elite-level expert with one blow. He instilled an unprecedented deterrence in the Pier gang's members, making everyone feel threatened, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Who is the master here?"

"Please show yourself!"

Facing the shouts of the Pier gang's henchmen, Chen Mo naturally ignored them.

Many dock workers, upon learning of the incident were briefly shocked but immediately turned into applause, discussing who this hidden expert could be, actually being able to silently kill the Pier gang's leader. It was truly extraordinary, showing that there are always people beyond their understanding.

Time passed.

Unknowingly, Chen Mo had been with Xuan Zong for eight months.

As the deadline for the departure approached, he could feel the attraction of the temporal powers of the Disaster world becoming more and more stronger. Until one morning, Chen Mo received a prompt from the Light Brain Data Chip.

Prompt: The temporal power is about to reach the critical value. Would you like to return to the disaster world?

Xuan Zong, who was about to teach Chen Mo the basics of martial arts, saw Chen Mo hesitating and not moving. He asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid I have to leave now" Chen Mo said making Xuan Zong stunned for a moment. Then with a pensive look, he said solemnly "In that case, it’s time for me to truly retire."

Chen Mo knew that their parting this time might be a farewell.


"You are my final disciple." After saying this, Xuan Zong waved his hand and calmly left the room.

As the space around him distorted, Chen Mo felt himself being pulled by a tremendous force, dragged towards a vortex of energy.

It was the grey space where after the mission settlement natural disasters temporarily resided.

Beyond the vortex, light shone through. Instinctively, Chen Mo took a step forward. His body seemed to pass through a curtain of water and he appeared in the square of the gathering grounds of River of Sorrows in the disaster world. The sky was still dark and the air dry was filled with sand and dust, creating a stark contrast to the Hive world.

People were coming and going in the square continuously entering and exiting through the teleportation gate behind them.

‘I have returned to the disaster world.’

Everything in the Hive world felt like a dream and life in the Pig Cage village seemed like it had happened overnight.

This was the true reality. After a brief moment of confusion, Chen Mo hurried to the Disaster Academy.

The trial of the starving ghosts was not an ordinary disaster task. It was both a trial for the starving ghosts in the disaster world and a benefit for them.

The strong survived and the weak perished.

As long as one could pass the trial, it meant officially advancing to a level 1 disaster predator. This change was not just in title, it also involved the permissions of the natural disasters' in Light Brain Data Chip and the comprehensive enhancement of physical attributes brought by the graduation certificate.

Of course. Compared to the rewards of passing the starving ghost trial, what Chen Mo wanted to know more now was about the time flow rate of the disaster world during his stay in the Hive world for half a year using his tarveler’s talent.


When Qing Hong saw Chen Mo, she smiled broadly. He had indeed come back alive. 

"Tian Tian said that after your mission ended, you chose to temporarily stay in the mission world instead of coming back immediately. I was a little unsure if you would come back."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mo immediately took out a skill scroll and handed it over.

"If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I would have had a hard time completing this trial. Thank you."

Upon seeing this, Mentor Qing Hong rolled her eyes and said "Do you think you can dismiss me with this junk? You previously said, 'Throw a pear at me, and I'll repay you with a pearl.' Is this your pearl?"


Seeing Chen Mo's embarrassed look Qing Hong couldn't help but laugh. 

"Take it."

Pointing at the energy stone with a special engraving, she gestured "This is your graduation certificate, I've already reported the serial number of your Light Brain Data Chip. Hurry to the medical depot and advance to become a disaster predator."

The two chatted for a while longer.

As Chen Mo was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way Mentor how long has it been since Tian Tain and the group been back?"

"It's been two days. Why?"

Chen Mo said "Nothing, I just wanted to check the flow of time. Since I've seen you the last it feels like ages."

Mentor Qing Hong laughed heartily at his words not pursuing the topic further and waved for Chen Mo to go about his business.

After leaving the academy, Chen Mo looked pensive. He had spent over half a year in the Hive world, yet only two days had passed in the Disaster world?

It seemed that although the traveller’s talent would consume some time and space flow rate it was quite limited.

(End of chapter 56)
