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DS Chapter 47

 Chapter 47: The Artificial Man 

The five meter wide light screen slowly split open to the left and right revealing the complex mechanical device behind it.

This was a capsule-like mechanical chamber about two and a half meters high.


As the pipes connecting to the chamber fell off one after another the high pressure inside seemed to be released continuously spewing out white smoke filling the air with the smell of oil.

Looking through the transparent upper part of the mechanical chamber, a naked man soaked in the liquid can be seen. Slowly, under everyone's gaze, he opened his blood-red eyes.

"Be careful."

Lucia swallowed nervously and said cautiously, "This is the artificial man created by Dr. White."

Compared to the Western continent's ability users who relied more on the power of technology, Xuan Zong born in the ancient Xuan country of the Eastern continent had an obvious skeptical attitude towards these mechanical products of technology.


With a terrible energy shock wave, the capsule-like mechanical chamber was pushed open by the internal pressure and a large amount of viscous liquid gushed out.

The man inside the chamber knelt on one knee and stood up slowly in a terminator-like posture. His cold and stern appearance seemed to be full of male hormones, his blood-red eyes looked at his hands in confusion. With slight movement of his fingers, the machinery under his skin made sound of metal gears turning.

The crowd silently stepped back staring at this half-mechanical monster. In the flashing alarm lights of the base the oppressive force of the half-mechanical man was obviously stronger. Even if he were to punch Xuan Zong to pieces, Chen Mo would not be surprised.

"Just now the big screen showed 52%, does that mean it can only exert 52% of its strength?" Facing Han Xue's question, Chen Mo shook his head. He was not sure what it meant. The appearance of this artificial man gave him a strange feeling. It was like someone was screaming desperately in a sealed space although the people outside couldn't hear it they could faintly feel that sense of despair.

Just then, the artificial man seemed to notice something and looked at his arm. Perhaps due to the violent exit from the chamber just now there were obvious damage to the artificial skin on his arm revealing the metal skeleton and metal circuits inside. This seemed perfectly normal to everyone and no one paid much attention. But the artificial man seemed to be startled by his own appearance, he screamed loudly, showing great fear and reluctance to accept it.


The artificial man's scream was full of primal fear and repression.

This sudden change startled everyone and they all took two steps back silently maintaining a safe distance. Even Xuan Zong who had just acted indifferent couldn't help but feel a little nervous, no one knew what this artificial man would do next.

To everyone's astonishment, the artificial man used his other hand to tear open the damaged artificial skin on his arm, completely exposing the metal skeleton and circuitry inside. The more he did this, the more frightened he became and the larger the area of artificial skin he tore open himself.

Until he tore off all the artificial skin from his body revealing the metal structure inside, the blood-red metallic eyeballs kept turning, looking at his half-mechanized self seemingly unable to accept that this was his true appearance.

After the initial fear, he hugged his head with his hands and let out a desperate cry, looking at the people present. This was completely different from what everyone had imagined.

"Save me, what has happened to me, why have I become like this"

Even though the voice was synthesized by the machinery Chen Mo could still feel the terror and despair in it, unable to accept this cruel reality.

The people were also horrified by the bizarre scene before them.

Especially when this artificial man, in front of everyone kept tearing off his artificial skin, revealing the metal skeletal structure inside, the feeling of terror and despair was truly hair-raising.

To be honest, Chen Mo would rather face a humanoid killing machine at this moment than confront such a bizarre scene. He was just like those bio-beasts.

Clearly possessing human intelligence but imprisoned in the body of a monster.

Especially when he saw the expressions of fear on the faces of Xuan Zong, Lucia, Lei Wu, Chen Mo, Ku Wu, and Han Xue when they looked at him, that feeling was even more desperate than death.

Under everyone's gaze, this half-mechanical man, who had torn off his own artificial skin, began to go mad, inflicting self-harm.

He first roared and used his right hand to tear off his left arm. Along with a short circuit in the wires sparks kept coming out of the joints of the metal arm. When the blood-red eyeballs saw the mechanical arm torn off by themselves, they immediately screamed and threw it away, filled with fear and disgust.

Then his right hand gathered a ball of crimson flames and under the high temperature his right hand became extremely red. No one would doubt the power of energy he was gathering at this moment. Then, unbelievably he used this fire fist to blast towards his own body!


With a loud explosion, more than a dozen metal parts blasted out of the chest of this half-mechanical man and the body emitting black smoke, flew backward. But immediately after he staggered to his feet as if nothing had happened, but in doing so he let out a even more hysterical scream.

With a bang at an incredible speed, this half-mechanical man slammed into the wall, creating a human-shaped dent in it, after that, his fingers emitted rays similar to Xuan Zong's finger technique. 

In the astonished gaze of everyone, this artificial man actually used seven or eight combat skills in a row, beginning the process of a self-destruction. In the huge room, apart from the urgent alarm, there was a moment of silence.

The weakened artificial man stretched out his right hand and twisted his own neck, the mechanical head with eyes emitting red light rolled in front of Chen Mo.


The energy core in the artificial man's remains underwent a violent explosion. The flames instantly ignited the viscous liquid flowing out of the mechanical chamber and then the entire room was engulfed in flames.

Gulp. Chen Mo, witnessing this scene, couldn't help but swallow hard.

Not only Chen Mo, but everyone was shocked, staying silent for a long time unable to recover.

Finally Lucia was the first to react stammering, "Inside it, it seems like a person was trapped?"

Although Lucia's words sounded strange, everyone present could understand what she meant.

Chen Mo couldn't help but speculate, "Perhaps Dr. White didn't have time to debug it. It seems that in order to better replicate human intelligence in the artificial human, he turned a living person into a machine. And when this person woke up they couldn't accept themselves like this, suffered a mental breakdown and committed suicide?"

After hearing Chen Mo's analysis Lucia felt her hair stand on end.

If one day I woke up and found myself trapped in such a machine, I would probably go crazy too.

"Regardless, let's leave here as soon as possible. They will probably notice the fire here soon."

"They" referred to the two subordinates who had left the base.

Although Xuan Zong had avenged his grudge and was shocked by the suicide of the artificial man, he felt extremely despondent when he thought that his future martial arts path would come to an end after taking the damage recovery agent and that his three friends who came to rescue him had all died in front of him.

"In case those thugs who went out to search for us come back we will inevitably have to fight again."

Reminded by Xuan Zong the others who were shocked by the artificial man's suicide regained their spirits. After taking a last look at the burning mechanical remains they left Dr. White's laboratory lost in thought.

"Wait a moment!"

After taking the skill scrolls from the Cyclops leader, Lei Wu also took his clothes, shoes and silver pistol, storing them in his storage space. Then, he unexpectedly threw an item toward Chen Mo.

It was his eyepatch!

As Chen Mo picked up the silver pistol that Dr. White had dropped and caught the eyepatch he couldn't help but look surprised.

"If nothing unexpected happens after this mission the three of us will form a team, although their strength is still lacking, they have gained my trust. Consider this equipment compensation for you and also as a gift from me!"

Chen Mo, who had received the eyepatch, nodded at the words and did not refuse.


Seeing Xuan Zong, Lucia and the others had already left the base, Chen Mo knew that there were probably still many good things in the base. However, having already completed the mission, he was unwilling to take further risks to deal with Black Tiger Dragon, the black-clothed lackey leader and the large number of lackeys they had taken away. He quickly left the base as well.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions in the base continued and billowing smoke rose into the sky. The waves of heat on their backs seemed to push everyone away from this place of sin.

"Hurry up!"

Tian Tian, who had been waiting outside for a long time, couldn't help but urge loudly when she saw everyone come out safely.

The group first went deep into the forest to pick up Xiaoya who had been waiting for a long time and then according to the agreed location with Jake, they quietly waited on the beach.

The jeep from Dr. White's base passed by not far from the place at the beach twice, but they did not notice the group.

Chen Mo and the others did not want to attract any more attention so they quietly leaned against the stone wall enjoying the sunbath and the last sausages gazing at the vast blue sea.

The experiences of the past three days flashed before their eyes like a series of images.

"Look over there!"

Lucia was the first to notice the cruise ship on the sea.

Unlike Jake's small boat three days ago this cruise ship was huge measuring about seventy to eighty meters in length with decks about two to three stories high above the sea surface, and there were many figures on board.

Needless to say, Jake must have returned with investigators from the Western Continent.

Everyone ran towards the sea jumping and waving their arms vigorously.



A few minutes later a man and a woman embraced and wept.

Lucia kept crying about the cruel experiences she had endured during this time, while Jake kept comforting her, saying that they would fight the evil Hive organization to the end.

Xiaoya suddenly ran to Chen Mo and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you so much. If it weren't for you guys, I'm afraid I would have..." She sobbed, tears streaming down her neck.

Chen Mo felt a little bit awkard and at a loss for what to do.

Amidst Tian Tian's mischievous laughter, Chen Mo desperately moved his buttocks backwards creating some space between them to avoid more awkwardness.

After a while Xiaoya, who had been crying finally controlled her emotions. She followed everyone onto the ship, constantly looking back at Chen Mo.

"If you like her, you can spend some points to choose to stay here for a while," Tian Tian said unexpectedly.

"Forget it" Chen Mo responded in a barely audible voice.

Jake looked at everyone. As Chen Mo and the others approached, they handed over the information from Dr. White's base one by one and received their mission prompts.

Prompt: You have completed the Starving Ghost Trial mission.

Prompt: You have earned 30 points.

Prompt: You can leave the mission world at any time during the thirty-minute non-combat period.

Prompt: After thirty minutes, if you choose to continue staying in the mission world, you will lose 10 points of Disaster Contribution Points each day for the first ten days and then lose the corresponding number of points for each subsequent day, for example, 11 points on the eleventh day, 12 points on the twelfth day, and so on.

Lei Wu, Ku Wu, Han Xue and Tian Tian did not hesitate at all choosing to return. They gradually faded away in front of everyone.


Chen Mo also felt a strong attraction pulling him, gradually detaching him from this world.

(End of chapter 47)
