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DS Chapter 59

 Chapter 59: Yuan Yang Bone

The training area was next to the strengthening area and after that was the medical area.

When Chen Mo was promoted to a Disaster Predator, he had visited the medical area so there was no need to say more about it.

As for the strengthening area, it was composed of countless independent rooms. People came and went in the area, most of them in a hurry. Some were full of expectations, some were excited but the vast majority showed disappointment.

Chen Mo walked into one of the strengthening rooms. There was only a curved display screen and a bubble-like device inside.

"Welcome to the strengthening area, please put the equipment you need to enchant and strengthen inside the enhancer."

The so-called enhancer naturally referred to this bubble-like magical device.

Chen Mo quickly asked "Please inform me of the corresponding strengthening rules for enchanting equipment."

On the curved screen in the room a series of prompts quickly appeared.

Prompt: Enchanting equipment from Lv1 to Lv3 requires 30 disaster contribution points for each enchantment, with a success rate of 100% and a failure rate of 0%.

Prompt: Enchanting equipment from Lv4 to Lv6 requires 100 disaster contribution points for each enchantment with a success rate of 80%. If failed, the equipment's enchantment level remains unchanged.

Prompt: Enchanting equipment from Lv7 to Lv9 requires 300 disaster contribution points for each enchantment, with a success rate of 50%. If failed, the equipment's enchantment level reverts to Lv1.

Prompt: Enchanting equipment to Lv10 requires 1000 points of disaster contribution points for each enchantment, with a success rate of 30%. If failed, the equipment will be destroyed.

Chen Mo had already read relevant information from the library's books but even after confirming it again now he couldn't help but be amazed.

Enchanting equipment to Lv3, it goes without saying, only requires 90 points of disaster contribution points. But if you want to upgrade to Lv4 and gain Lv4's additional attributes you have to face a 20% failure rate, losing 100 disaster contribution points.

And that's not all. If you want to enchant equipment to Lv7 and gain Lv7's additional attributes even if your luck isn't too bad, theoretically you should prepare at least 1000 disaster contribution points to be safe.

Not to mention, from Lv4 to Lv6 there is a 20% failure rate each time it is enchanted and a loss of 100 points of disaster contribution points after failure.

When enchanting equipment to Lv7, there will be a 50% failure rate. After failure the equipment's enchantment level will drop to Lv1 and you will have to start over. Therefore, preparing 1000 disaster contribution points is naturally reasonable, as no one can guarantee success every time.

As for upgrading equipment's enchantment level to Lv10, Chen Mo for now really can't imagine it.

Not to mention upgrading equipment to Lv9, even if your luck is above the passing line you still need to prepare at least 4000 disaster contribution points. If the luck is bad, when trying to upgrade from Lv7 to Lv8 or from Lv8 to Lv9, with frequent failures even tens of thousands of points of disaster contribution points would not be enough.

Just the process of upgrading to Lv10, besides needing 1000 points of disaster contribution points, the success rate is only a mere 30%. The consequence after failure is that the equipment will be directly destoyed. Such a cost is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

After all, the equipment that is willing to be enchanted to Lv10 must have extremely precious attributes. This kind of top-grade equipment, the cost of directly destroying it is too great for any natural disaster.

"Even a Level-4 Disaster Lord probably wouldn't be willing, right?"

However, Chen Mo remembered seeing in a book a gem called the Sunstone, which has the effect of ensuring a 100% chance of enchanting a piece of equipment by one level.

Its price needless to say must be outrageously expensive. And this is undoubtedly a crucial item for upgrading equipment from Lv9 to Lv10.

After leaving the strengthening area, Chen Mo wandered around the gathering place and arrived at the cafeteria.

Now that he had a basic understanding of the gathering place, it was time to return to his former abode and search for the Yuan Yang Bone.

The journey is long, so he naturally needs to prepare enough food. He didn't want to finally leave that barren land alive only to die on the way back the second time.

The survival meals in the gathering place had a corresponding limit for each person every day, so they couldn't be taken away.

After browsing for a while in the cafeteria, Chen Mo finally chose the black bread that Stone had eaten the most according to his memory. It was the most cost-effective food, rich in fats and energy, often used by natural disasters to raise their offspring. One piece of black bread was enough for two days.

Just to be safe, Chen Mo bought five pieces of black bread in one go spending 5 disaster contribution points and put them in the bag he had already prepared.

The corrosiveness of disaster energy to food was very high. If placed in the storage space it wouldn't take long before it turned to ashes.

"In some ways, the degree of nutrient intake also determines the potential of starving ghosts in their infancy."

In Stone's memory Chen Mo recalled his days of eating black bread day after day, unable to help shaking his head and sighing.

"How could one possibly grow if he is malnutritioned?"

Of the 222 disaster contribution points on him since he returned these few days he had already spent 6 points on daily food and now another 5 points, leaving 211 points.

Seeing how quickly he had consumed the hard-earned disaster contribution points, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken, and this was just for maintaining the most ordinary life in the disaster world.

It seemed that if he didn't leave the disaster world soon and continued to carry out disaster missions, the 200 plus points Chen Mo had earned so hard would at most allow him to barely maintain a normal life in this world for three to four months.

Of course, If he was willing to eat black bread every day, even with some survival meals and lower his living standards he could definitely maintain for a longer time, but this was not the life Chen Mo wanted. Otherwise, how would he be any different from those parasites? 

Following the route in his memory, Chen Mo set out alone towards the skull-shaped abode where Stone had once lived.

After leaving the gathering place of River of Sorrows, looking around all he could see was desolation.

The sky was grey, the ground was grey and only at the horizon those skeletal remains like wind-blown ruins decorated the space between heaven and earth.

Compared to before with the enhancement of Basic Footwork Lv7, Chen Mo could be said to be as light as a feather on the way. In just one day he had already completed most of the journey. It looked like if everything went smoothly, he could arrive at his destination tomorrow afternoon.

Night fell.

As the temperature gradually dropped, it became colder and colder. Just as Chen Mo was about to find a large skeleton to shelter from the cold night, a sharp chirping came from the far end of the sky.

Chen Mo looked over and saw that at the end of the skyline, a shadow of a giant bird was getting bigger and bigger and soon it passed by overhead. In an instant, it was like being swept by a gale, with ashes flying everywhere.

Underneath the giant bird's wings, Chen Mo couldn't help but show a look of envy.

"Such speed, I guess it wouldn't even take two hours to travel from the gathering place to Stone's former home?"

Seeing the giant bird, with wings spread out to more than ten meters, gradually disappearing, Chen Mo dusted himself off and hid among the bones.

The cold night wind made him shiver uncontrollably and he curled up tightly enduring until dawn the next day.

The next day.

After gnawing on the tough black bread Chen Mo continued on his journey towards his destination.

Through his own experimentation, although both were common foods worth 1 point of disaster contribution points, the cost-effectiveness of black bread was indeed much higher than that of rice, noodles and other ingredients Chen Mo usually ate, the only downside was the much worse taste.

It was around two o'clock in the afternoon when Chen Mo finally returned to Stone's former home.

The huge skull room, with the skeletal gate slightly ajar, stood amidst the sand and dust, looking somewhat abrupt, contrasting noticeably with it’s surroundings not far from the rushing tributary of the River of Sorrow.

Standing in front of the gate, he looked into the distance. Chen Mo noticed the two starving ghosts chasing and playing around. Although it was difficult to distinguish their identities from a distance, it was not hard to guess that they must be Monkey and Honey, Stone's childhood playmates.

The two seemed to have noticed the unfamiliar figure here and stopped, standing in the distance watching. Chen Mo paid no attention to them.

After pushing open the skeletal gate and seeing that the room's layout hadn't changed at all he smiled with relief and went straight to the bed. Soon, he found the warm white bone that had left an impression on him.

"Is this the Yuan Yang Bone?"

Because this bone was not small in size and was not light when Chen Mo left, although he noticed its unusualness, he did not take it with him. It wasn't until he read about the Yuan Yang Bone at the end of Tong Zi that he remembered this strange bone.

Chen Mo tried to place the Yuan Yang Bone in the storage space but found that it did not have magical properties and could not be stored long-term.

"Right, if it had magical properties, Stone's mother would have taken it." Muttering to himself, Chen Mo’s spirits lifted.

"However, this should be the Yuan Yang Bone. It seems that after a certain monster with fire abilities died, its throat bone was found by Stone's mother and used as a heating tool. I just don't know who this unlucky guy was to get abducted to the disaster world by the natural disasters. According to Tong Zi after destroying the Yuan Yang Bone, there will be some Yang Marrow inside. Once exposed to air, the Yang Marrow will quickly dissipate, so it must be applied to the body as soon as possible for absorption."

Chen Mo weighed the bone which weighted almost seven or eight catties and silently contemplated. He quickly made a decision.

"I'll take a bath first to make the Yang Marrow more effective."

Thinking that he had come all the way dusty and dirty, his body already covered in ashes, if he caused its effectiveness to decrease, it would be really not worth it.

Outside was a tributary of the River of Sorrow, the place where Stone used to play with Honey and Monkey when he was young, taking a bath wouldn't waste much time.

Another thing worth mentioning is that almost all natural disasters who raise their offspring outside will build their homes near rivers, so as to facilitate water collection. This is also the reason why almost every starving ghost knows how to swim. The reason why it's almost everyone is naturally because of Mu Tan.

Otherwise, in such a barren disaster world, natural disasters would not only face food problems but also water problems, undoubtedly greatly increasing the probability of starving ghosts’ deaths.

(End of chapter 59)
