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Showing posts from April, 2024

DS Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Evaluation Criteria At dusk, Chen Mo arrived at the gate of the Disaster Academy. According to mentor Qing Hong's living habits, this time period was generally when she was relatively free. "Here to see me?" After waiting for a while, mentor Qing Hong finally appeared. Today, she was wearing a dress and high heels that made a clattering sound. Upon seeing Chen Mo, she smiled and walked over. "Mentor Qing Hong!" Chen Mo smiled in response. "Indeed, I came to see you. After being promoted to a Predator, I haven't had the chance to add you to my contacts." "At least you have a conscience."   Although she said this, Qing Hong's face was full of smiles. Prompt: You have added Qing Hong as a contact. "So what's up you little rascal? What do you need this time?" Uh? Feeling embarrassed, Chen Mo sheepishly said, "I do have two things I'd like to ask about, mentor." Following that, Chen Mo informed Mento

DS Chapter 63

  Chapter 63: Fully Prepared Early the next day. The temperature was still a bit cold, but Chen Mo came to the square early in the morning. He continued to set up his stall in the same spot as yesterday, displaying the Salamander recovery potion, white-quality shoes and the Despiser Pistol. Gradually, more people gathered in the square. Just like yesterday, many people showed strong interest in the Despiser Pistol. However, what Chen Mo sold first today was the pair of white-quality shoes. "Can 20 points be accepted?" After hearing the price of 25 points, the natural disaster in front of him hesitated for a long time and then asked tentatively. This made him look up and take a closer look at the female natural disaster. "From the Disaster Academy?" "Yes." After confirming the other party's identity and thinking of his own hardships at the beginning, Chen Mo didn't say much and agreed to the deal. Prompt: Your disaster contribution points +20. With